Курсовая с практикой Иностранные языки Стилистика

Курсовая с практикой на тему The problem of scientific terminology

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction. 2

Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of the study of different
layers of the English vocabulary  4

1.1 The notion of "sublanguage" and its
definition. 4

1.2 The
definition and properties of the notion of term.. 8

Summary to chapter 1. 12

Chapter II.Terminology in scientific-technical and
official-business speech styles. 13

2.1 Stylistic functional features  of scientific discourse terms. 13

2.2 Stylistic peculiarities of the terms. 22

2.3 Comparative analysis of the terms functioning in
scientific and official business discourse. 24

Summary to chapter 2. 29

Conclusion. 30

Bibliography. 32

Appendix. 35




Terminological units are an integral part of the modern common language.
Every day a person comes across a lot of terms that have long since left the
sphere of their narrow specialization and are firmly established in everyday

Terminology is one of the most dynamic and developing lexical systems of
the language. In this regard, research in this area often takes place in the
aspect of diachrony, showing the historical development and change in time of
the terminology of a particular field of knowledge.

Terminology, as the object of this research, has recently attracted the
attention of many linguists such as S.V. Shvetsova, V.M. Leychik, S.V. Grineva,
L.S. Rudinskaya, M.V. Vasina, S. I. Balishin, L.Besekirsk, J.C. Sager and others. Numerous studies of terminological
systems conducted on the material of various languages constantly reveal in
them a peculiar interweaving of general linguistic patterns and specific
circumstances that affect the vocabulary of a particular field of knowledge.

The relevance of this study is due to several factors, one of which is
the active interest of linguists to the stylistic peculiarities and other problems of scientific

goal of this work is
to study the functional properties of scientific terminology in popular science
articles. This goal involves solving the following tasks:

— to define the concepts of "special vocabulary",

— to identify the functional
properties of
"special vocabulary",

— to determine the stylistic features of the functioning of terms in
scientific discourse,

— to
conduct a comparative analysis of the functioning of terms in scientific and
official business discourse.

The object of research is the peculiarities of the formation of
English-language scientific terminology.

The subject of research is the peculiarities of using English-language
terms in scientific texts.

The practical significance of this work is determined by the possibility
of using our research in studying the features of the formation of the English terminological system.

The scientific novelty of the work consists in a comprehensive study of
terminological vocabulary as part of the modern language, as well as in
identifying the features of using terms as an integral part of the lexical
composition of the English language.

The material of the work,
the sampling, was chosen from  scientific
articles and documents written in authentic English, taken from Internet sources. The analysis was based on Leslie S. Olson’s article "How Brain
Death Works" and F.S. Fitzgerald’s novel “Tender is the Night”.

The work consists of 5 parts: an introduction, two
chapters, conclusion, and bibliography.

The introduction states the relevance of research on the chosen topic, defines the
goal and
objectives of the investigation, the object and subject of the paper under study.

The first Chapter is devoted to theoretical issues: analysis of special
literature on the terminology system, and ways of their formation. The second
Chapter provides a practical analysis of the usage of English-language terms in scientific articles on
Economics, marketing, management, and finance.

In the conclusion,
the results of the work done are summarized and presented.

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styles of speech reflect in the verbal form the peculiarities of different
spheres of human life. The sphere of scienct is
one of the most important spheres of human activity. Terminological vocabulary
is a layer of language vocabulary that reflects
a person’s professional and recreational activities.

The language
of the scientific functional style of speech is distinguished
by the peculiarities of special vocabulary as
well as by grammatical, namely syntactical peculiarities. Scientific
communication, as one of the areas of professional communication, has generated
a number of corresponding nominations: languages
for special purposes (LSP) in English — American literature; Fachsprachen in
German  linguistic literature; while in Russian linguistics, the term of
English origin is used, translated from English by the method of:
"language for special purposes" (its abbreviated form is LSP).

The main
feature of the vocabulary of English scientific
texts is the use of a large number of special terminology. The special
character of scientific medical texts is
determined by the fact that it is used within a narrow circle of specialists in
the field of medicine. Such texts are characterized by a strict, monotonous,
almost completely devoid of any expressiveness
style of scientific presentation using terminology and abbreviations. Their
goal is to share experience and publish research data.

The main
features of medical texts are the use of a large number of special
vocabulary, abbreviations, special grammatical structures, and the
tendency for unambiguousness. The main feature of medical literature as an
integral part of scientific discourse is the use of special terminology.

Due to the
rapid development of science, medical discourse is so saturated with cognitive
information that the only way to save language resources is to compress it. In
this regard, abbreviations occupy a special position in medical texts. For
example, English has a well-developed system of medical abbreviations. Abbreviations
(which are especially coming from Latin) are some of the most often used
elements in written and oral medical communication. Many terms, such as names
of diseases and their treatments, the names of chemical compounds are seldom
used in their full, bulky form as it would interfere with effective
communication. Wide popularity of abbreviations in the medical language,
undoubtedly, provides economy of space and time in the emergency medical
situation. Besides, abbreviations provide understanding only for health
workers, doing materials inaccessible for the patient that is in certain cases
expedient for ethical reasons. However, quite often one abbreviation stands
behind several medical terms that undoubtedly leads to the ambiguity of
understanding and considerably complicates the translation. For example,
abbreviation CF has about 20 medical meanings (Californium, Cystic Fibrosis and
so on), as well as not medical meanings (Compact Flash — a device for saving

In F. S. Fitzgerald’s
novel Tender is the Night there are units of special vocabulary
associated with the professional activities of the main character of the novel.
These are mainly psychiatric and medical terms. In addition to the medical special
vocabulary of these areas, the novel contains lexical units related to military
terminology as well as to  gardening.

The novelist
uses a large amount of special vocabulary related to various fields of science.
These are terms that are an important source of replenishment of the figurative
means of the language of artistic works. The use of special medical vocabulary
in the text of the novel performs a style-forming function.


Фрагмент текста работы:


Chapter I

aspects of the study of different layers of the English vocabulary

1.1 The notion of
"sublanguage" and its definition For modern English in its written form, the following layers of the vocabulary are distinguished: scientific layer, special
layer and poetic layer. At the same time, special and scientific are divided
into a large number of subgroups, depending on what branch of science, or in
what sphere of human activity they are used.

L.L. Kutina noted that "the emergence and design of various
functional varieties of language is associated with certain areas and needs of
public life. One of these varieties is the language of science with various
systems of scientific terminology." [15, c.3]

In Russian linguistics, for such varieties, the original English
 term is
used, translated: "language for special purposes" (in abbreviated
form — LSP). But this term did not spread, — because in Russian linguistic science there already existed
the concept of "special language", "special speech".

V. Raskin believes that the structural understanding of language as a
set of subsystems is more adequate than the idea of language as a single list
of words or a set of grammatical rules. In his opinion, the unified structure
of the language is differentiated into many subsystems or sublanguages
[20, с.20].

For the first time, the theory of a special language (sublanguage) was
considered by the Czech researcher Lubomir Drozda, who called it a functional
language, which is a sublanguage of "this national literary language"
[9, с.20].

sublanguage is a subsystem, a substructure that can function as a language in a
certain sphere of communication [2, с.490-497]. According to N.D. Andreev, sublanguage is
"a set of language elements and their relations in texts with a
homogeneous theme" [2, с.91].

According to the definition of L. L. Nelyubin, a sublanguage implies
"a small linguistic subsystem that contains a set of language structures
and units defined by a thematically homogeneous area of social or professional
functioning of the language, and also has a functional and stylistic
orientation and serves a certain sphere of communication" [29, с.157].

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