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Курсовая с практикой на тему The usage of synonymy of modern linguistics in English and French social and political essays. Использование синонимии современной лингвистики в английской и французской публицистике.

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    1.1 Different approaches and criteria for the study of synonyms 5
    1.2 Functions of synonyms in newspaper and journalistic style 10
    Conclusions of the first chapter 14
    2.1 Synonyms as a stylistic tool in the language of a French newspaper 16
    2.2 Synonyms as a stylistic tool in the language of an English newspaper 26
    Conclusions for the second chapter 37




    Informative technologies that determine the development of modern society are used in all fields, including politics, science and culture, production and business. The increased role of information puts a new stage of development and modern media, which are engaged in its collection, processing and transmission.
    The language of the newspaper is of great interest to linguists studying the processes characteristic of the modern language, as the texts of modern media determine the linguistic, socio-psychological and cultural situation in society.
    A detailed (linguistic analysis of newspaper and journalistic articles allows you to more widely and comprehensively study their informational (substantive) aspect, which is understood as the entire content, all information, both semantic and stylistic, emotionally expressive, functional, evaluative, genre, aesthetic in nature, fixed in the newspaper text and necessary for the implementation of the informative and acting functions of the language of the newspaper.

    Thus, the aim of the study is to identify the general and specific in the functioning of synonyms in the language of the French and English modern media. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were put forward:
    1. To analyze various points of view on the nature and essence of synonymy, to clarify the classification of synonyms in relation to the language of the electronic press.
    2. Consider the semantic and stylistic functions of synonyms in the framework of the GP style.
    3. To systematize the style-forming categories of GP texts that affect the specific language of an electronic newspaper and determine the functioning of synonyms as standard and expressive means.
    4. To carry out a stylistic analysis of synonyms that meet together, taking into account the interaction of their functional-style and emotionally expressive coloring.
    5. To study the use of synonyms as figurative language tools.
    6. Consider the sources of synonymy at the lexical, morphological and syntactic levels.
    7. To compare the frequency of use of lexical and syntactic synonyms in English and French newspaper texts, to identify patterns that are characteristic of the English and Russian electronic press.
    The methodological basis of the study was the general theoretical provisions of general linguistics, lexicology, linguistic semantics, stylistics, comparative linguistics, which are reflected in the works of domestic and foreign scientists (Yu.D. Apresyan, OS S. Akhmanova, V.V. Vinogradov, S. Balli , F.M. Berezin, A. Vezhbitskaya, G.O. Vinokur, I.R. Halperin, A.N. Kozhin, A.D. Grigoryeva, B.A. Zvegintsev, A.K. Ilyina, E. Kurilovich , J. Lyons, A.P. Evgenieva, D.L. Likhachev, A.I. Smirnitsky, A.N. Morokhovsky, AA Reformed, Yu.M. Skrebnev, G.Ya. Solganik, D.N. Shmel c., S.I. Ozhegov, Z.S. Smelkova, B.N. Telia, A.P. Skovorodnikov, Yu.S. Sorokin, N. Chomsky, B. Shcherba, H. Beard, G. Canon, RW Holder, R. Quirk, P. Ramat M. Halliday, AS Hornby, JS Neaman.
    Research Methods. When solving the tasks and analyzing the language material, the following research methods and techniques were used: the method of component analysis of lexical units, comparative analytical method, stylistic analysis, as well as statistical analysis.
    120 newspaper articles in French and 120 newspaper articles in English on the electronic version of the BBC were used as empirical material. The selection of material was limited to news articles as well as analytical ones.
    The structure of the study. It consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion, list of used literature.

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    1. Having examined the existing sources on this subject, as well as having analyzed the functioning of the everyday and occasional synonyms in the texts of the French and English electronic newspapers, we came to the following conclusions.
      The most functional for our purposes is the classification of synonyms, which is based on the identity or closeness of the meanings of lexical and grammatical units expressing one concept and this concept is an internal unity of combining, combining distinguishing features (a concept in the totality of its features). We highlight what remains beyond their lexical equivalence — the differentiating role of synonyms, we emphasize not only the general meaning of two or more synonymous words, but also the more important distinguishing features of each of the synonyms: shades of meaning, expressive and stylistic features and even possible grammatical differences. This approach to synonyms allows us to explain their different compatibility, contextual use, since the definition of the content (conceptual) side of many synonymous pairs (especially contextually determined) sometimes requires reference to units of a higher level than just a phrase, up to the whole text, where the extralinguistic the situation is more fully expressed;
      Based on the accepted classification of synonyms, as well as taking into account the main tasks of journalism, we were able to identify the following functions of synonyms: substitution, refinement, detailing, evaluation, informative, expressive, metalanguage;
      A comparative analysis of the functioning of synonyms at the lexical, morphological and syntactic level within the framework of the newspaper and journalistic style allows us to establish some system of patterns that is characteristic of the English and French electronic newspapers in general, and in particular:
      — the use of synonyms as standard and expressive language tools is completely subordinate to the implementation of the informative and influencing functions of the newspaper;
      — the selection and combination, as well as the discrepancy in the number of synonyms used in the texts of the English and French newspapers, depends on such style-forming categories as the temporary situation, the political system of the country, the categories of the author, and therefore on specific publications that have their own preferred methods and rules for submitting material , its target setting;
      — The use of synonyms with various functional-style and emotionally expressive colors, as well as stylistic figures of speech, is necessary not only for verbal decoration of newspaper text. The main purpose of such synonyms is to function as a means of speech exposure, to transmit, in addition to the main significant information, additional information related to the assessment, the author’s attitude to the transmitted material.
      The stylistic description of the lexical composition of the French and English electronic newspapers, taking into account the interaction of the functional-style and emotionally expressive coloring of lexical units, showed the dependence of the organization of the language elements of this style on its functions. The focus on informing involves the use of a journalist’s neutral vocabulary, newspaper cliches, terms, lexical neologisms, which allows us to talk about the so-called “standard”. The use in the newspaper text as synonyms of stylistically colored words, opposed to neutral lexical units, taking into account inter-style and intra-style synonymy (due to the presence of stable ranks of oppositions within the linguistic system), is explained by the need to realize the acting function. Based on illustrative material, we were able to identify the following series of oppositions when juxtaposing lexical units with different stylistic coloring in the same context.
      Most often in the English newspapers the modal verbs could be is used (27%). Evaluation of the textual modality is associated with an increase in self-control, the avoidance of over-categoricalness, which can be perceived as inattention, disrespect to another point of view.

      Фрагмент текста работы:


      1.1 Different approaches and criteria for the study of synonyms

      Synonymy (from the Greek synonymia — «homonymity») is based on the ability of the language system to have several signifiers for one signified and helps to reflect in the language the various properties of the objective world using a minimum of language means. Synonymy is manifested at all levels of the language; therefore, they distinguish synonymy phraseological, grammatical, derivational and lexical. Lexical synonymy is understood narrowly as complete, and broadly as a partial coincidence of the meanings of linguistic units while maintaining differences in semantic shades and stylistic coloring [7].
      To consider the essence of the synonymy of the English language, we turn first of all to the basic concepts on this topic.
      Synonym — a word or expression that matches or is close in meaning to another word, expression, e.g. «» path «» and «» road «», «» hang your head «» and «» lower your head «» [12].
      Let’s look at a few examples of synonyms in English.
      Think — consider, life — activity, violent — furious, accidentally — casually
      Thus, synonyms are considered as words of one part of speech, having a common semantic component, showing that these lexical units exhibiting partial interchangeability in language and speech completely or partially coincide either in the entire volume of their semantic structures, or only in separate semantic variants [10].
      In speech, two main functions are characteristic of synonyms: the substitution function, when one unit is replaced by another that is semantically adequate to it in order to avoid repetition when speaking, and the refinement function. For example, in the statement “Its effect on history is exaggerated. They have been overrating it for years”, the words exaggerate and overrate serve as a substitution function to remove tautology. The speaker’s intention does not include disclosing differences in actions expressed by these synonyms. This function is served by another function of synonyms — the refinement function. The speech shows that side of the object of reality, which seems to be the most important to the speaker. The choice of a synonym may indicate different degrees of manifestation of a sign (mistake / blunder: wrong opinion, idea, act / foolish mistake); for the presence of special shades of meaning (mistake / slip (small mistake) / lapse (unexpected mistake), etc., as well as give emotional speech (die / expire / pop off) [7].

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