Методика преподавания ИЯ Курсовая с практикой Педагогика/Психология

Курсовая с практикой на тему Using series and film in ELT: tools and techniques

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction. 3

Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of using of authentic
materials in ELT. 6

1.1 Content
and structure of linguistic and cultural competence. 6

1.2 Types
of texts used in language learning. 9

1.3 The
potential of using a feature film in ELT. 11

Chapter II. Methods of working with feature films for the
development of socio-cultural competence in foreign language lessons. 18

2.1 The using of video films in
teaching oral speech. 18

2.2 The methods of using video
materials including various exercises and tasks. 26

2.3 The
practice using of feature film in teaching oral speech. 32

Conclusion. 45

Bibliography. 47




The modern rapid development of all spheres of social production leads
to an increase in the volume and complexity of educational material in almost
all school disciplines. Therefore, the reform of general education, which is
accompanied by the introduction of new special forms of organization of
cognitive activity, has a specific goal — to create such learning conditions in
which each student would successfully study, develop their intelligence and be
ready for creative self-realization.

Novadays, there is an evolution of the content, forms and methods of
teaching, which encourages the development and implementation of the latest
educational technologies. In this regard, the forms and methods of working with
educational material that allow taking into account this specificity are of
particular importance. Among them, the most promising is interactive
technology, thanks to which the student becomes an active participant in the
learning process. At the same time, it is the use of authentic materials in the
course of educational activities that dominates and plays a primary role.

The problem of using text authenticity is still the subject of active
discussions. A significant number of works concerning the basic aspects of this
phenomenon are considered in the works of E. V. Nosonovich, R. P. Milrud, K.
Civegna, M. R. Breen, etc. Questions of their practical application in the
educational process are discussed in the works of M. A. Kazakova, A. A.
Yevtyugina, G. I. Voronina, K. S. Krichevskaya, etc.

In particular, the use of educational cinema in foreign language lessons
is devoted the dissertation research and publications of the following
scientists and teachers: O. I. Barmenkova, I. N. Gavrilin, T. G. Golenpolsky,
L. G. Kashkurevich, A. A. Neelov, V. L. Prokofieva, L. D. Tsesarsky, V. A.
Shevchenko, etc. The goal of the authors is the formation of specific
knowledge, skills, and foreign language communicative competence within the
framework of conversational topics during the study of foreign languages.

Many well-known teachers have rightly noted the effectiveness of using
video materials in the learning process. This paper discusses the features of
the formation of linguistic and cultural competence of students with the help
of authentic materials. Modeling life situations, using authentic tools-all
this involves preparing students for independent life, contributes to the
formation of an atmosphere of cooperation and interaction. The relevance of the
study is caused by the insufficient development of theoretical approaches to
the organization of the process of development of socio-cultural competence
with the use of authentic video materials in ELT
to senior pupils.

The purpose of this work is to investigate the features and ways of
using films and video materials to form the linguistic and cultural competence
of senior students in English lessons. The implementation of the conceived goal
involves the following tasks:

— to define the concept of «linguistic and cultural competence»;

— to show the expediency of using authentic materials for the formation
of linguistic and cultural competence of middle-level students during the study
of new material, systematization of the studied material;

-to consider the role of authentic materials at all stages of the
English lesson;

-to identify the features of using video materials in ELT in
senior classes.

The object of the study of this work is the authentic materials used in
the classroom in teaching of English.

The subject of the study is tools and techniques by using series and film in ELT.

Research methods: theoretical analysis of authentic materials,
pedagogical research related to their use in the course of an English lesson.

The practical significance of this work is that it can be used in the
practice of teaching a foreign language in a general educational environment.

The work consists of
an introduction, theoretical and practical parts, a bibliographic list and a
conclusion. In the introduction, the relevance of the topic is

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teaching of oral speech. The basis of speech activity
is, first of all, the interaction of several (at least two) persons, that is,
the appeal of one to the other for a specific purpose. The content of speech
activity consists in the exchange of information between its participants, that
is, in the message of something new.

The motivation for speech activity is always a motive
that arises on the basis of certain individual needs, that is, the speaker must
be aware of what he is saying, what he wants to say to his interlocutor. When
teaching, in particular oral speech, it is necessary to take into account the
individual characteristics of the interlocutors. In the educational process,
this will ensure the optimal assimilation of the material by students.

The concept of
practical knowledge of a foreign language includes three aspects of speech:
linguistic, psychological and social, which in the process of communication act
as one. Speech generation is based on language skills and abilities. Skills are
components of a consciously performed activity. If the speech


Фрагмент текста работы:


Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of
using of authentic materials in ELT

1.1 Content and structure of linguistic and cultural

A foreign language has a significant educational value, forms a
humanistic attitude to the cultural diversity of the world, a willingness to
treat with respect the spiritual values, ideals and traditions of other

A special place in linguistic and cultural aspect of the language is
occupied the language material that reflects the culture of the country of the
language being studied, non-equivalent, background, connotative lexical units,
common forms of speech, as well as non-verbal sign languages, facial
expressions and everyday (habitual) behavior.

Learning a foreign language requires familiarity with the culture that
the language serves and of which it is a part. In this regard, the formation of
foreign language communicative competence leads to parallel formation of its
constituent parts — linguistic-cultural competence, which consists of national
customs, traditions and realities knowledge of the country of studied language,
the ability to extract from language units country information and use it,
ensuring full communication [Анурова, 2001].

Communication competence includes knowledge of the required skills, languages,
skills of working in a group, ways of interacting with surrounding and

remote people
and events, knowledge of various social functions in a team. The student must
be able to introduce himself, write a letter, a questionnaire, ask a correct
question, conduct a discussion, etc. For the development of these competencies
in the educational process, the necessary and sufficient number of real objects
of communication and ways of working with them is formed on each stages of
training within each the subject or educational field being studied.

For effective speech communication, it is necessary to learn to
understand the "alien" mentality; to get acquainted with nationally
marked forms of communication, speech and behavioral cliches; to develop skills
and abilities to correlate language means with specific situations and norms of
speech behavior that native speakers adhere to. Mastering the skills of
productive speech communication will require a lot of effort and a variety of

The teacher should draw the students ‘ attention to the various
sociolinguistic connotations associated with a different culture, customs,
traditions, the rules of speech etiquette, the use of language units that are
directly related to those established in each linguistic culture.

According to
Halliday’s definition the context is” the total environment in which a language
unfolds” that is its five dimensions linguistic, situational, interactional, cultural
and intertextual are shaped by

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