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Курсовая с практикой на тему Types of subordinate clauses in English and Spanish newspapers (Типы придаточных предложений в английской и испанской прессе).

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1.1. The Concept, Structure and Types of Subordinate Clauses in English 6
1.2. The concept, Structure and Types of Subordinate Clauses in Spanish 12
2.1. Analysis of Types of Subordinate Clauses in the English Press 18
2.2. Analysis of Types of Subordinate Clauses in the Spanish Press 33




The question of the relationship of culture in the broadest sense of the word and the information embedded, stored and communicated in words as elements of a language has long attracted not only linguists, but also representatives of other sciences.
All the features of the life of a nation (such as geographical conditions and location, the course of historical development, the nature of social structure, the tendency of social thought, science, art) will certainly be reflected in the language of this nation. Therefore, it can be argued that language is a kind of reflection of the culture of a nation, it carries the national cultural source of the people. It contains words in the meaning of which a special part can be distinguished, reflecting the connection between language and culture, and which is called the cultural component of the semantics of a linguistic unit. It should be noted that enough attention is given to these linguistic units by both domestic and foreign scholars.
Going deeper into the study, the language must be aware of all its complexity and structure. The grammatical and lexical features of the English and Spanish languages have historically evolved based on the origin of the English tribe and their assimilation with the Saxon tribe and the creation of a common language and culture. Thus, creating the grammatical structure of the English language and the sequence of its lexical units in the sentence.
A deeper study of English and Spanish raises the question of understanding its complex lexical constructions (sentences). As well as an insight of the design and rules for the use in everyday speech.
Going deep into the study, any language should be aware of all its complexity and structure. The grammatical and lexical features of the English language have historically evolved based on the origin of the English tribe and their assimilation with the Saxon tribe and the creation of a common language and culture. Thus creating the grammatical structure of the English language and the sequence of its lexical units in the sentence.
Studying English deeper, the question arises of understanding its complex lexical constructions (sentences). As well as an understanding of the construction and rules of use in colloquial speech.
The relevance of this topic is that at present the question of the role of subordinate offers of different colors remains open. The relevance of this topic is that at present the question of the role of subordinate offers of different colors remains open. Often they are allocated to the general category. This is due to the fact that time, in subordinate clauses, can act as a condition. Pragmatic significance is associated with the use and historically established rules for the use of subordinate clauses and their implementation in the English and Spanish press.

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  1. It was concluded that complex sentences in the English and Spanish languages are similar in structure: one sentence is the main, and the other (or others) is the subordinate clause, they are unequal and interconnected on the basis of subordination (the subordinate clause depends on the main and explains his). This similarity is explained by the fact that English and Spanish belong to the same group of Indo-European languages. In the course of this study, it was found that complex sentences in the English language can have not only one, but several subordinate clauses, moreover, they can refer to the same or to different types, and some of them may be repeated.
    In Spain, in recent decades, the most powerful development of the media and communication has been noted along with the gradual oblivion of fiction, the absolutization of the influence function to the detriment of the other functions of the language, and the unprecedented growth of advertising texts.
    Today, the media is having an increasing impact on society. That is why in print media there is a change in the language norm in the newspaper and journalistic style, which to a greater or lesser extent reflects the literary norm of the language and which is greatly influenced by colloquial speech.
    When examining the harmonization of verb tenses in the Spanish language, the media revealed numerous cases of violation of harmonization. The study of linguistic material suggests that most authors of newspaper texts write their articles in violation of the norm. It seems to us that this is due to the desire of journalists to bring the situation or incident they are describing to the reader.
    Analysis of the conditioning showed the diversity of the functions of this mood in the Spanish periodicals. His function has become familiar, as «condicional de información no asegurada» (an expression of doubt or uncertainty in the information provided). Many authors, for example, F. Lazaro Carreter, see in this the use of conditional mood as explicit gallicism and advise to replace it with Spanish expressions: Se dice que ../ Parece ser que ../ A l parecer … There are also turns that are in Spanish replace the use of conditional mood and are considered tracing paper from the French language: posiblemente and parece (ser) que. But still, most authors, given the opinion of the Academic Grammar of the Spanish Language, consider it necessary to express uncertainty and doubt lexically, using the expressions: Se dice que ../ Aseguran que … This use has recently spread in the language of the media both in Spain and and in Latin America.
    In this paper, complex sentences in English and Spanish were compared and the features of their translation were analyzed. Based on the comparative analysis, the following conclusions were made:
    1. When using complex


Фрагмент текста работы:


1.1. The Concept, Structure and Types of Subordinate Clauses in English

The history of the English language began with three Germanic tribes that invaded Britain in the 5th century AD. These tribes — the Angles, Saxons and Utes — came from the territories of present-day Denmark and the northern part of Germany, breaking the North Sea.
At that time, the inhabitants of Britain spoke Celtic, but the invaders pushed the Celts to the western and northern edges of the island — in fact, where Wales, Scotland and Ireland are now located. The Angles called their country «Englaland», and their language was called «Englisc» — from there came the words «England» and «English».
In the 5th century, German conquerors entered Britain from the east and south coasts. Germanic tribes spoke similar languages. A common language has formed on the island from their dialects, which we now call Old English.
It almost does not look like modern, and it would be very difficult for current English speakers to understand it. However, about half of the most common words in modern English have Old English roots.
From there come, for example, words like be, strong and water. Old English was spoken until around the end of the 11th century.
In 1066, William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy (now part of France) invaded Britain. The Norman invaders brought with them French, which became the language of the royal court, as well as the ruling and merchant classes.
This was a period of class linguistic separation, when the lower strata of society spoke English, and the higher ones spoke French. In the fourteenth century, English began to gain strength again, but borrowed many French words.
This language is called Middle English. It was the language of the great poet Jeffrey Chaucer (c. 1340-1400), but for modern native speakers it would still be obscure.
At the end of the Middle English period, sudden and significant changes in pronunciation began (The Great Vowel Shift), vowel sounds became more concise. From the sixteenth century, Britain increasingly came into contact with various peoples of the whole world. The main difference between early and late New English is the vocabulary of the language. Late New English has much more words due to two key factors: firstly, the industrial revolution and the development of technology have led to the need to create new words; secondly, the British Empire at its heyday

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