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Отчёт по практике на тему Особенности управления рисками предпринимательской деятельности в странах с переходной экономикой

  • Оформление работы
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  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
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Особенности управления рисками предпринимательской деятельности в странах с переходной экономикой
Introduction 3
Conclusion 8
List of references 20


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One of the major steps to the effective market economy is considered to be the introduction of high quality corporate governance at the national companies. These factors are supposed to stabilize the investment climateу and invite investment for successive economic growth. The system of corporate governance in Russia is on the march. That is why the efforts of the government and the state are to enhance its development.
In our article we modeled the probability of negative net worth of the company related to the factors of corporate governance and industry expectations of the companies’ directors. We used the national and foreign experience of financial stability and structural effects of corporates’ governance studies to design the models. We proposed new hypothesis give a possibility to test the influence of the variables in question on the probability of negative net worth of the company.


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Transparent and effective corporate governance positively influences the financial stability of the company: it increases the investment attractiveness and reduces the costs of lending. For Russia, this problem is relatively new. And at the moment, corporate management in the manufacturing industry continues to be characterized by a high concentration of ownership and a combination of ownership and management functions. In this paper, using logistic regression we investigate the impact of corporate governance factors and industry expectations on a negative net worth of the companies. The results showed, in particular, the probability of a negative company’s net worth is higher, the lower the index of business confidence in the industry; the presence of agency problem; the smaller the number of members in the board of directors; the higher ownership concentration; and, if company is not privately owned or joint-stock company in the manufacturing industry. Robustness of the coefficients of the final specification was confirmed.
Businesses face all kinds of risks, some of which can cause serious loss of profits or even bankruptcy. However, while all large companies have extensive «risk management» departments, smaller businesses tend not to look at the issue in such a systematic way.
Therefore, in this four-part series of tutorials, you will learn the basics of risk management and how you can apply them in your business.
In this first tutorial, we will look at the main types of risk your business may face. You will get a rundown of strategic risk, compliance risk, operational risk, financial risk, and reputational risk, so that you understand what they mean, and how they could affect your business. Then we will get into the specifics of identifying and dealing with these risks in later tutorials in the series.

Transition to the innovation economy, where the human capital, as well as the knowledge and information, are the drivers of economic growth, advance progressively. These drivers are based mainly on the industrial economic development, on industry as the major growth driver. This harmonious symbiosis may be the platform for the stable economy in the long run. The manufacturing industry is the major element in the structure of the Russian industry in goods shipped of the own production and the averageannual number of employees — about two thirds and three quarters correspondently.
The solution of strategic tasks aimed at the transition of the economy to the road with high-tech components (to the withdrawal of the economy to high-tech areas) requires that this road be reliable and properly oriented (these rails must be of high quality). In other words, they must keep pace with the drive of breakthrough technologies and manage the distribution of pressure (i.e. economic diversification).
The railway in this history is the efficiency of Russian industrial enterprises. We cannot diversify the economy and curtail the development of the oil and gas sector in the long term.

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