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Платная доработка на тему Лингвокультурологические особенности урбанонимов в городском топонимическом пространстве (на материале названий английских пабов)

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  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
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1.1 Methodological Features and
Approaches to Toponymy. 6

1.2 Toponyms: Classification Problems. 16

1.3 Linguistic Status of Urbanonyms.
Ethnolinguistic Approach to Study of Urbanonyms  20

1.4 Summary of Results 22


2.1 Pubs in the history of English
culture. 24

2.2 Basic principles for formation of
names of pubs 28

2.3. Modern trends in pubs naming. 30

2.4 Structural and semantic analysis
of names of English pubs 32

2.4.1 Structural
features of names of pubs 32

2.4.2 Lexical and
semantic analysis of names of pubs 39

2.5 Pragmatic aspect
in names of pubs. 48

2.5.1 Imagery as key
factor in pragmatic effect enhancement of names of pubs 48

2.5.2 Form and
composition of names of pubs as method of pragmatic effect 53

2.6 Results and Discussion. 57


3.1 The Practical Relevance of the
Research Results in Terms of Teaching and Cultural Studies. 62

3.2 The Practical Relevance of the
Research Results in Terms of Tourism.. 66

3.3 Results and Recommendations 68






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The need to study and typologize
onymic vocabulary arises as an objective requirement to fill the gaps formed
due to ignoring proper names in the description of the lexical systems of
individual languages. The entire set of proper names, territorially limited and
related to one culture and one-time layer, is an onomastic space. The
completeness of the description of such a space can be achieved by using
special methods and techniques of research.

Research of urbanonymic vocabulary,
which is anthropocentric by nature, makes it possible to describe one of the
aspects of the interaction of language and culture, namely, the way how the
lexical system of the language reflects the needs, interests and characteristics
of human behavior being the representative of a certain culture.

Urbanonymy forms an open system that
includes the proper names of intracity objects and is included in toponymy as
its special section. Urbanonym, being the part of the system of intracity
objects names, should be treated as the individual name of an artificially
created object. Urbanonymy includes the names of physical and geographical
objects of the urban area, microtoponyms, hydronyms and oikonyms.

The toponymic worldview embodies the
nature of the culture of each ethnic group and each person. Cultural analysis,
including the search, description and comparison of cultural and historical
information contained in the onomasticon of a particular people, confirms that
in speech the toponym acts as a compressed text. So it is considered as a kind
of cultural text, because it contains information about associations,
representations, background knowledge about the specific object.

As a linguistic fact, English proper
names obey the internal laws of the English language. Nevertheless, it seems
necessary to take into account the originality of this class of words at all
levels of linguistic analysis, both in terms of content and in terms of
expression: phonetic, grammatical, derivational characteristics of proper names.

The current state of onomastics in the
UK largely depends on the historical period to which the initial formation of
the system dates back. In general, the onomastics of Great Britain is an
organized set of names, in a certain way related to each other and subject to
special internal laws. The variety of distinctive features that naturally arise
in different conditions can be also detected.

Pub names reflect English culture in
all its forms, but this is reflected in different ways. On the one hand, the
urbanonyms-names of pubs are created in the language, and here the main thing
for them is spiritual culture. On the other hand, the names of pubs as words
quickly respond to the facts of not only spiritual, but also material culture
of the certain era. Each culture generates certain types of proper names, each
name reflects the particles of this culture.

The question of the mutual influence
of national culture and urbanonymic vocabulary should be considered in the
context of a broader problem — the problem of the relationship between language
and society. Society, its culture has a comprehensive and varied impact on the
language, but the language, in turn, has an explicit impact on society, culture.

Urbanonym, the name of the pub, bears
the specifics of national identity; in addition to the territorial,
natural-geographical and historical features of the living conditions of the
English people, it also reflects such a characteristic of a nation as a mental
make-up, embodied in folklore, folk traditions and customs. Urbanonymy, to a
greater extent than any other lexical subsystem, reflects the peculiarities of
the specific culture of a given human collective.

Urbanonymy represents the specific
section of the vocabulary of the language that is most influenced by
sociolinguistic factors. Therefore, urbanonymy cannot be studied in isolation
from natural phenomena, from the specific conditions for the development of a
given human collective, moreover, no serious semasiological theory can be
created if the number of its categories does not include a real object underlying
such aspects of semasiological process as signification, nomination, denotation
and connotation.

To understand the main trends in the
development of English urbanonyms- the names of pubs it is necessary to compare
them with the entire complex of English-language names as a macrosystem. The
dominant feature of the English system of geographical names, completely formed
in the XIV-XV centuries, is that the components of the names rarely have correlations
in the vocabulary of modern English.

As a result of morphological
simplification of pub names, these become practically indivisible in the modern
language. Most of the names include the toponymic formant. For the pub naming
system, the initial motivation of the names continues to be significant for
native speakers, which contributed to the formation of descriptiveness as the
most characteristic feature of the pub naming system.

In the system of urbanonyms-names of
pubs, appellatives with positive connotations are increasingly used as names.
These also usually function in their original form, without any morphological
changes and additions, that allows for a more acute perception of their
semantics by those who constantly use them.

Urbanonyms-names of pubs are
distinguished by especially developed signs of descriptiveness, confirmed by
the prevalence of compound names.

The principles of the nomination of
pubs directly depend on the spirit of the era and correspond to the cultural,
historical and ideological and aesthetic contexts of the social life of the

The peculiarities of the English
national urbanonymy are determined by various factors, cultural, historical and
social traditions, aesthetic criteria that prevail in the worldview of the
inhabitants of Great Britain, as well as the specifics of the culture in the
environment of which English urbanonymy was formed and developed under some
specific linguistic features.

The national originality of the names
of English pubs is manifested, firstly, in the activation of certain features
when nominating this type of intracity objects, secondly, in the range of
lexical resources involved in the nomination and, thirdly, in the national
grammatical and derivational forms of names.

The names of English pubs convey,
through the centuries, the ideas about the norms of national life, the system
of values once adopted in English society, create an idea of the right and the
wrong. They also form ideas regarding historical events and their participants.

The names of pubs bear a kind of
genetic code, without which a person and society can lose their successive ties
along the time line. Through them, a modern person can gain experience of
national life, private behavior accumulated over centuries.

At present, the development and
functioning of the system of names of British pubs is carried out within the
framework of an ever-increasing cultural context, the important elements of
which are national identity, traditionalism, rationalism.

To sum up, the study of various types
of English proper names should be continued. The problems of displaying the
features of material culture, everyday life, social relations, and the
spiritual culture of English-speaking peoples need further development in terms
of onomastics.

The current results may be
implemented in the teaching of English, English history and culture as well as
in tourism. So, the research made is highly relevant.


Фрагмент текста работы:


linguistics is characterized by the intensive development of interdisciplinary
areas of linguistic research. It includes the study of geographical names –
toponymy where history, geography and cultural studies play a leading role
apart from linguistscs. Onomastics, including place names, makes up a
significant part of the vocabulary of any highly developed language.

The emergence
of new onomastic units is firmly associated with the culture of a particular
ethnic group and is determined by its world image determined by linguistics.
Onomastic vocabulary, designated as a complex independent system, forms a
specific layer in the linguistic world image.

In the range
of the English political and geographical names of the toponymic system one of
the leading roles is played by urbanonymy which is a set of names of intracity
topographic objects.

The image of
each English city is unique, its toponymic layer is also unique and individual,
representing a kind of chronicle of the people. The role and significance of
urbanonyms as identifiers of intracity objects is quite crucial today. However,
special onomastic studies have been carried out recently, so not all urbanonyms
are the subject to systematization and detailed linguistic analysis. The
uniqueness of the urbanonyms — names of pubs lies in their ability to reflect
the traditional folk spiritual culture, to be the source of historical,
regional and cultural information.

The relevance
of the research is determined by the fact that British pubs represent an
important component of English culture, and its influence can be traced
throughout the history of the country. It is also important to note that the
research of the names of English pubs through the prism of cultural linguistics
is a significant topic at the intersection of various scientific disciplines,
thus making the study a multidisciplinary one.

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