Курсовая с практикой на тему Влияние гендера на коммуникативное поведение мужчин и женщин в англоязычных масс-медиа./The Impact of Gender in Negotiations between Women and Men.(The question of tag questions in women’s speech: they don’t really use more of them, do they? )
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Medialinguistics as an integral part of linguistics. 6
Categories and typology of media texts. 11
1.3. Theory
and practice of interpretations of "gender" in modern scientific
literature. 16
Conclusions on the first chapter 18
2.1. Language features of the media
text 19
2.2. Gender
stereotypes in media texts. 22
2.3. Gender
markers in media texts. 25
Conclusions on the second chapter 28
Тема курсовой работы: «Влияние гендера на коммуникативное поведение
мужчин и женщин в англоязычных масс-медиа».
Целью данной курсовой работы определено выявление особенностей влияния
гендера на коммуникативное поведение мужчин и женщин в англоязычных масс-медиа.
Для достижения цели данного исследования проводился анализ языковых
особенностей женской и мужской речи и выделялись их специфические черты.
Основная практическая ценность выводов, сделанных в результате
проведенного исследования, состоит в том, что оно развивает ряд важных
положений, не затрагивающихся или недостаточно разработанных ранее, и поэтому
может сделать вклад в науку о языке. Его основные положения могут быть
использованы в теоретических курсах и семинарах по лексикологии и стилистике, а
также на занятиях по стилистической интерпретации текста.
Курсовая работа состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения и списка
использованной литературы.
Фрагмент текста работы:
Medialinguistics as an integral part of linguistics The second half of the XX — beginning of the XXI century is
characterized by the rapid growth of mass communication and new information
technologies. The dynamic development of traditional media and the spread of
the influence of the Internet have contributed to the formation of a single
information space, woven by a set of many media streams. The Internet and
related technologies are acquiring the status of a leading mass medium, an important
information resource that ensures the functioning and dissemination of large
information arrays. It is indisputable that the growth of the mass media in
geometric progression could not but affect the features of the spread of the
word and the nature of linguistic changes.
As a result of the active study of the linguistic features of media
language, a new discipline appears — media linguistics, the object of which is
the language of media texts. The formation and development of media linguistics
as a direction of modern linguistics is due to both linguistic factors and
information-technological and socio-cultural spheres of public life. The rapid
development of information and communication technologies, the formation of a
single information space as a virtual environment for text communication
contributed to the formation and scientific understanding of the language of
the media, the study of its functional and stylistic features and internal
Moreover, media scientific periodicals such as ("European Journal
of Communication", "Annals of the American Academy of Political and
Social Sciences", "Media Studies Journal", "Mass
Communication and Society", "Communication Research",
"Cultural Studies and Communication".
The intellectual activity of scientific media interpreters is provided
by specialized publishing houses, which include, in particular, the Free Press
or the publishing programs of powerful university centers — Oxford (Oxford
University Press), Chicago (University of Chicago Press), Toronto ( Toronto
University Press) and others.
To define media linguistics as a science, according to D. Perrin, it is
necessary to distinguish media linguistics, firstly, from other linguistic
disciplines, and secondly, from other scientific branches dealing with media
analysis (for example, economics, psychology, sociology , communication
theory). However, as with any modern scientific discipline, media linguistics
is characterized not only by the phenomenon of differentiation, that is,
delimitation from other sciences, but also integration, because in its essence
media linguistics is interdisciplinary, therefore considerable attention should
be paid to the connection between media linguistics and other sciences.
D. Perrin considers media linguistics to be an applied discipline, which
should deal not only with the linguistic analysis of media discourse, but also
create recommendations for the practice of creating media texts — both at the
phoneme level (first of all, we are talking about prosody) and lexeme, phrases
or whole text[1].
The formation and development of media linguistics as an independent branch of
modern linguistics is due to a number of factors, both linguistic and related
to the information-technological and socio-cultural spheres of public life. The
most significant prerequisites for the emergence of media linguistics include
the following:
– the rapid
growth of information and communication technologies;
– formation
and development of a single information space as a new virtual environment for
text communication;
– formation
and scientific understanding of the concept of "language of mass
communication", the definition of its functional and stylistic features
and internal structure;
– awareness
of the need to apply an integrated approach to the study of media language,
based on combining the joint efforts of representatives of various humanitarian
Since media linguistics is an integral part of linguistics in general,
it is worth mentioning such a concept as the discourse of media linguistics.
The concept of media discourse is a derivative of the general concept of
discourse and is a set of processes and products of speech activity in the
field of mass communication in all the diversity and complexity of their
Mass media discourse uses texts created by journalists and / or disseminated
through the press, radio, television, and the Internet. This is a special type
of mass communication, a social phenomenon, the main function of which is to
influence the mass audience through semantic and evaluative information that is
transmitted through media channels; it is a mechanism for updating information
using various communication tools of the media institute[4].
In modern linguistics, there are two approaches to defining the concept
of mass media discourse. According to the first approach, mass media discourse
arises due to a specific speech-thinking activity that is characteristic
exclusively of the informational mass media space. Given this understanding,
one should distinguish mass media discourse from other types of discourse such
as political, religious, scientific, and the like. The difference between them
is determined by the modification of the parameters of the discourse — the use
of various language practices and the communicative situations of its
implementation. The second approach treats media discourse as any kind of
discourse that is realized in the media space and produced by the media.
Therefore, we can talk about political, religious, scientific media discourse,
considering that for their implementation, these types of institutional
discourse require a set of relatively stable rules for the formation,
interpretation and broadcasting of mass information. Most modern scientists
adhere to the second point of view, interpreting mass media discourse as
thematically focused, socio-culturally conditioned speech and mental activity
in the mass media space.
The fundamental difference between mass media discourse, in addition to
the development of certain knowledge, assessments of objects and their images
as a result of speech-thinking activity, is to provide an idea of the ways of
broadcasting this information. That is, the central concept of mass media
discourse is not political processes, but the ways of describing them and
conveying information. In this case, mass media discourse carries out mediation
activities. In media discourse, the processes of converting information into
meanings (construction of knowledge), the transition of knowledge from one
level (institutional) to another (everyday), fusion of information of any type
(political and entertainment, events and advertising), etc. on the one hand, to
highlight the essential elements of the process of creating and transmitting
meanings during mass communication, and on the other hand, to determine the
role of the media context in the formation of meaning.
Mass media discourse is understood as the unity of content and form,
activity, tool and result and carries out a normative, regulatory action on the
communicative situation[5]. That
is, in media discourse, the speech-thinking activity of the subject of mass
communication forms the norms of description and thematization of reality.
However, not only the topic determines the content and method of description in
the media space, but the choice of the topic itself is determined by media
discourse as a "mode of knowledge generation"[6].
Modern media discourse is a sphere of language functioning, in which
there is an intensive development and a steady tendency towards new
transformation processes. Reacting to any innovative processes taking place in
society, media discourse indicates the development of society, its positive and
negative changes in a certain period of time. The choice of a particular
linguistic unit, grammatical form or construction not only indicates the
linguistic taste, linguistic preferences and habits of individuals, but also
signifies the linguistic skills of individual classes and social groups, that
is, the entire society of a certain historical period[7].
Today, when “the growth of mass media is taking place in geometric
progression” and “the pervasive influence of information and telecommunication
technologies on all aspects of public life is felt”, the analysis and study of
the media text itself is especially relevant. Note that the essence of the
media text, which is considered as the main category of media linguistics, is
filled with new components and in some respects significantly differs from the
traditional understanding of the text. The modern Russian scientist T.G.
Dobrosklonskaya emphasizes that “in contrast to the linear interpretation of
the text as a sequence of verbal signs united by the general content, the text
in mass communication acquires the features of three-dimensionality and
multilayerness. This is due to the combination of the verbal part of the text
with the media qualities of a particular media. So, in the press, the verbal
part of the text is combined with graphic and illustrative"[8]. The
researcher notes the potential possibilities of a media text regarding the
relationship and interaction of its verbal and media components on the basis of
certain principles, first of all, addition, enhancement, illustration,
emphasis, opposition. At the same time, the text forms "a certain integrity,
an indissoluble unity, and constitutes the essence of the concept of "media text"[9].
Analysis of scientific literature shows that the definition of the
theoretical foundations of media linguistics; research of the media text, its
structure and typology, methods of study; the definition of its regional value
and social significance in the process of representing the national cultural
characteristics of both "regional" and "globalized media
information" was carried out in the works of domestic and foreign linguists,
cultural linguists, psycholinguists, mass media theorists: M. Bakhtin, V.
Boguslavskaya , J. Gerbner, T. Dobrosklonskaya, U. Eco, V. Kostomarov, G.
Pocheptsov, P. Ricoeur, J. Searle, I. Smotrov and others.
T.G. Dobrosklonskaya,
examining in a functional aspect such types of mass media texts as news,
information analytics, journalism and advertising, notes precisely those
linguistic features that organize the text of news by the basic media text.
Let’s present some [1] Perrin D.
Media linguistics. — Konstanz: publishing house Utb, 2006. —
248 p [2] Dobrosklonskaya
T.G. Medialinguistics: a systematic approach to learning the language of the
media: modern English. — M .: Nauka, 2008. — P. 5. [3] Dobrosklonskaya
T.G. Media text: theory and methods of study // Vestn. Moscow un-that. Ser. 10.
Journalism. — 2005. — No. 2. — Р.
31. [4] Dobrosklonskaya
T.G. Mass media discourse as an object of scientific description // Scientific
Bulletin of BelSU. Series: Humanities. — 2014. — No. 13 (184). — S. 181-187. [5] Kozhemyakin
E.A. Mass communication and media discourse: towards research methodology //
Scientific Bulletin of Belgorod State University. — 2010. — No. 2 (73). —
Issue. 11. — Р.
13-21. [6] Kozhemyakin
E.A. Mass communication and media discourse: towards research methodology //
Scientific Bulletin of Belgorod State University. — 2010. — No. 2 (73). —
Issue. 11. — Р.
13-21. [7] Discourse of modern mass media in
the perspective of theory, social practice and education: II International
Scientific and Practical Conference. Actual problems of modern media
linguistics and media criticism in Russia and abroad: II International
scientific seminar. Belgorod, NRU "BelGU", October 5-7, 2016:
collection of scientific works / ed. E.A. Kozhemyakina, A.V. Polonsky. —
Belgorod: Publishing House "Belgorod" NRU "BelGU", 2016. —
380 p. [8] Dobrosklonskaya
T.G. Medialinguistics: a systematic approach to learning the language of the
media: modern English. — M .: Nauka, 2008. — P. 33. [9] Dobrosklonskaya
T.G. Medialinguistics: a systematic approach to learning the language of the
media: modern English. — M .: Nauka, 2008. — P. 39.