Business economics Магистерский диплом Экономические науки

Магистерский диплом на тему Blockchain — a disruptive technology; what applications are possible and what influence can the Blockchain technology have on the Sharing Economy?

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Chapter 1 The Sharing Economy
1.1Principles and main concepts of the Sharing Economy……………….5
1.2 New Models…………………………………………………………..15
Chapter 2 Blockchain
2.1 New technologies…………………………………………………….21
2.2Introduction to Blockchain……………………………………………27
2.3 The benefits of Blockchain……………………………………
Chapter 3 Blockchain and the Sharing Economy
3.1 Digitization and blockchain technology……………………………32
3.2True Decentralization………………………………………………….46
3.2 Further Issues and Challenges………………………………………..50




Public attituds to the technology of the blockchain (the blockchain) has changed dramatically in the past year, when the rate of cryptocurrency bitcoin has increased from $750 in January and $20,000 in December 2017 it is not Surprising that with all this hype, people have forgotten about the risks associated with cryptocurrencies. But the most interesting is waiting for us ahead. In this work we will talk about how blockchain and other new alternative DLT technologies find practical application in the modern world.
Before we start discussing the future prospects of such technologies, let’s understand the existing concepts and terms. Blockchain technology was originally created for bitcoin cryptocurrency, which serves as an alternative to traditional payment systems controlled by States and banks. The main distinguishing feature of this technology is that the data is added and stored within a network of nodes in the form of a linear chain without the involvement of a Central Supervisory authority. New transactions can only be added by network miners.
The miners, in fact, are external data centers are creating new units and implement a deferred transaction. For their part, they receive a material benefit: in the case of transactions, this is a reward, the amount of which is set by the sender of the transaction. Each new block is cryptographically linked to the previous block, making the block chain immutable: any change in one block causes a change in every subsequent block on each node. Even if nodes are distributed across the globe, you must use all nodes to make a transaction: once a transaction is registered, it cannot be changed.
This is what ensures a high level of confidence in the technology. Blockchain provides a high level of reliability, which previously could be guaranteed only by traditional paper accounting books of transaction registration (registers). By analogy, the blockchain technology is also often referred to the technology of distributed registries (Distribution Ledger Technology, DLT).

Blockchain technology operates in two modes, depending on the application. The first mode is called «free from restrictions» (or public). It has no management, assumes complete lack of trust between participants since any people and at any time can take part in it. The second mode is called «controlled», it has control and limits actions of participants. This gives a certain level of trust, which makes it suitable for use by commercial companies.
The object of research is education and science in their broad aspect;approaches to the organization of educational and scientific process and the learning process itself.
The subject of research is the use of blockchain technology in education and science and other spheres.
The purpose of the study is to identify approaches to the use of technology blockchain in many spheres.
Based on the hypothesis and the goal, the following research objectives were formulated:
1. To analyze the sources on the subject of the device technologyblockchain, its legal status and principles of technology related to it.
2. To analyze sources in the field of technology applicationblockchain in various fields of activity for the purpose of its application in education and science.
3. Identify the main applications of blockchain technologyin our modern economy.
4. Describe approaches to the use of blockchain technology in ecoomy.
The scientific novelty of the research is as follows:
• theoretical models of implementation of application scenarios are described blockchain technologies in economics, which can be used as a support for the development of real projects;
• identified opportunities for solving a number of problems in education and to science on the basis of the advantages of blockchain technology reflected in the described models.
The theoretical significance of the study is as follows:
• describes the current legal status of cryptocurrencies, in many ways determining the legal status of both the blockchain technology itself andother technologies closely related to blockchain;
• describes the device of the blockchain technology and the principles of smart contract technologies and Initial coin offering (ICO), using the blockchain at the heart of their work;
• identified the possibility of using blockchain technology in education and science, which could solve a number of problems in these areas.
The practical significance of the research lies in the fact that the approaches to the application of technology are revealed on the basis of the described models blockchain in modern economy and an attempt to determine, as far as possible the implementation of such models.

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The study described various models of application scenarios blockchain technologies in economy. Each of them is an attempt to theoretically describe approaches to the use of blockchain technology in education and science. These approaches were derived on the basis of theoretical analysis, during which were: analyzed and described the history, legal status and structure of the blockchain technology, as well as the principles of smart contract technologies, Initial coin offering and tokens using blockchain in the basis of their work; analyzed examples of the use of blockchain technology in various fields; the ideas, approaches and promising directions of various figures in the field of blockchain technology application in education are considered sources on the topic of problems and vulnerabilities in Russian education and science in order to find approaches and directions in which the blockchain could be applied, due to its features and benefits derived in the work. To determine how much possible applications of the blockchain in education and science was held two master-class. They showed the possibility of such implementations, thus confirming the hypothesis of the study.
To solve the research goal and confirm the hypothesis, the following tasks were solved:
1. The analysis of sources on the theme of the device technology
blockchain, its legal status and principles of technology related to it.
2. The analysis of sources in the field of technology application is carried out blockchain in various fields of activity for the purpose of its application in education and science.
3. The basic directions of application of blockchain technology
in education and science.
4. Approaches to the use of blockchain technology in education and science are described. Thus, the objectives of the final qualifying work were solved, the aim of the study was achieved, the hypothesis was confirmed.
For the development of the idea and expansion of the study area are offered the following areas of further development:
• development of a technical model for the implementation of the scenario of using blockchain technology in education or science on the basis of theoretical models developed in this study;
• detailed consideration of aspects of solving a specific problem education or science using blockchain technology;
• consideration of a different approach to blockchain technology in education or science with a greater degree of elaboration and readiness for introduction;
• consideration of approaches to the use of blockchain technology in other areas.


Фрагмент текста работы:


1.1 Principles and main concepts of the Sharing Economy

The use of the car is no surprise, but what about, say, sharing the aircraft? The new economic model considers both to be quite natural, experts say.
As this model only called – and «equal to equal», and economy «from hand to hand». But the most famous was the phrase «sharing economy» (sharing economy, or collaboration economy). Elements of this economy are present in our lives for twenty years – from open-source software, which can be improved by any specialist, to the eBay platform and «Wikipedia. In recent years, the model of interaction between consumers and producers of goods and services is changing fundamentally around the world, «from the adopted model of one or more manufacturers to hundreds, thousands and millions of consumers, we move to the interaction of many with many,».
The undoubted advantage of the new model is a much higher efficiency of resource use. «It is possible to explain on a simple example: in the USA about 80 million drills, each of which is used on average 13 minutes.
«The basic principle of the sharing economy is «unused resource – lost resource». In medicine, it is primarily expensive equipment and highly qualified doctors. If the exchange of equipment between clinics is legally and practically impossible, then the unloaded doctor’s appointment time can and should be used. Technically, this can be implemented by any form of remote involvement of the doctor in the process of examination, surgery, training or consultation of colleagues. Unfortunately, so far, organizationally, this seems to be an extremely difficult task. «Probably, in the presence of a certain «aggregator of tasks for doctors» like Youdo it could be possible. But so far it seems fantastic.[5,20]
The most attractive projects of sharing economy arise in those industries where increasing the return on the use of the resource brings serious money. It is clear that the most expensive material resources that the average person has are housing and a car. For apartment owners who want to make money on their real estate, renting it out in a short-term lease, airnbnb was created, and for those who are ready to earn a cab on their car – Uber and Lyft. Logically, the electronic platform Alibaba, which allows Chinese factories to get direct access to millions of consumers around the world, is the development of the same model of sharing economy on an industrial scale. Such platforms have received a high added value. Airnbnb valued at an amount almost equal to the capitalization of the giants of the hotel business of Hilton and Hyatt, together, and offers to surrender a greater number of rooms than the Marriott after the merger with Starwood.
At the dawn of sharing economy, it was believed that its distinctive feature is a distinct social component. Thus, microfinance organizations were created with a noble purpose – through them individuals could give a loan to artisans for, say, the purchase of a sewing machine for the workshop. Services for the delivery of private apartments and private transportation were to promote socialization. The first promised travelers that communication with the owner will help to get to know his city and country better, and the second – that acquaintance with the friendly driver will make life more interesting.
In practice, as studies show, the economic aspect is much more important for consumers in sharing economy projects: they prefer those services that make life easier and allow saving, those that emphasize their social mission, So, in many regions up to two thirds of the proposals on Arnbnb give the opportunity to rent an apartment or a house entirely, without a host. And Uber, operating under the slogan «easier, faster and safer», beats Lyft to advertise in a «friendly drivers». Most users in Russia do not understand how these services differ from the usual taxi. The electronic platform eBay which arose once as a flea market where one people tried to sell something unnecessary to another, turned into a resource through which large producers and shops sell the production. [4,15]
Economy collaborative consumption is not the economy of mutual aid and not the Economics of cooperation, since its members sell their services for decent money.
Consumers like the new economy. More than half of Europeans from quite prosperous France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK are not averse to share their property with others – however, for a fee, found out in the course of its own research carmaker Ford, like other manufacturers are strongly interested in new economic models. According to him, 55% are ready to provide other people with their car, 44% – their home, 31% – a mobile phone, and 17% – a dog! The majority of respondents (78%) are also ready to bring others by car (this is called ride sharing) or deliver parcels (78%). At the same time, they themselves agree to take advantage of the rational use of resources: for example, 72% of respondents are ready to use car-sharing services – short-term car rental.
This attitude to the car can be good news for rental services and alarming – for automakers. But both are trying to find new opportunities for development. Europcar, the largest car rental operator in Europe, has launched a large number of projects in different transport areas related to car sharing.
Car manufacturers also offer car ownership schemes. For example, Ford has launched several car sharing services in Europe – some jointly with car sharing operators. In 2015, the company for six months allowed thousands of its customers in the UK to rent personal cars to other drivers. In the US, Ford is helping employees enjoy ride sharing on the company’s Michigan campus, and last year the company participated in the launch of the MyBoxMan partner app, which will allow drivers to earn money on the transportation of parcels.

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