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Курсовая теория на тему Научно-популярный стиль

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction 4
Chapter 1. The problem of functional styles in linguistics 7
1.1 Basic functional styles of speech 7
1.2 Science and the scientific functional style 10
Conclusion to chapter 1 20
Chapter 2. Scientific-popular discourse 21
2.1 Functions of scientific-popular style 21
2.2 The main features of the scientific-popular discourse 23
Conclusion to chapter 2 29
Conclusion 30
References 32





The relevance of the term paper is determined by the fact that the problem of popular science discourse is controversial. Some linguists find no place for this style in the system of functional styles of speech. Some linguists believe that there is a special popular discourse. Up to now there has not been worked out any commonly accepted definition of what a “popular science style” is.
Style is the central notion of stylistics; it reflects the essential properties of the language units in their functional aspect. The concept of styles of speech describes the type of language that is used in certain spheres of life or human activity: in business, in fiction, in scientific work, etc. Speech styles are usually called functional, and this attribute indicates the main principle on the basis of which they are differentiated– the function they perform in language, and consequently in speech, because language exists only through speech (either oral or written).
The existence of different functional styles in language and speech is ensured, first of all, by the presence of synonymous linguistic means existing in the field of vocabulary, phonetics, morphology, and syntax of the given language, which makes it possible to convey approximately similar content in utterances belonging to different functional styles.
Scientific style of speech is a means of communication in the field of science and education. Each member of modern society at different times of life and to different degrees makes use of the texts of this style, functioning in oral or written form, so the mastery of the norms of scientific and scientific-popular style of speech is an important part of the culture of the Russian or any other nation.
The emergence and development of the scientific-popular style is associated with the progress of science in various spheres of life. Some people are quite keen on science. But not everybody knows or is aware of special terminology used in this or that branch of science. That’s why there exists a special “scientific-popular” type of discourse.
To our mind the topic of styles in language and the study of the particular style (in our case it is the scientific-popular style) is quite relevant and timely as it will make our knowledge of English deeper and more thorough and contribute to better understanding of the structural, semantic and stylistic essence of the language we are studying.
The object of the research
The object of the present research is functional styles of speech in language.
The subject of the research
The subject of the research is the scientific-popular style and scientific-popular discourse in the English language and functional peculiarities of this type of discourse.
The main goal of the research
The aim of this work is to analyze the essence of style in language and different aspects of the scientific-popular discourse.
The tasks of the study
To achieve the aim of the research we set the following tasks to be solved:
1) To study the basic theoretical conceptions of functional styles in language;
2) to analyze the concept of science and of the scientific-popular functional style;
3) to study the main features of the scientific-popular discourse.
The methods of the research
In the process of analysis we made use of different methods, the main method being the descriptive one with its four constituent elements: observation, generalization, interpretation, comparison and classification.
Practical significance of the research
The information contained in the given term paper is of practical significance: it may be used in the practice of teaching a number of disciplines of the linguistic cycle: practical English, lexicology of the English language, stylistics of the English language, theory and practice of translation.
The structure of the term paper
The work consists of five parts: an introduction, two chapters, conclusion and the list of references.
The introduction outlines the relevance of the paper, the object and subject of the research, states the goal and tasks of the study, describes the methods of investigation, and outlines its practical significance of the work and its structure.
The first chapter is devoted to the consideration of the main theoretical conceptions related to the notions of stylistics as a science and that of style.
The second chapter deals with the analysis of the scientific-popular discourse.
In the conclusion we described the results of the investigation performed in the term paper on the whole.
The list of references contains 25 sources, including the sources in English.

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The concept of functional style was created in the second half of the last century. This was facilitated by technological, agricultural, political and other certain changes in the life of society that led to changes in the use of language. The problem of functional styles was worked out in the works of M.M. Bakhtin, V.V. Vinogradov, I.V. Arnold, I.R. Galperin, Yu.M. Skrebnev, V.A. Kukharenko, M.N. Kozhina and other outstanding linguists.
Functional styles are formed in the language under the influence of the following conditions: the communication situation (official or unofficial situation, number of participants, etc.); goals of communication (talk, inform, persuade, instruct, etc.).The main function of scientific styles to transmit and distribute scientific information, as well as to prove its authenticity. The main features of the scientific style are: the use of scientific terminology, abstract vocabulary, and logic. The scientific style can be found in articles, research papers, school essays, monographs and educational literature.
The function of science is to work out and systematize objective knowledge about reality. The aim of science is to give a scientific explanation of natural and artificial phenomena existing in objective reality and to predict future processes that may take place in human life on the basis of the laws established by science.
Scientists and scholars should be aware of the peculiarities of their professional discourse in order to be able to present their inventions and the results of their work both to scientific community and to ordinary people.
In order to perform its function the scientific discourse should meet some requirements: it should be built according to a certain appropriate structure; it should be informative and interesting for both other scientists and scholars and for the people outside the scientific community.
Sharing the results and the information of their scientific research contributes to the further achievements in the field of science as well as to the progress of human life on the planet of Earth.
The scope of application of popular science literature is very wide: science, education, and literature. Popular science discourse is created with the aim to impart some scientific facts and phenomena, to exercise some influence on the recipient in order to provoke his interest to the particular scientific phenomenon or discovery.
Since the text of popular science work is intended for both specialists in the field of the described phenomenon and for non-specialistsit should be restricted in the use of terminology. In contrast to scientific texts, the popular science text includes the artistic element and expressive means against the background of a smooth, serious narrative.
Because the target audience of popular science texts is a non-specialist reader, these texts must be written in a neutral style and neutral vocabulary. The popular science character of the presentation demands moderate use of scientific terminology and scientific facts. Since the target recipient of the popular science text is the mass audience it (the text) should contain various linguistic and stylistic techniques that enrich the narrative and make it more attractive. To such techniques belong artistic definitions, metaphors, similes and other stylistic expressive means and stylistic devices.


Фрагмент текста работы:


Chapter 1
The problem of functional styles in linguistics
1.1 Basic functional styles of speech
Functional style as a linguistic phenomenon has historical and social character. The concept of functional style was created in the second half of the last century.
This was facilitated by certain changes in society, the stratification of cultural conditions that led to changes in the use of language. This period was the starting point for the formation of functional styles [3, p. 62].
In the system of the national language itself, layers of language word stock have been formed that have a high frequency of use in certain areas of communication. These layers are called language styles; they potentially exist in the language system and are implemented in human speech activity, forming speech styles. We make use different language means (phonological, grammatical, vocabulary) in different situation and different spheres of life. There are several functional spheres of life (journalistic, artistic, conversational, etc.). The choice of style depends on the situation of communication and other extra linguistic factors.
For a long time, linguists have tried to define the concept of functional style. However, only in the middle of the XX century, namely in 1955, the outstanding Russian linguist V.V. Vinogradov managed to form the definition. According to V.V. Vinogradov, «Functional style is a socially conscious and functionally conditioned, internally united set of techniques for using, selecting and combining means of speech communication in the sphere of a public, national language,correlative with other similar ways of expression that serve for other purposes, perform other functions in the speech social practice of this people» [3, p. 72].
In fact, the scientific study of functional style began much earlier. The Prague linguistic circle, which was formed in 1926, first tried to identify the main functional styles and define the concept of style itself.
Functional styles are formed in the language under the influence of the following conditions:
1) Features of the communication situation (official or non-official situation, number of participants, etc.);
2) Functions and goals of communication (to talk to somebody, to inform about something, persuade of something, to instruct somebody, etc.).
As a rule, the following spheres of human activity are distinguished, each of which has its own special functions and is implemented in certain conditions:
1) The sphere of everyday communication (communication is carried out in an informal setting, usually in the form of a dialogue; the purpose of communication is a casual conversation, conversation on everyday topics);
2) the scope of educational and scientific activities (communication is carried out, as a rule, in an official setting, for the purpose of communicating or receiving scientific data in written or oral form);
3) the sphere of business communication (communication is carried out in an official setting for the purpose of communicating information of a ascertaining, instructing or other business nature);
4) the sphere of social-political activity (communication is carried out through the media, usually with the aim of influencing the broad masses of readers or listeners, forming public opinion and consciousness).

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