Курсовая с практикой Иностранные языки Английский язык

Курсовая с практикой на тему Стиль деловой корреспонденции

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
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на обработку персональных данных
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction. 3

1. Theoretical approaches to the concept of Russian language style. 5

Classification of functional styles of the Russian language. 5

1.2 Place of business correspondence
among the texts of official-business style. 16

Chapter 2. Unification of official and business style. 21

2.1 Standardization and unification-mandatory properties of
official business writing  21

Analysis of the official business text 24

Conclusion. 48

of references. 50




business style is a style that serves public administration. It is used when
writing documents, business papers and letters in government agencies, in
court, as well as in various types of business oral communication.

Among book
styles, the formal corporate style stands out for its relative stability and
isolation. Over time, it naturally undergoes some changes, but many of its
characteristics: historically established genres, specific vocabulary,
morphology, syntactic turns of the sentence — give it a generally conservative

business style is characterized by dryness, lack of emotionally colored words,
concise and compact presentation.

business style in society is much more common than you might think. It can be
observed in instructions, in any documents of organizations (whether state or
commercial), in legislative acts, in methodological developments, and so on.

writing of texts in the format of official business style is not given to
everyone. The main trap that thousands of authors fall into every day is a
completely wrong interpretation of business texts, a wrong understanding of
lexical and syntactic characteristics, and a wrong understanding of the
principles of their work.

The official
business style is characterized by dryness, lack of emotionally colored words,
conciseness, and compactness of presentation.

The relevance
of the work lies in the fact that this topic has not been sufficiently studied
to understand the essence of the problem and its solutions.

Purpose: to
study the style of official documents, its varieties and basic lexical and
syntactic characteristics.

The object of
the study is the style of official documents.

The subject
of the research is the varieties and main lexical and syntactic characteristics
of the style of official documents.

From the
relevance of the work, the object and subject of research, the tasks were

1. Consider
the lexical features of the official business style.

2. Consider
the morphological features of the official business style.

3. Consider
the syntactic features of the official business style.

4. Consider
the genre diversity of the official business style.

5. Consider
techniques for unifying texts.

6. Analyze
the official style document.

methodological basis was excerpts from the novel “The Financier” by Theodore
Dreiser with the translation and analysis of business vocabulary. Research
methods: analytical review and analysis of the literature on business
vocabulary analysis, comparative method, translation commentary, aspect
sampling method, text analysis.

theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that the materials of
this study can be used in further study of this topic.

The practical
significance of the course work is that the materials of this study can be used
in Russian language and literature lessons.

The course
work consists of an Introduction, two chapters, a Conclusion, and a list of

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At the
beginning of the course work, it was said that not everyone knows how to write
correctly in the format of the official business style. The main trap that
thousands of writers fall into every day is a completely incorrect
interpretation of business texts, a lack of understanding of lexical and
syntactic features, a lack of understanding of the principles of their work.

The aim of
the work was to study the style of official documents, its varieties and basic
lexical and syntactic characteristics.

The object of
the study was the style of official documents.

The subject
of the study was the varieties and main lexical and syntactic characteristics
of the style of official documents.

In the first
part of the work, lexical, morphological and syntactic features of the official
business style were considered. As well as its genre diversity.

The lexical
and phraseological composition of the official business style differs
significantly from other book styles and is most opposite to colloquial speech.

a special
feature of the business style vocabulary is its isolation. business speech does
not allow inclusions of foreign style. it can only contain blocks of neutral
and portrait layers. in general, business vocabulary is formed based on the
material of the literary language. however, it contains special groups of words
and expressions.

in the second
part of the course work, the methods of unification of texts were considered
and the document of the official business style was analyzed.

the analysis
of "article 67.1. features of management and control in business
partnerships and companies" confirmed the features of business-style

documents have syntactic, morphological, and lexical-phraseological

analyzing the text written in the official business style, it is possible to
confirm the relevance of all syntactic, lexical, phraseological and
morphological features listed in the theoretical part.

Thus, a
typical unit of formal business style is a two-part declarative sentence with
the correct word order.

Analyzing the
text, you can make sure that the modern business style includes a number of
syntactic elements, morphological and lexical-phraseological features inherent
only in this style of speech.

performing the practical part, we found confirmation of all the syntactic
features of the style listed in the theoretical part.

Thus, in this chapter, practical work was carried out on the analysis of
business-style documents in the amount of 30 pieces.

with the
translation and analysis of business vocabulary. The analysis of the text by
lexical, phraseological and morphological features also confirmed the
peculiarities of business style.

Thus, it can
be argued that all the tasks were completed, namely.


Фрагмент текста работы:


Chapter 1.
Theoretical approaches to the concept of Russian language style

1.1. Classification
of functional styles of the Russian language

Language is a means of communication between people, a tool for forming
and expressing thoughts and feelings, a means of assimilating new information,
new knowledge. But in order to effectively influence the mind and feelings, a
native speaker of a given language must have a good command of it, i.e., have a
speech culture.

Anyone who wants to improve their speech culture should understand [30:911]:

— what is the national Russian language?

— in what forms does it exist;

— how does book speech differ from colloquial speech?

— what are the functional styles of speech;

— what is the difference between them?

The word style comes from the Latin stylus-a pointed stick. In ancient
times, it meant a stick, a rod, made of wood, metal, or bone, pointed at one
end and rounded at the other. With the sharp end they wrote, with the other-in
the form of a spatula – they erased what they had written unsuccessfully, so
that they could write again. Hence the expression: "turn more
Often!", i.e. more often correct, redo, rewrite. [2:243-289]

The word style has already come to mean the quality of what is written.
This is the essence of stylistics-the ability to Express your thoughts in
different ways, using different language means, which distinguishes one style
of speech from another [1:113].

Speech culture is an integral part of personal characteristics. And for
people whose activities are directly related to speech communication, it is
also an important condition for their professional success.

Insufficient speech culture significantly reduces the rating of a
business person, and his speech mistakes often become a target for ridicule. As
life shows, this can have a detrimental effect on the assessment of a person’s
professional activity.

Correctness, expressiveness and accuracy of speech are necessary
attributes of the General humanitarian culture. In the past, in Russia, they
were developed in the process of training and were highly valued. So, A. p.
Chekhov in his note on eloquence "Good news" wrote: "In fact,
for an intelligent person to speak badly should be considered as indecent as
not being able to read and write… All the best statesmen in the era of
prosperity of States, the best philosophers, poets, reformers were at the same
time the best orators. The path to every career was strewn with the"
flowers of eloquence."[6:108]

Unfortunately, for many decades, the necessary qualities of cultural
speech in our society have been formed mainly through individual efforts and
self-education. Neither the school curriculum (which for a long time focused
only on spelling and punctuation), nor the program of higher non-philological,
including humanitarian education, even nominally included modules aimed at
mastering the richness of the native language [3:240].

The result was a language impoverishment. The bar of language culture
has fallen lower and lower over the years.

A flood of jargon broke through the pages of periodicals, flooded the
stands, even penetrated the radio and television. The problems of language have
gone beyond the scope of Philology and have become in line with the General
spiritual problems of society.

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