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Платная доработка на тему Parts of speech in the English grammar system

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Introduction 4
Chapter 1. Semantic-syntactic characteristic of significant and service parts of speech 5
1.1. Grammar essence of significant and service parts of speech in English 5
1.2. Comparative analysis of grammatical categories of parts of speech in English and Russian 9
Chapter 2. Grammar peculiarities of adverbs and particles as parts of speech in English 16
2.1. Semantic and syntactic features of an adverb as a significant part of speech in English 16
2.2. Semantic and syntactic features of a particle as a service part of speech in English 25
Conclusion 30
List of literature 31




The system of parts of speech is the basis and the basis of the grammar of any language. As a rule, this material does not cause any particular difficulties for learners of foreign languages, since parts of speech in languages are repeated. Notwithstanding all, for example, in the Russian language there are no articles inherent in many European languages. The classification of nominative units — words, phrases and sentences — has always been at the center of linguistics.
The relevance of this study is that the results obtained in it contribute to obtaining a more holistic view of parts of speech and can be used in further mastering the grammatical structure of the English language. Parts of speech as a grammar class were considered in the works of such linguists as M.Y. Bloch, I.P. Ivanova, V.V. Burlakova, G.G. Pocheptsov, V.V. Vinogradov, C. David, R. Huddleston, G.K. Pullum, B.E. Zernov, B.A. Ilish, T.M. Nikolaeva and others.
The subject of the study is a part of speech. The object is the English grammar system. The aim of the study is to consider parts of speech in the English grammar system. In accordance with this aim the following tasks are set in the study:
− to consider grammar essence of significant and service parts of speech in English;
− to perform a comparative analysis of grammatical categories of parts of speech in English and Russian;
− to consider semantic and syntactic features of an adverb as a significant part of speech in English;
− to investigate semantic and syntactic features of particle as a service part of speech in English.
Within writing the study there will be used such theoretical methods as analogy, classification, analysis and generalization. The study consists from the introduction, two chapters, the conclusion and the list of references.

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Thus, parts of speech are divided into significant and service parts. The significant ones include units that have full lexical meaning; they call objects and concepts, actions, signs of objects and signs of action. Among the significant parts of speech there are distinguished: a numeral, a noun, an adjective, a verb, a pronoun, an adverb and modal words. Service parts of speech include prepositions, conjunctions, conjunctive words, articles and particles. The purpose of the service parts of speech in the language is to indicate some kind of relationship between the words of the significant parts of speech, between sentences or phrases, or clarify the grammatical meaning of the significant parts of speech.
From the point of view of the typological characteristics of the case category in the noun it is possible to note that in English all nouns are divided into two classes: words that are denoting objects, lifeless and not having a category of case, and words that are denoting alive objects and time and having two cases − common and possessive. Semantic possessive cases are as follows: objectivity, animation, possessiveness, subjectivity. The category of case is represented in the system of personal pronouns of the English language by two cases — nominative and objective — with the main semes of objectivity, number and directionality.
Thus, the aim set in the work is achieved and the tasks are fulfilled. The grammar essence of significant and service parts of speech in English was considered and a comparative analysis of grammatical categories of parts of speech in English and Russian was implemented. Semantic and syntactic features of an adverb as a significant part of speech in English and semantic and syntactic features of a particle as a service part of speech in English were investigated.


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Chapter 1. Semantic-syntactic characteristic of significant and service parts of speech

1.1. Grammar essence of significant and service parts of speech in English
Traditionally, words were divided into parts of speech, although this term contradicts the modern meaning of the term “speech”. In fact, the parts of speech are classes of language units, not units of speech. However, this term is so familiar that it is used by most linguists of the world. When people talk about parts of speech, they usually mean the grammatical classification of lexical units of a language, that is, the selection in the language vocabulary of certain words classes that differ from other classes in some grammatical grounds or characteristics.
It should be noted that the change in the number of parts of speech varies from author to author, and there is also the problem of the lack of a unified classification of parts of speech, for example in modern English, German, and Russian. This is explained by the fact that the classification of parts of speech cannot be built on the basis of any one sign, because the vocabulary of a language is a natural system that has been created spontaneously for many millennia, not according to a single plan. Nevertheless, the principles of the basis of classification by parts of speech are developed in linguistics in sufficient detail. The most common definition is the following: parts of speech are the lexical-grammatical sections of words that are grouped on the basis of all the characteristics namely: semantic, morphological, and syntactic, when the ability of a word to perform a particular function within a sentence is taken into account.
The majority of Russian linguists divide parts of speech into significant and service parts in accordance with the tradition of Russian linguistics. The significant ones include units that have full lexical meaning, that is, those that call objects and concepts (desk, table, love, friendship), actions (bring, kill), signs of objects (big, clever), signs of action (quickly, sharply). Possessing full lexical meaning, the significant parts of speech occupy certain syntactic positions in the sentence and thus function as specific members of the sentence (subject, predicate, definition, addition, circumstance). Among the significant parts of speech there are distinguished: a numeral, a noun, an adjective, a verb, a pronoun, an adverb and modal words.
By grammatical meaning, the significant parts of speech are divided into:
− parts of speech that call objects, phenomena, or their signs (noun, adjective, numeral, verb, adverb).
− parts of speech that point objects as quality or quantity, without naming them (pronouns).
− parts of speech that express the speaker’s attitude to the content of the utterance, his feelings and will (modal words, interjections).
It should be considered the grammatical properties of some significant parts of speech. The noun in modern English is characterized by the following features:
▪ Categorical meaning of objectivity. This means that all nouns in a language function in a similar way. Thus, the names of states and properties (activity, freedom, movement) are syntactically equal to a noun denoting objects (table, folk).
▪ The presence of grammatical categories of numbers. The grammatical category of a number in nouns conveys the grammatical meaning of singularity and plurality; the latter means the number of objects more than one.
▪ The presence of certain word-forming morphemes, typical for the whole class of nouns. The most characteristic of them are the following: -er, -ist, -ess, -ness, -ion, ation, -ty, -ment, -ance, -ant.
▪ Various syntactic functions. The noun can be expressed by subject, supplement, nominal part of the composite predicate, definition. For example:
− The child is playing.
− Wendy found the money.
− Sally became a lady.
− David has bought a leather coat.
The peculiarity of English nouns is that they can act as a pre-positive definition in a variable and unchangeable form. For example: a leather coat, a stone wall, John’s house.
The adjective as part of speech is characterized by the following features:
▪ the grammatical meaning of the property of an object or its sign, possessing a certain conditional stability:a long road, a clever child, a nice boy.
▪ certain set of derivational morphemes:-al, -ial, -ful, -less, -y.
▪ for an adjective only one form of inflection is characteristic — degrees of comparison: big — bigger — the biggest; difficult — more difficult — the most difficult.
Notwithstanding all adjectives are able to convey the degree of intensity of a particular property. This ability is absent in relative adjectives in their direct meaning: the house is more wooden than that one.
The main function of adjectives is to define both pre-positive and postpositive. More characteristic is pre-positive function: a clever boy, a capable student.
Another important function of adjectives is the function of the predicative term, that is, the nominal part of the predicate:
− The weather is fine and warm.
Considering a verb as a part of speech it should be noted that the verb is a part of speech that expresses the grammatical meaning of an action that takes place in time. The grammatical meaning of action is understood broadly: it is not only an activity in the true sense of the word, but also a state, and an indication that the object exists, for example:
− He wrote a letter.
− He sits listening to the music.
− A table is a piece of furniture.
The word-changing system of the verb is richer and more varied than in other parts of speech. It includes both the synthetic method (the attachment of formants to the base) and the analytical forms of time, type, mood, voice, person, number.
The verbal structure of the verb is rather poor: affixation is represented by a very small number of suffixes: -ate, -en, -fy, -ize.
Complicated verbs are formed by conversion, as well as verbs are formed by reversion, that is, by shortening the final part of nouns, are common:
− broadcast whitewash;
− tiptoe;
− television←televise.
In a sentence the verb always acts as a predicate. It rarely acts as a definition function:


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