Платная доработка на тему Проблемы интеграции в постсоветском пространстве
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1. The relevance of integration processes. 7
1.1 The main goals of integration. 8
1.2 Integration processes in the post-Soviet space. 8
2. Conditions and factors for the development of
integration processes in the post-Soviet space. 12
2.1 Prerequisites for integration processes in the
post-Soviet space. 12
2.2 Incentives and stages of post-Soviet integration. 18
3.1 Domestic policy and integration. 21
3.2 Manipulation and reliability of obligations. 23
3.3 Competition of jurisdictions. 27
4. Prospects for the integration of the post-Soviet space. 28
4.1 The concept of further development of the CIS. 29
4.2 The main goals and objectives of the CIS development 32
Bibliography. 38
Today, the active participation
and role of any country in the world economy is determined not only and not so
much by economic potential, performance and national growth indicators, but by
the efficiency of work at the level of interstate and supranational
organizations and associations, and the degree of integration into them.
Therefore, the most important task facing Russia is the formation of effective
relationships, multi-vector cooperation and effective interaction with other
countries and associations. This task is most important and in demand on the
territory of the CIS — acting as a kind of economic and political bridge
between the largest integration associations of Europe and Asia, providing an
opportunity to preserve and enhance the traditions of joint activities with the
global needs of modernity. So, on the one hand, the CIS is the sphere of
strategic interests of Russia, on the other, Russia itself is a zone of
national interests of the Commonwealth states, which forms the unity of common
interests and opportunities for further development.
The paper analyzes the historical
retrospective of integration processes in the post-Soviet space, examines the
ways and prospects for their further development. It also examines in detail
the problems of the formation and functioning of Eurasian cooperation, the
effectiveness of interaction with individual states, analyzes the causes of
failures, emphasizes joint achievements, note the prospects for integration
processes between various CIS countries and give practical recommendations to
increase their effectiveness in the post-Soviet space.
So, summing up, we can draw the
following conclusions. Integration in the post-Soviet space is based on such
objective factors as the division of labor that developed in the past,
technological interdependence, and elements of a common cultural and civilizational
The integration process within
the framework of the post-Soviet space in many respects begins, as it were,
from a new mark. This is largely due to the fact that, by its very nature, the
agreement on the Commonwealth of Independent States has a dual orientation. On
the one hand, it is aimed at the final dismantling of old economic structures,
on the other, it provides for the organization of qualitatively new relations
between sovereign states, the formation and maintenance of a single economic
(market) space.
The results of integration in the
post-Soviet space turned out to be contradictory: many agreements were reached,
but most of them were not implemented. At the same time, the Commonwealth did
not disintegrate and, on the whole, proved the expediency of its existence.
The economic transformations
carried out in the newly independent states have given rise to the need to
develop a new (market) mechanism for maintaining production and economic ties,
transforming them into interstate ones. Trade and economic relations in these
conditions should be coordinated with the socio-economic reforms that the CIS
countries have embarked on, with their striving to take into account the norms
of "foreign economic behavior" adopted in world trade practice as
much as possible.
At the present stage of
integration, it is advisable not to oppose multilateral cooperation and
bilateral ties, but, on the contrary, to make fuller use of the potential of
the latter, since bilateral mechanisms are more specific, simpler and allow not
only to better coordinate the interests of partners, but also to better prepare
and implement multilateral cooperation.
As for the use of multilateral
forms, there are enough possibilities here:
— Restoration of multi-link
technological chains with the participation of cooperating firms from different
CIS countries;
— Carrying out a coordinated
investment policy based on the use of new organizational forms: transnational
joint stock companies, holdings, joint ventures, transnational corporations;
— Creation of joint investment
funds with the allocation of priority areas of their use;
— Coordination and implementation
of an agreed structural policy with selective support of the most priority
sectors and types of production;
— the gradual creation of a
payment union, starting with the normalization of bilateral payment and
settlement relations between the CIS states, organizing the work of the
Interstate Bank to create a system and ending with the implementation in the
future of an agreed (and then a single) monetary and foreign exchange policy.
As far as one can judge, the
political regimes of the post-Soviet countries have a significant impact on the
prospects for regional economic integration in the CIS. However, the nature of
this impact is ambiguous. We have considered four possible channels of
communication between political systems and the peculiarities of the
integration process: the role of domestic policy in the process of shaping
decisions in the field of integration; the problem of fulfilling obligations
and manipulation; the role of mutual support for non-democratic regimes; and
the role of jurisdictional competition as a mechanism to enhance the quality of
government economic policy. In all four cases, the specific mechanisms of interaction
between political regimes and integration processes may differ significantly.
No fewer questions remain from the normative point of view: is it possible,
despite the dominance of non-democratic regimes in the post-Soviet space, to
find an efficiently functioning format of regional integration? This, in our
opinion, can be considered an important argument in favor of a more detailed
study of the influence of political systems of post-Soviet countries on
integration processes in the CIS region.
Фрагмент текста работы:
Today, the active participation
and role of any country in the world economy is determined not only and not so
much by economic potential, performance and national growth indicators, but by
the efficiency of work at the level of interstate and supranational
organizations and associations, and the degree of integration into them.
Therefore, the most important task facing Russia is the formation of effective
relationships, multi-vector cooperation and effective interaction with other
countries and associations. This task is most important and in demand on the
territory of the CIS — acting as a kind of economic and political bridge
between the largest integration associations of Europe and Asia, providing an
opportunity to preserve and enhance the traditions of joint activities with the
global needs of modernity. So, on the one hand, the CIS is the sphere of
strategic interests of Russia, on the other, Russia itself is a zone of
national interests of the Commonwealth states, which forms the unity of common
interests and opportunities for further development.
The paper analyzes the historical
retrospective of integration processes in the post-Soviet space, examines the
ways and prospects for their further development. It also examines in detail
the problems of the formation and functioning of Eurasian cooperation, the
effectiveness of interaction with individual states, analyzes the causes of
failures, emphasizes joint achievements, note the prospects for integration
processes between various CIS countries and give practical recommendations to
increase their effectiveness in the post-Soviet space.