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Курсовая с практикой на тему Типовые контракты в международной торговле

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



1.1 Main features of international trade 4
1.2 Types of foreign trade documentation 9
1.3 Contracts in commercial operations within international trade 13
2.1 Trading-intermediary operations in the world market 22
2.2 The concept and types of trade agreements within contracts 26
2.3 Basic conditions of contracts interrelated 32




At the present stage of development of international commercial relations and an increase in the number of participants in foreign economic activity, the issues of concluding foreign trade contracts are of practical importance. Lots of questions arise within carrying out foreign trade. In particular: regarding the duration of the transaction, the differences between the Russian legislation and the legislation of the country of location of the organization of the counterparty, customs clearance of goods. Despite many years of experience working with foreign partners, Russian participants in foreign economic activity make mistakes and inaccuracies when setting up the conditions for foreign trade contracts. The relevance of this study is that the results obtained in it contribute to obtaining a more holistic view of international trade processes. To researches of a contract as a part of international trade are devoted studies of such researches as J. Mill, F. Edgeout, D. Mead, A. Marshall, D. Ricardo, A. Smith, R. Vernon, M. Porter and the others.
The subject of the study is model contracts. The aim is to consider model contracts in the international trade. In accordance with this aim the following tasks are set in the study:
− to consider main features of international trade;
− to investigate types of foreign trade documentation;
− to analyze contracts in commercial operations within international trade;
− to investigate trading-intermediary operations in the world market;
− to analyze the concept and types of trade agreements within contracts;
− to consider basic conditions of contracts interrelated.
Within writing the study there will be used such theoretical methods as analogy, classification, analysis and generalization. The study consists from introduction, two chapters, conclusion and references.

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Thus, international trade is the exchange of goods and services between state-national economies. World trade is a collection of foreign trade of all countries of the world. Model contracts are used mainly in transactions for the supply of industrial raw materials on a long-term basis, as well as in transactions on stock exchanges. This is due to such a feature of mass goods as their homogeneity, which facilitates the unification of conditions of contracts. It is also important that these goods are traded on a large scale, and importers are usually united in industry organizations. A model contract is a contract that serves as the basis for negotiations on the conclusion of a foreign trade transaction. It may be amended or supplemented by parties.
Model contract can be used in two ways: by unconditional acceptance by one of the contracting parties of the terms of the final form of the standard contract proposed by the other party, which does not change, except for minor details and by applying a model contract as a model, which can be modified in accordance with the terms of a particular transaction. Most often such a contract developed by one of the counterparties is taken as a model and on the basis of it, by agreeing on each condition, an individual contract is developed, which is signed by the parties. Model contracts are developed by interested international organizations, unions of entrepreneurs, stock exchanges, chambers of commerce, large firms. The most common model contracts with general conditions of sale and purchase was developed in the framework of the UN Economic Commission for Europe. They are drawn up in relation to the main foreign trade goods, as well as for contracts for the supply and installation of equipment. There are more than 30 variants of standard contracts.
Thus the aim settled in the work is achieved and the tasks are fulfilled. Were considered the main features of international trade and types of foreign trade documentation. Were investigated contracts in commercial operations within international trade, trading-intermediary operations in the world market and basic conditions of contracts interrelated.


Фрагмент текста работы:



1.1 Main features of international trade
International trade is a sphere of international trade and money relations, a specific form of exchange of products of labor (goods and services) between sellers and buyers of different countries. International trade is a collection of foreign trade of all countries of the world. At the same time, trade of individual states and regions is an integral element of international trade.
International trade differs from domestic trade in that:
1) resources at the international level are less mobile than within the country;
2) each country has its own currency;
3) international trade has more influence from political control.
As it is known, the world trade consists of export and import. Export of goods means that they are sold on the foreign market. The economic efficiency of exports is determined by the fact that this country exports the products, the production costs of which are lower than the world. The size of the gain depends on the ratio of national and world prices of the product.
Within import of goods the country purchases goods, the production of which is currently economically unprofitable. The economic efficiency of imports is the economic gain that a country receives because of the rapid satisfaction of its needs for certain goods due to imports and the release of resources spent on the production of such goods within the country. The total amount of exports and imports is the foreign trade turnover of this country with foreign countries.
There are a number of indicators characterizing the country’s activity in the world trade:
1. Export quota — the ratio of the volume of exported goods and services to GDP / GNP; at the industry level, this is the share of goods and services exported by the industry in their total volume. It characterizes the degree of inclusion of the country in foreign economic relations.
2. Export potential is the share of products that a certain country can sell on the world market without detriment to its own economy.
3. Export structure — the ratio or share of exported goods by type and degree of their processing. The structure of exports allows you to highlight the raw material or machine-technological orientation of exports, to determine the role of the country in the international sectoral specialization.
Thus, the high proportion of products of the processing industries in the country’s exports, as a rule, indicates a high scientific, technical and production level of the industries whose products are exported.
4. The structure of imports, especially the ratio of the volume of imported into the country of raw materials and finished end products. This indicator most accurately reflects the dependence of the country’s economy on the external market and the level of development of branches of the national economy.
5. Comparative ratio of a country’s share in world GDP / GNP production and its share in world trade. So, if a country’s share in the global production of any type of product is 10%, and its share in international trade in this product is 1-2%, then this may mean a discrepancy between the goods produced and the world level of quality as a result of the low level of development of this industry.
6. The volume of exports per capita characterizes the degree of openness of the economy of a given state.
Considering this type of trade within historical changeability it should be noted that in the pre-industrial era and in the early stages of the industrialization of the leading countries of the world, products of agriculture, mining and textile products (2/3 of world trade) prevailed in international turnover. Raw materials and foodstuffs were exported from agrarian countries, finished goods, mainly consumer goods, from industrialized countries. In such conditions the competitive position of a country and its possibilities in the international division of labor were determined by its natural resources: land, mineral resources, and climatic conditions.

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