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Introduction 3
Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of studying of Proverbs and sayings in the language 5
1.1 Proverbs and sayings as a reflection of the national mentality 5
1.2 The function of proverbs and sayings 9
Chapter II. Stylistic Features of Proverbs and saying 13
2.1 Semantic features of English and Russian proverbs 13
2.2 Lingvo-stylistic feathers of English proverbs and sayings 18
Conclusion 25
List of references 27




Each language is rich in various idiomatic expressions, Proverbs, sayings, catch phrases that are found in literature, in Newspapers, in films, in radio and television broadcasts, as well as in everyday communication of people. There are no languages known to science that do not have idioms, phraseological phrases, Proverbs and sayings. English and Russian are no exception.
The paper deals with the linguistic structural and semantic analysis of English proverbs that reflects national and cultural identity and the specificity of thinking of the English people. The aim of the paper is to explore in mentality and perception of the world by English people. 
This aim is achieved due to the study of the structural and semantic components and expressive-evaluative components of the proverbs.
Proverbs and sayings, being an integral attribute of people folklore, and in turn, an attribute of the culture of peoples, reflect the life of the nation to which they belong, it is the way of thinking and character of the people. This work is devoted to the study of and English Proverbs and sayings that reflect national characteristics of perception of the world.
The article deals with the linguistic structural and semantic analysis of English Proverbs, which reflects the national and cultural identity and the specifics of thinking of the English people. 
The purpose of the paper is to explore the mentality and perception of the world by the English through Proverbs and Saying. To achieve this goal, are the following tasks set:
1. To characterize the English language system of Proverbs and sayings.
2. To define the concept and essence of proverbs and sayings and their origins.
3. To characterize stylistic potential of Proverbs and sayings in English colloquial speech.
4. To investigate the specific features of Proverbs and sayings 

The study of structural-semantic components and expressive-evaluative components of Proverbs reveals the specific meanings of English Proverbs in linguistics. 
The object of the research is English Proverbs in English-language colloquial speech. 
The subject of the research is the main meanings of Proverbs. Lexical components, syntactic structures, expressive and emotive connotations, sound organization of English Proverbs will help to identify the role of language tools in expressing the peculiarities of the mentality of the English people.
The methods of investigation included contrastive, distributive, componential analyses.
The novelty of this research stems from the source material used — the article presents for the first time a study in the colloquial style of English Proverbs and sayings. It is also relevant, because it reveals a certain specificity of the mentality of the English ethnic group and finds out ways to reflect it in the English-language folklore language worldview.
The work consists of introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and the reference list of the works used. 
The first chapter of the work, the theoretical part is devoted to the definition of proverbs and sayings, its origin in English.
The second part includes questions on functional features of proverbs and sayings in English colloquial speech.
In the conclusion of my paper I tried to draw some results from the investigations made within the main part of my work.
The theoretical value of the research is in elaboration of certain aspects of English stylistic.
The practical value is in the possibility to apply its results in special courses of the English language lexicology.

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A language reflects the particular culture of its nation, especially, proverbs’ role in reflecting national features and culture of this nation is considerable. Not only traditions of the people and national notions, but also historical places, outstanding people and famous characters of the nation are expressed in proverbs.
The place of proverbs, sayings and familiar quotations with respect to set expressions is a controversial issue. A proverb is a short familiar epigrammatic saying expressing popular wisdom, a truth or a moral lesson in a concise and, imaginative way. Proverbs have much in common with set expressions because their lexical components are also constant, their meaning is traditional and mostly figurative, and they are introduced into speech ready-made.
English proverbs are more distinctive in their didactic, edifying character, they are more specific, they often use correlative, adversative and motivational proposals. They use more neutral vocabulary. Emotivity and imagery is created through the inclusion of unusual lexical components (zoonyms, antonyms, synonyms, etc.). 
Most of the English proverbs, in their structure and didactic orientation, are aphoristic, they contain a more neutral vocabulary. This shows that in English proverbs the mentality of an educated person is represented.
Russian proverbs, despite being also edifying, are more expressive. They include folk-spoken, often archaic vocabulary, use diminutive affectionate suffixes, more often use sound repetitions and rhymes that serve to actualize their meaning and contribute to their memorization. They also widely use comparative and adversarial constructions, as well as syntactic parallelism. In general, they are close to folklore. In Russian proverbs the image of a man’s thoughts from a people’s, peasant environment that carries in him not a high culture, but rather humanity and kindness, not avoiding of some cunning, “acumen”.
The effect of a proverb is, to make the wisdom it tells seem to be self-evident. The same proverb often occurs among several different peoples. True proverbs are sayings that have been passed from generation to generation primarily by word of month. They may also have been put into written form.
A proverb consists of a short sentence, which contains a general piece of wisdom.
A proverb contains wisdom, which has been handed down from one generation to the next.
A proverb describes situations which happened before and which are repeated again and again.
The proverbs and sayings are the paper of folklore, which is short but deep in the meaning. They express the outlook of the amount of people by their social and ideal functions. Proverbs and sayings include themselves the some certain features of historical development and the culture of people.
So, we can conclude that proverbs and sayings play a vital role in our life. Proverbs were always the most vivacious and at the same time the most stable part of the national languages, suitable competing with the sayings and aphorisms of outstanding thinkers. In the proverb and sayings pictures queness of national thinking was more vivid expressed as well as their features of national character.
Proverbs and sayings express the totality of cultural and historical experience developed by one or another people. Through the author’s interpretation of proverbs and sayings, occurring at the lexical and stylistic level, the expression becomes ironic. Such a proverb or saying can help the author not only to present the facts, but also to demonstrate their attitude to the events described.


Фрагмент текста работы:


Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of studying of Proverbs and sayings in the language
1.1 Proverbs and sayings as a reflection of the national mentality

The language of folklore has its cultural significance as it is a product of folk art and, at the same time, it reflects the social features of the society and the national worldview of the ethnos. Since the XX century such scholars as Тейлор, Сейлер, Ферт, Мидер have been elaborating on diverse theoretical and practical methods of researching folklore language [21]. It has been emphasized in their works that folklore is a creative reflection of our life and one of the ever-living sources of research on culture of any nation and invaluable matter for carrying on thorough investigation of national history, language, and mentality. The oral folk art contains the ethnic model of the people participating in its creation. The oral folk art is considered to be a reflection of historical and cultural realities. 
Many scholars tried to do the researches to show the differences between proverbs and sayings in order to point out their border of limit. One of the outstanding Russian scholars the author of «dictionary of vivid Russian language» and «the proverbs of Russian nation» V.I. Dal [14] wrote: saying is the bud and proverb is the fruit. So from this point of view we can see that proverbs express the full finite meaning and saying is a phrase which expresses the fugitive meaning. The sayings are considered to be the half part of the proverbs. We can also add that proverbs and sayings are separate genres which are different from each other. 
Folklore and linguistics study proverbs as their objects. Some scholars (Taylor, Seiler, Firth, Mieder, etc.) mentioned in their works that the main reason of studying proverbs in folklore is their traditionality. No doubt that folklore units are traditional and recurring; as N.R. Norrick points they are “seen as authorless, sourceless and also as non-literary, non-learned” [24, p. 10]. Proverbs own these features but not completely. However, they are also investigated as a folklore unit and differentiate form proverbial phrases, clichés, idioms, aphorisms, wellerisms, superstations, maxims and slogans. Linguistics also distinguish proverbs form idioms and phrases; besides analyse them as sentences, clauses, conversational turns, speech acts, etc. A Proverb is considered as a phraseological unit with figurative meaning in linguistics and to be equal to a sentence according to a complete utterance that they can form in a speech. Moreover, their diverse expressiveness and emotiveness are obviously noticed during the process of conversation. Therefore, proverbs can represent the speech situation clearly. The study of proverbs has application in a number of fields. However, proverbs have their own study field – “paremiology” (from Greek “paroimia” – “proverb”). A number of scientific investigations have been done in or linking with this field. Still there are many issues to be analysed and defined by scholars. Comparing and contrasting proverbial stocks of different languages gives interesting and valuable scientific results. 
Clearly, proverbs picture practically a great deal of details of the everyday life of even ordinary people. Many linguists have offered a method of discussing proverbs as cultural texts based on the linguocultural level of language and the cultureme as its basic structural unit. The term “linguoculturology” has been supposed to be used as a separate linguistic field since the beginning of the previous XX century. This field studies interrelation of language and culture, mutual influence on the development of culture and language, their links with social life, psychology, and philosophy. Because a language cannot exist without a culture of a nation and a culture also cannot survive without a language as well.
Proverb is a brief saying that presents a truth or some bit of useful wisdom. It is usually based on common sense or practical experience. The effect of a proverb is to make the wisdom it tells seem to be self-evident. The same proverb often occurs among several different peoples. True proverbs are sayings that have been passed from generation to generation primarily by word of month. They may also have been put into written form. The Book of Proverbs in the Hebrew Bible, or old Testament, is the most notable collection of such sayings. 
Proverb is a Genre of Folklore, aphoristically concise, imaginative, logically and grammatically complete sentence with an instructive sense in rhythmically organized form. Proverbs are usually created as direct popular art, but are sometimes borrowed from literary works. Proverbs often find their way into literature. Many of the lower-class characters in the Canterbury tales by Geoffrey Chaucer[18] refer to proverbs. Miguel de Cervantes'[19] novel Don qui xote (1005, 1615)[20] contains many proverbs. Cervantes collected the proverbs from the Spanish pea sands.
Proverbs are succinct, memorable expressions that encapsulate the folk wisdom of a culture regarding ways of handling life’s predicaments [27].
As Dr. Panos Karagiorgos notes: «Proverbs and sayings contain reliable observations of everyday life, constitute a popular philosophy of life and give a view of human behavior and character. They have properties such as brevity, rhyme and rhythm that develop our memory”»
According to the Oxford English dictionary (2001), a proverb is a short metaphorical, logical, and grammatically complete sentence with an instructive meaning, rhythmically formed expression. It reflects the rich historical experience of the people, ideas related to the work, life and culture of people[30].
A proverb is a small form of folk poetry, clothed in a short saying with a deep instructive meaning. The proverb is an ancient tool for instilling values, which is available to any person, whether it is a child or an adult. It is necessary to learn and learn the wisdom accumulated over the centuries throughout the entire course of life, as well as to appreciate this life in all its diversity [4].
Proverbs and sayings of different cultures have a lot in common, but in addition there are specific features that characterize the national culture, its centuries-old history. Proverbs and sayings contain deep meaning and folk wisdom that have roots in a distant past life. They reflect people’s way of thinking and perception of the world.
Proverbs and sayings differ of:
1) its syntactic structure, since a proverb is always a well-formed sentence;
2) the fact that proverbial units Express judgment, generalized thought, morality (moralizing), and so on.


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