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Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Lexical-grammar peculiarities of translations 5
1.1. Features and main requirement of translations 5
1.2. Types of literature translations and main problems 10
Chapter 2. Analysis of the transferring means within translation of literature from English into Russian 17
2.1. Use of different lexical-grammar transformations in literature translation 17
Conclusion 31
Bibliography 32
The processes of globalization have created a need for many people to master the means of communication with representatives of other nations. Hence, there is a huge demand for specialists who speak foreign languages, knowledge of which becomes not just an advantage, but a necessary condition for successful activity in many areas. Nowadays, when applying for work both in private companies and state institutions, knowledge of at least English is taken as a matter of course, and candidates are often required to speak two and sometimes three languages.
Within studying the translation of texts from English into Russian, the main attention is paid to grammatical categories. The interest to the problem of transformation and their comprehensive study does not weaken and does not stop from the part of the supporters of globalization, economic and ethno cultural exchange.
It should be noted that for successful translation from English to Russian, there is always a change in word order or grammatical transformation. Grammatical transformation is a change in the structure of a sentence within translation from the original language in order to transfer its meaning to the language of translation. It should be noted that the achievement of equivalence in the translation occurs through transformation. Translation transformations in the process of modeling translation are complex, including transformations of lexical, grammatical and stylistic nature.
It has been established that in translation process of even common sentences in fiction, journalistic and other texts, the word order and their number, as well as their grammatical categories, are extremely rare. All textual material of the translated language has its specific features that are mandatory to take into account within translation. Cases of change of grammatical categories of words, small rearrangements or additions within phrases are constantly used when translating from English into Russian; they are applicable to literary translation. As bibliography for the article serve studies of some linguists. Such linguists as L. S. Barkhudarov, E. V. Breus, A. Ya. I. Retzker, V. N. Komissarov, A. V. Fedorov, D. Schweitzer, and many others devoted their works to the study of translational transformations.
The relevance of this study is that the results obtained in it contribute to obtaining a more holistic view of translation peculiarities and can be used in further mastering the grammatical structure of the English language. Practical value is that practical materials of research can be used in forming of methods and schemes within translation process of some literature, including the choice of the best translation strategy.
The subject of the study is translation process. The aim of the study is to consider types of translation in the modern word. In accordance with this aim the following tasks are set in the study:
− to consider features and main requirement of translations;
− to consider types and main problems of literature translations;
− to investigate use of different lexical-grammar transformations in literature translation.
Within writing the study there will be used such theoretical methods as analogy, classification, analysis and generalization. The study consists from introduction, two chapters, conclusion and list of bibliography.
Thus, transformation in translation process consists in transforming of the internal form of a word or phrase, including its full replacement for the most complete and correct transfer of the original content. Functional transformations of grammatical forms can be caused not only by purely grammatical differences, but also by the lexical-semantic features of the source and translating languages, as well as differences in speech traditions. Very often, the initial context is decisive in the matter of translation, but sometimes it is necessary to take into account such factors as traditions in the grammatical design of a particular type of text, stylistic fixation of certain grammatical forms, the traditional ratio of explication / implication in the text and much more. The task of translation in order to achieve accuracy is to perform correctly various translation transformations so that all the information contained in the original text is most accurately conveyed while observing the relevant standards of the language translated. Notwithstanding, a variety of translation transformations in general and transformations in particular are required to achieve semantic equivalence.
During examining examples from literature texts it was found that in general there is still quite considerable accuracy in the formal grammatical terms within translation from English into Russian. However, there are a number of inevitable discrepancies in the examples. Thus, the sentences in English are in some cases more voluminous, because for the translation of many combinations it is necessary two to three times more Russian words, since a literal translation contradicts the grammar of the English language. This also determines the translational transformation in the form of breaking one English sentence into a number of smaller ones. Notwithstanding, in most cases, the translation uses the transposition techniques, the transition from the reverse order of the words to the direct one, and the replacement of parts of speech, which entail a structural reorganization of the sentence while preserving the meaning.
Thus, the aim set in the work is achieved and the tasks are fulfilled.
Фрагмент текста работы:
Chapter 1. Lexical-grammar peculiarities of translations
1.1. Features and main requirement of translations
As it is known, translation is a type of language mediation, in which a text is created in the target language that is communicatively equivalent to the original, and its communicative equivalence is manifested in its identification with the translation receptors with the original in functional, substantive and structural terms.
It should be noted that for successful translation from English to Russian, there is always a change in word order or grammatical transformation. Grammatical transformation is a change in the structure of a sentence within translation from the original language in order to transfer its meaning to the language of translation. It should be noted that the achievement of equivalence in the translation occurs through transformation. Translation transformations in the process of modeling translation are complex, including transformations of lexical, grammatical and stylistic nature.
It should be noted that most of these issues have been discussed for a long time by translation specialists all over the world. However, the systematization of knowledge about the translation, the beginning of the construction of a translation theory is related to the very recent past. Therefore, there are still discussions on almost all aspects of the theory of translation and there are no well-established and generally accepted views on them. Below we will give different, sometimes conflicting opinions of different specialists on issues related to the theory of translation.
Teaching foreign languages involves an integrated approach, when in the process of learning attention is paid to all the theoretical aspects of a particular language, its phonetics, vocabulary, grammatical structure, etc. This gives students a versatile knowledge in the field of a foreign language. But in the process of learning it is necessary to pay considerable attention and applied skills to what is called “language proficiency”. Among these skills is the ability to express one’s thoughts in a foreign language, orally or in writing, the ability to communicate freely with the speakers of a particular language. A special place among practical skills in a foreign language is occupied by translation skills. Translation specialists are needed in many areas of international contacts, and proficiency in translation proves to be very useful in the practical work of graduates of language departments and departments, both in state or cultural organizations, and in private for-profit companies. Therefore, the training of these skills should be given serious attention in the complex process of learning a foreign language. [15, p. 310]
There exist a division into written translation and verbal translation. Obviously, the difference between these types of translation is very large. First, there is usually no hard time limit for a written translation, which allows the translator to choose more carefully the translation options. Within verbal translation the translator is limited by the pace of the speaker’s speech (with simultaneous translation) or the pauses between phrases (with consecutive). Secondly, in the case of a written translation, it is possible to clarify or change an already completed translation, while verbal translation does not provide such an opportunity. Thirdly, in written translation the translator has at his disposal the entire text, with the verbal possibility of analyzing the text as a whole is not provided. Fourthly, translation is usually carried out outside communication with the creator of the original and with recipients of translation; during interpretation, the translator has the opportunity to communicate and provide feedback to the source and recipient of the test (message). And finally, written translation is unidirectional — the translation is from the original language to the target language. Verbal translation often has two-way: either one or the other language alternately turns between the original language and the target language.
The category of translation adequacy should be applied to the entire text of the translation in comparison with the entire text of the original. And the category of equivalence can be applied to individual parts of the translation text in their comparison with separate parts of the original text. At the same time, different levels of equivalence between its parts and the corresponding parts of the original text can be established in the same translation text. In this regard it is possible to formulate the criteria for high-quality translation, the requirements for such a translation, and the rules by which the translator should be guided in his work.