Курсовая с практикой Иностранные языки Английский язык

Курсовая с практикой на тему The pecularities of London’s dialects

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



1.1. The historical process of the formation of traditional English 4
1.2. British English as a reference for English 7
1.3. Dialects of London 9
2.1. Lexical Features of the Cockney dialect 12
2.2. Phonetic and grammatical features of the Cockney dialect 14
2.3. Analysis of the use of Cockney in modern culture 16





Relevance of the research topic. Today, the study of English still remains relevant from the point of view of various aspects in the context of linguistics in general, and, in particular, in the context of sociolinguistics.
The linguistic situation prevailing in England is an interesting and multifaceted object for research, due to the high degree of variation of the dialect. Such variations are a reflection of the diversity of processes that occurred during the formation and formation of modern English.
According to tradition, English scholars in the field of dialectology distinguish several geographic dialect zones. In addition, each of these zones has its own linguistic identity. So, scientists distinguished northern, western, middle, eastern, southern dialectic zones.
A fact known to a wide circle is that changes constantly occurring in the language, caused by new conditions and forms of communication, determine the variability of the language. New conditions and forms of communication are associated with the fact that the functioning of the language is implemented in real everyday practice of communicants belonging to different territorial, social and professional spheres.
The object of study is the dialects of London.
The subject of the study is the linguistic features of London dialects.
The purpose of the study is to identify and describe the features of the dialects of the English language in London.
Objectives by research:
1. Describe the historical process of the formation of traditional English.
2. Characterize British English as a reference for English language options.
3. Describe the dialects of London.
4. To analyze the features of the dialects of London.
Research methods: analysis of the literature on the research topic; synthesis and generalization; descriptive method.
The structure of the course work is determined by the purpose and objectives of the study. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a list of references.

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    The development of shipping, the seizure of new territories and the conquest of peoples contributed to the spread of the British version of the English language, the inclusion of elements of local languages in its vocabulary, phonetics, grammar. In such regions, it took root and began to fulfill the function of the first state or second language.
    The process of forming traditional English has its own results. As a result of the merging and mixing of different peoples, this language borrowed many words, therefore, the existence of many territorial and social variants of the English language is historically determined.
    The English language today is multinational: the British version laid the foundation for the American, Canadian and other territorial variants.
    British English is the reference language for the territorial variations of English. However, each of the territorial variants of the English language has its own cultural and historical features.
    The Great Russian Encyclopedia notes that the «British» are the main population of Great Britain. The population is 49, 14 million people. In addition, they live in Canada, Australia, USA, New Zealand, India and other countries. They speak British English. British the English version is the national language for the British This provision gives us reason to assert that British English is used as a standard according to which we can talk about the presence or absence of certain parameters in other variants dialects of English.
    A.D. Schweizer introduced the concept of «national-territorial version of the English language» into scientific use. The scientist described the differences between the English and American versions of the English language and determined the nature of their interaction. According to the researcher, a variant of the literary language is a regional version of a single standardized literary speech. He calls the combination of this variant of the literary language and territorial dialects the national variant of the language that is widespread within its borders, just as the combination “literary language + dialects” in the conditions of a homogeneous national language is called the national language. Structurally, a variant of the literary language, and a dialect are partial systems that are part of a complex system of the national language.
    So, there are several options for English. The most widely known are standard (British) English and the Cockney dialect, located on opposite ends of the linguistic continuum of London. Grammar, syntax, morphology, slang and vocabulary of standard English for English are the most understood and accepted. The main difference between standard and non-standard English is a different level of social acceptability.
    This situation is historically determined. In the 17th century, London became the political and commercial center of the country. At this time, the speech of the London West End (or the upper classes living there) was more and more identified with standard English, the speech of the East End (poor areas of the city) was identified with Cockney.
    Today, Cockney is a dialect of English used at the East End in London. Distribution zones roughly include the following areas: Oldgate, Bental Green, Onion, Limehouse, Mile End, Old Ford, Old Poplar, Ratcliffe (Ratcliffe), Shoreditch (Schoredich), Spitalfield (Spitalfield), Stepney (Stepney), Wapping (Wapping) ) In general, they relate to three areas: City (City), Hackney (Hackney), Tower Hamlets (Tower Hamlets).
    As part of the study, we analyzed the history of the emergence and development of English Cockney, provided a detailed description of its semantic, lexical and grammatical features. We have sufficiently disclosed the content of the key concepts for this area of research — the horse dialect.


    Фрагмент текста работы:

    1.1. The historical process of the formation of traditional English

    One of the richest in the world (about 1.5 million words). the emergence of the English language associated with the end of the Great Migration dating back to the 5th century. At this time, the invasion of a group of West German tribes (Angles, Saxons, Friezes and rocks) began on the British Isles. At first, only the indigenous people spoke English (British English), but during the 13-17 centuries. the conquerors began to talk about it and also began to speak this language [25, p 663].
    The spread of British English, the inclusion in its vocabulary, phonetics, grammar of elements of other languages was due to the active development of shipping, the seizure of new territories. In such regions, it took root and began to fulfill the function of the first state or second language.
    English is one of the West Germanic languages. English is a language that comes from Anglo-Frisian dialects. German immigrants from places that today belong to northwestern Germany and the Netherlands brought these dialects to the UK. The language of German immigrants was significantly different from the European languages of that period. Most of the words in modern English come from Anglo-Norman languages. Today, English is the language of «borrowings».
    Middle English and ancient English differed significantly due to two invasions that occurred in the Middle Ages. The first was an invasion by people who spoke Scandinavian languages. In the 8th and 9th centuries of our era, the British were captured and colonized by them. In the 11th century, a second invasion occurred. It was an invasion of the Normans, who spoke the Old Morman language. As a result, an English version of their own language emerged, which was called Anglo-Norman, whose vocabulary greatly influenced many organizations, including the church and the government. During the Renaissance, European languages also influenced the English language, in particular German, Dutch, Latin and Ancient Greek [14].
    At first, the Old English language was a group of diverse dialects that are evidence of the different origins of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of Great Britain. The Wessex dialect of Old English was assigned a dominant role. Regarding the writing of the Old English language, we note that it had similarities with other Germanic languages: Old Germanic and Old Norse.

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