Курсовая с практикой Иностранные языки Английский язык

Курсовая с практикой на тему The Usage of the Gerund in English and Spanish newspapers

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
Нажимая на кнопку, я даю согласие
на обработку персональных данных
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления




    Introduction 3
    1. Gerund in English and Spanish 5
    1.1. Gerund in English 5
    1.2. Specifics of Gerund in Spanish 12
    2. Use of Gerund in the Spanish and English Media 17
    2.1. Features of Gerund in the English Media 17
    2.2. Features of the Gerund in the Media of Spain 21
    Conclusion 29
    Bibliography 31







    In the English and Spanish language system, the verb has a special place that is not characteristic of any other part of speech: all statements are formed on the basis of the verb term, which represents the described situation.
    All verbs, with the exception of insufficient ones, have both personal and non-personal forms. Along with personal, that is, conjugated forms of the verb, in English (as in Russian) there are non-personal, unchanged in the person and number forms of the verb.
    Gerund is one of the non-finite (impersonal) forms of the verb available in many languages (English, Azerbaijani, Spanish, French, Latin, etc.). Gerund is a non-personal verb form with -ing ending with the properties of a verb and a noun. The verbal part of speech (along with the sacrament and participle) expressing the action as an object. This non-personal form of the verb calls the process of action and can answer questions such as what? From what? On what? For what? It combines the features of a noun (in particular, a syntactic role in a sentence) and a verb.
    The course work is devoted to the study of gerund and its translation from Russian into English, as well as the morphological and syntactic properties of gerund and its environment, which determine the choice of a particular translation option, are investigated.
    The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the need for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of functioning and methods of translating gerund in various contexts, as well as ordering various views.
    In the process of transmitting information, it is often necessary to designate an action, activity or process in a general sense. In this case, gerund is used in English. Gerund, unlike other parts of speech, has no direct analogue in the Russian language. The analysis of gerund is of interest from the point of view of the general characteristics of the structure of modern English, one of the specific features of which is a developed system of non-personal forms of the verb and the features of their use. This, of course, testifies to the relevance of the chosen topic.
    The system of non-personal (non-conjugate, verb-nominal) forms of the verb is one of the core elements of the grammatical structure of the Spanish language. This is a constant source for replenishing the species-time system of the Spanish verb with new analytical forms formed with the participle, gerund and infinitive. All syntactic functions of both the main and secondary members of the sentence are covered by non-personal forms of the verb; they are based on the contradictory interaction of verb and nominal properties, due to which the relationship between the verb and the name is especially evident in non-personal forms.
    The study of the relationship between the verb and the name in the grammatical system of the language is very important for elucidating the nature of the patterns of development of its grammatical structure, therefore, when studying these patterns in the Spanish language, it is advisable to pay special attention to the non-personal forms of the Spanish verb.
    As a result of the study of archaic, classical and late Latin material and the most characteristic writing monuments of Spanish and other Pyrenees-Romance languages from the time of their formation to the present day, a gradual transformation of Latin forms and their use in Roman languages to solve new grammatical problems dictated by common tendencies in the language, the need to express new shades of thought by rethinking old forms or replacing them with new ones and constant and steady improvement eat language. «

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    1. Gerund is a verb-nominal form that combines the properties of a verb (gerund is inherent in the species meaning; gerund can be used in a simple verb predicate as part of a long-form verb form estar + gerundio:
      Estaras siempre discutiendo con todos?
      gerund with the words supplementing it can form an absolute construction, which expresses a separate judgment:
      Clinton miro hacia la camara y dijo, “Siendo Dios testigo, les aseguro que nunca hubo penetracion”. (Revista Chasqui 71)
      Llego muy callandito.
      gerund does not change either in faces or in numbers, etc.).
      The main syntactic function of gerund is a circumstance function:
      Paseando, me encontre con Gloria. Estando en el teatro se sintio enfermo. (tiempo)
      Se me presento temblando. Vino corriendo. (modo)
      Leyendo se aprende. (medio)
      Sonrie Cristina, deseando mostrarse menos preocupada. (causa)
      Yendo todos juntos, podremos convencerlo. (condicion)
      Viviendo en Cordoba, hasta entonces a nadie habia oido hablar de esta ventaja. (concesion)
      One of the most controversial questions about the syntactic functions of gerund is the ability to perform an attribute function by gerund, i.e. perform the syntax function of the definition.
      Summarize the information in the form of a diagram in Fig. 1

      Gerund stands out from other non-personal forms of the English verb in that there is no analogue of it in the Russian language. Also, gerund combines the properties of a noun and a verb and is formed using the -ing ending. In a sentence, gerund can be a subject, part of a compound nominal or verb predicate, complement, direct and indirect, definition and circumstance.
      In the course of this course research, many examples were selected that were analyzed in terms of the function that they perform in the proposal, and the forms and grouped in accordance with the selected classification.


      Фрагмент текста работы:


      1. Gerund in English and Spanish

      1.1. Gerund in English

      The grammar of the verb in the English and Russian languages has fundamental differences. Behind this lies the reason for the difficulties associated with the acquisition of the English verb, and the optimal way to overcome difficulties.
      A verb must be present in the English sentence. All verbs, with the exception of insufficient ones, have both personal and non-personal forms.
      Finite Forms express face and number; in addition, they have the forms of mood, time and voice. Personal forms of the verb fulfill the role of the predicate in the sentence and are always used together with the subject, with which they are consistent in person and number.
      The three main forms of the verb are called Infinitive, Past Indefinite and Communion II. They are called basic because all other forms are formed from them.
      Along with personal, that is, conjugated forms of the verb, in English (as in Russian) there are non-personal, unchanged in the person and number forms of the verb. Non-Finite Forms of the verb (Non-Finite Forms, or Verbals) also indicate action, but do not have indicators of face, number and mood; they can express only time and pledge. Nonpersonal forms of a verb are never predicate in a sentence, although they can be included in its composition.
      There are three non-personal verb forms in English: Infinitive, the Participle, and the Gerund.
      Non-personal forms of the verb do not have signs of time, face, number, and mood. They can never independently act in a sentence as a predicate, indicating only some secondary action or entering into the predicate as one of the constituent parts.
      The English infinitive corresponds to the Russian indefinite form of the verb, and the participle corresponds to the Russian Communion and the participle. There is no form corresponding to English gerund in Russian. The meaning of gerund can be conveyed in Russian by a noun formed from a verb, an indefinite form of the verb, as well as other forms.
      The non-personal forms of the verb combine the properties of the verb and the noun (infinitive, gerund) or the verb and the adjective (participle). A distinctive feature of the English non-personal forms of the verb is their ability to form the so-called syntactic complexes, i.e., combinations with nouns or pronouns, equivalent in meaning to subordinate sentences and acting as complex members of a sentence (a complex complement, predicate, subject, definition or circumstance).

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