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Отчёт по практике на тему Отчет по преддипломной практике в рекламном агентстве

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction 3
 Directions of activity of advertising agency Z 4
Advertising market capacity 6
Project advertising and PR campaigns 13
Conclusion 20
Bibliography 21




Advertising development is a system of measures aimed at collecting, accounting, analyzing consumer demand information through direct communications and communication with the client.
The purpose of the Practice is to gain experience in the study of an actual scientific problem, as well as the selection of the necessary theoretical materials for the final qualification work.
The goal determines the need to solve the following tasks:
— study of the activities of the enterprise;
— market overview of marketing activities;
— analysis of the communication activities of the company.
The object of research is Z. The subject of the study is the analysis of the company.
The main methods used in the work are the empirical method, which consists in collecting material on the topic of the work; a causal method to identify causal relationships between phenomena; historical approach — an approach to the study of the development of financial control; modeling method, that is, the use of scientific abstractions.
The theoretical basis of the study was the work of domestic scientists and practitioners in the study of the issue. In the process of writing the work, the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, statistics of official sources, textbooks and monographs, scientific articles on the study of this issue and materials on the Internet were used.

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In the course of practice, the company’s activities were studied, a marketing research was conducted, a market review of marketing activities, an analysis of the communication activities of the company.
The company management structure has both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is the simplicity and clarity of submission, efficiency in decision-making, coordination of actions of performers.
However, there are drawbacks that consist in a large information overload of the head, and also this structure does not allow to solve problems due to changing conditions of the organization.
The company offers more advertising services than is required. During the analyzed period, the excess of these services is 100 units.
Clients can learn about the new service through the Internet, on the company’s website, Z employees notify customers about the new service by sending information about it by e-mail.
In addition, the company has promoters who distribute flyers with information to potential customers.
Public companies are the target audience; as a rule, these are well-known brands such as Coca-Cola, Sprite, Bonaqua, Audi, etc.
The advertising campaign is as follows:
— advertising on internet banners;
— advertising on social networks;
— TV ads;
— printable advertisement;
— advertising in the press;
— outdoor advertising;
— mail advertising.
The general advertising event was within the advertising budget. In general, we can conclude about the optimal distribution of cash. A minimal budget was invested in order to get the most effective result.
As a result of the practice, skills were acquired and consolidated to work with a large amount of information, to independently collect and analyze data, experience working with material on the Internet, and the skills to form competent conclusions.


Фрагмент текста работы:


1. Directions of activity of advertising agency Z

Advertising as an activity is an integral part of introducing business in the Russian Federation. Advertising in Russia is currently at the peak of its development, despite the fact that the current level of development is far from European countries. At the moment, the level of development of Russian marketing is important not only in large firms that produce consumer goods. In the current market conditions, it is necessary to focus on the desires of consumers and the capabilities of rivals.
The dialogue is built using special scripts, templates, and advertising texts using various communication channels:
— phone calls;
— mail, fax;
— television, radio broadcasting;
— Internet services;
— personalized communication using directories.
Promotional events are designed for direct contact with the consumer to study the reverse reaction to the proposed product (direct response to the offer).
Characteristics of promotional activities:
— sold without intermediaries and retailers according to the “business-to-consumer” (B2C) scheme;
— relies on programmed advertising that assumes a customer response (tactical dialogue mode);
— demonstrates the targeting of actions in relation to the target audience;
— is a more hidden and lengthy method of promoting goods and services;
— requires the creation of a data bank at the preparatory stage (information about customers, products);
— Needs constant accounting and control of demand for the product;
— Organized individually without reference to points of sale (anytime, anywhere);
— The main goal is contact with the consumer (sales are secondary).
Directions of advertising promotion in agency Z.
1 Streaming video. Video advertising dominates any other and this is a fact. As digital marketing evolves, we continue to see trends conducive to the development of video. Consuming online video is one of the most popular activities on the Internet. More than 80% of Internet and mobile audiences watched more real-time video in 2016 compared to 2015, and streaming video — more than two-thirds of all Internet traffic, and by 2020 it is expected to 82%, and especially in Live Video mode. Studies have shown that users watch Live videos 3 times longer than videos in the recording. The expansion of the temporary space and the creation of the latest interactive features in the most popular social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat), only confirms what was said. For example, Instagram in August 2016 launched the new Stories function, which allows you to upload videos shot no later than 24 hours.

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