Курсовая с практикой Иностранные языки Стилистика

Курсовая с практикой на тему Стиль официальных документов, его разновидности и основные лексико-синтаксические характеристики.

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
Нажимая на кнопку, я даю согласие
на обработку персональных данных
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction. 2

Chapter I. General characteristics of the official
business style of speech 1.1. Characteristics of the style of official
documents and the scope of its use. 4

1.2. Official documentary style and its characteristics. 8

1.3. Everyday business style and its characteristics. 11

Chapter II. Practical aspects of the style of official
documents. 14

2.1. Stylistic analysis of examples in English
documentation. 14

Conclusion. 28

References  31




In the English literary language,
in the process of its development, a speech style has become isolated, which is
called the style of business speech, or the style of business documents
(official style). Like other speech styles, this style has certain
communication goals, has certain patterns, and linguistic characteristics.

The relevance of the topic lies in the
fact that the official business style is used and serves not only business but
also extremely important spheres of human relationships: the relationship
between government and the population, between countries, between enterprises,
organizations, institutions, between an individual and society. The content
expressed by the official business style, given its great importance, should
exclude ambiguity and discrepancy. On the other hand, this style is
characterized by a certain range of topics. These two features of the official
business style contributed to the consolidation of traditional,
well-established means of linguistic expression in it and the development of
certain forms and methods of constructing a speech.

The object of the research is linguistic
and stylistic techniques, typical for official documents.

The subject of the research is the
features of the means of expression and the ways of their construction, namely,
the lexical, grammatical, syntactic features of the official business style, as
well as translation transformations that help to translate the texts of this
genre equivalently. This course work is devoted to the study of the features of
the means of expression and methods of their construction, the study of linguistic,
syntactic, and morphological features of official — business documentation, in
particular the analysis and consideration of the features of the text of the
contract. The aim of the work is to
study the functional and stylistic features of the official business style of
documents, to characterize its varieties.

To achieve this goal, it is
necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. consider a brief description of
the official business style;

2. classify types of business

3. explore the differences between
formal business style and everyday business style;

4. identify grammatical,
linguistic, lexical features of the official business style using the example
of English-language documentation;

In this work, we used methods such as the
descriptive-analytical method and the comparative-comparative method for
analyzing the text of the contract in English and its translation.

The practical value of the obtained results lies in the fact that the
material and results of the study may be useful for teaching business English
courses, as well as in the practice of teaching interpretation of the text of
language universities.

The work consists of an
introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references.

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The course work used many
different references and scientific sources on the research topic, which made
it possible to give an independent analysis of the main concepts and points of
view on the problem under study, put forward and expressed by domestic and
foreign experts.

The modern formal business style
is a functional variety of the literary language used in the field of public
relations. Business speech serves as a means of communication between the state
and the individual and society as a whole; means of communication between
enterprises, institutions, organizations; a means of official communication
between people in production and the service sector.

The main task of translating
official business documents is to convey the source information to the reader
in an extremely clear and accurate way. This is achieved by a logical
presentation of factual material, without pronounced emotionality, the absence
of expressive means, such as metaphor, metonymic transpositions, and other
stylistic elements widely used in works of art.

The specificity of official
business translation lies, first of all, in the fact that it deals with a
special sphere of human relations — relations between state power and the
population, between countries, between enterprises, organizations,
institutions, between an individual and society, for the expression of which
there are certain lexical, grammatical and stylistic means of the language.

Types of translations of official
business documents:

1. Translation of legal
documentation — translation of legislative documents — law, act, decree,
charter, court decisions, constitution;

2. Translation of personal
documentation — translation of passports, various certificates, work record
books, educational documents, etc .;

3. Translation of business
documents — translation of various contracts, insurance policy, leasing, labor
agreements, international agreements and contracts, financial orders,
accounting, and financial statements, certificates and certificates, licenses,
seals, technical documentation, etc .;

4. Translation of diplomatic
documents — translation of statements, memoranda, communiqués, conventions.

Translation of official business
documents requires a good knowledge of the target language and the original.
Since business translation is related to a specific area of ​​business
relationships, it requires a good knowledge of the subject described in the
original, as well as knowledge of the methodology and technique of translation.

Basic requirements that a
translation must meet:

1) accuracy — all provisions
interpreted in the original must be set out in translation;

2) conciseness — all the
provisions of the original must be stated, concise, and concise;

3) clarity — the conciseness and
brevity of the target language should not interfere with understanding;

4) literary — the text of the
translation must meet the generally accepted standards of the literary language
into which the translation is made.

Thus, having studied the
characteristics and features of the official business style, we concluded that
the process of standardizing business speech covers all levels of the language
— vocabulary, morphology, and syntax.

Lexical features of the official
business style: an abundance of terms (to advocate, to sue, judgment, sentence,
penalty), official and introductory words, clichés, fixed expressions, words of
distinctly foreign origin (a priori, a posteriori, de facto, alumnus, etc.) .)
and internationalism (minister, legal, integrity, etc.). In Russian, these are
primarily Latinisms (as an indicator of the speaker’s education): to argue,
abstract, tendency, etc.

Of particular interest from the point
of view of stylistics are abbreviations and other abbreviations: D&D; DUI.

The grammar of the official
business style is characterized by the frequent use of participial and
adverbial phrases, simple, common, and complex sentences. The main form of sentences
in business texts is complex and complex sentences. This leads to the wide use
of compound prepositions and conjunctions, as well as impersonal forms of the
verb in the function of addition and circumstance and the corresponding
infinitive, participial, and gerundial turns.

In the course of practical
research — translation analysis of texts in an official — business style — it
was revealed that the form of the texts is in most cases stereotyped. European
languages ​​have high culture and standardization of written correspondence. In
modern Russian, there are much fewer established speech stamps, therefore, when
translating, we most often resorted to the literal presentation, in particular,
syntactic assimilation.

Having analyzed
various samples of office documentation texts, we determined the role of
knowledge of the peculiarities and difficulties that they possess, as well as
the methods of their translation.


Фрагмент текста работы:


Chapter I. General characteristics
of the official business style of speech 1.1. Characteristics of the style of
official documents and the scope of its use

The modern formal business style
is one of the book styles and functions mainly in the form of written speech.

Among the book styles, the formal
business style stands out for its relative stability and isolation. Over time,
it naturally undergoes some changes, but many of its features: historically
formed genres, specific vocabulary, morphology, syntactic turns of phrase —
give it a generally conservative character.

The official business style is
subdivided into two varieties, two sub-styles — official documentary and
everyday business.

In turn, in the official
documentary style, one can distinguish the language of legislative documents
related to the activities of state bodies (сonstitutions, laws, statutes), and the language of
diplomatic acts related to international relations (memorandum, communiqué,
convention, statement).

In everyday business style, the
language of official correspondence between institutions and organizations, on
the one hand, and the language of private business papers, on the other, are
distinguished. [4:301]

1) Language of diplomatic acts

The language of diplomacy is very
peculiar. It has its own system of terms, which has a lot in common with other
terminologies, but it also has a peculiarity — saturation with international
terms. In the Middle Ages in Western Europe, Latin was the common diplomatic
language, then French (XVIII — early XIX century). Only in diplomacy are
etiquette words used. These are appeals to representatives of other states,
designations of titles, and forms of title.

The syntax of the language of
diplomacy is characterized by long sentences, extended periods with a branched
alliance connection, participial and adverbial expressions, and infinitive
constructions, introductory and isolated expressions. Often a sentence consists
of segments, each of which expresses a complete thought, is designed in the
form of a paragraph, but is not separated from the others by a dot, but
formally enters the structure of one sentence. Such a syntactic structure has,
for example, the preamble (introductory part) of the universal declaration of
human rights. The entire long fragment of the preamble text is one sentence, in
which the adverbial expressions are underlined in paragraphs, subordinating the
subordinate clauses.

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