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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Synonymy as an object of learning English and French 7
1.1. The problem of classification of synonyms 7
1.2. Synonymous series. The dominant of the synonymous series. Synonym Functions. 9
1.3. Synonymy of words and phraseological units within the synonymous series 12
1.4. Correlation of lexical synonymy and polysemy in lexicographic practice 14
Chapter Conclusions 1 15
Chapter 2. Comparative analysis of synonyms in various languages 17
2.1. Correlation of synonyms in English and French 17
2. 2. Quantitatively — qualitative characteristic of verbal synonymic series 27
Conclusions for Chapter 2 36
Conclusion 39
References 42




The development and use of all the riches of the language is impossible without a thorough study of the properties of the word, its meanings, the ability to enter into combinations with other words and form synonymous series. However, many problems associated with the word and its properties, as well as with the development of the structure of the language, are still not completely resolved. Similar problems include the problem of synonyms. 
Synonymy is a universal phenomenon observed at different levels of the language. It plays an important role in speech-thinking activity, since it provides the speaker with the opportunity to choose the best way of expression from a number of semantically close tokens or syntactic structures. The analysis of synonymic relations is closely connected with the solution of issues related to the general logical problems of similarity and difference. A feature of synonymous connections is that if the fact of synonymy itself is established on the basis of the semantic similarity of two or more words, then the characterization of each member of the synonymous series is given taking into account the differences existing between the synonyms. 
The ambiguous and multidimensional approach to the definition of synonymy, to the results of research in this area, as well as lexicographic processing materials presented in the dictionaries of synonyms, allow us to hypothesize that lexical synonymy is not represented by a coherent and sufficiently consistent concept. 
One of the ways to penetrate deeply into the essence of a linguistic phenomenon is its comparative-typological analysis, which contributes to the establishment of a universal and specific in each of the compared languages in relation to a specific linguistic unit and category. This thesis is a study of the lexical-semantic synonymy of English and French. 
The study of the semantics of lexical units has been and remains one of the most important and relevant semasiological problems. Questions of a comparative study of vocabulary in various languages were reflected in the works of A. V. Shcherby, R. A. Budagova, V. G. Gaka, S. Balli, S. Ullman and other linguists. Nowadays — the time of numerous language contacts — comparative studies of the semantics of various linguistic systems are becoming increasingly important. Many linguists consider it appropriate to compare small systems whose members are semantically related. This makes it possible for the researcher to determine the lexical elements of each system, to identify the moments of coincidence between them, and also to explain why the semantic contours of each word or words that have the same subject relatedness in the compared languages turn out to be different. The patterns and specific features of any language, and, in particular, French, are understood more deeply when they are perceived through the prism of distinctive and similar features of English and French. 
Comparative study can be subjected to all levels of the linguistic structure. The lexical level has been studied repeatedly. The choice of the topic of this work is due to the fact that synonymy is one of the least studied issues of linguistics. The verb in comparable languages is one of the most interesting and complex categories both in grammatical and in lexical-semantic terms, including from the point of view of synonymous relations. The complexity of the synonymous connections of verbs is determined not only by the semantic capacity of the verbs, the richness and variety of their meanings, lexical connections, usage, but also by the tight interweaving of the lexical and grammatical meanings in the verb. 
The relevance of the research topic is determined by the general theoretical significance of the relationship of synonymy in the system of linguistic ties, on the one hand, and its insufficient development, on the other hand, and also with the formulation of the problem in a comparative typological perspective. 
The object of the study is the synonymous vocabulary of English and French. 
The subject of the research is the synonymy of French and English, reflected in lexicographic sources. 
The aim of the proposed work is a comparative typological study of lexical synonymy and the identification of the originality of synonyms in the system of languages. 
1) analyze the main approaches and positions of researchers, on the basis of which an understanding of synonyms as members of the lexical opposition is formed;
2) to conduct a semantic-stylistic and quantitatively-qualitative characteristic of verbal synonyms;
3) to identify the features of the correlation of single-root synonyms;
4) consider the functional and stylistic role of synonyms. 
Research methods are determined by the specifics of the subject of the study with the tasks set. The work used general scientific methods of observation, comparison, generalization. Linguistic research methods were: the method of oppositions (when analyzing the relationship between synonyms in a synonymic series), distribution (when revealing lexical-syntactic compatibility). functional (when establishing areas for the functioning of synonyms). The similarities and differences between synonyms are determined by the method of analysis of their definitions by explanatory dictionaries. The accuracy of the transmission of the semantic structure of individual lexical units by which synonymous relations were established is at the level of traditionally recognized definitions of the fundamental dictionaries of English and French. The presenters were the descriptive method, which was used in direct observation of the composition of synonyms and their functioning in the language of fiction. 

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In the work, on specific material (vocabulary of the French and English languages), a universal language phenomenon was considered — the phenomenon of synonymy. Synonymy is recognized as a universal in the sense that it exists in all known languages. At the same time, in each language synonymy is distinguished by special characteristics. The study of synonyms related to different parts of speech is of particular interest, since it makes it possible to show what types of differences are characteristic of synonyms of one or another part of speech. 
The variety of verb lexemes, the capacity of the semantic structure of the verb, the wide possibilities of intra-verb word formation explain the great functional load of the verb in speech, which is reflected in the nature of the synonymous connections of verb lexemes. 
The analysis of linguistic literature on the problem of synonymy in comparable languages made in the study revealed the absence of a holistic and consistent concept in the field of lexical synonymy. Until now, linguistic science has not developed a consensus on the existence of the phenomenon of synonymy in the language, the question of what is considered lexical synonyms has not been developed, there are disagreements on the relationship of synonymy with other lexical groups of words. 
The work shows that within the synonymic series a special place should be given to the synonyms of polysemantic words, taking into account which meanings are common and which are a feature of each individual word. It is also necessary to take into account the synonymy of words and idioms. Since phraseological units are semantically equivalent to a word, the synonymous relations between them and words are lexical in nature. An analysis of the lexical parallels of the synonymy of English and French verbs showed that there are a lot of semantic coincidences in the vocabulary of these languages, but there are also specific features. 
It is shown in the work that the reflection of the general laws of synonymous connections in the languages being compared is, first of all, that the union of verbs in the synonymous series implies the obligatory commonality of their lexical meanings associated with the expression of identical concepts. Thus, members of synonymous series are characterized by common, integrating features that serve as an indicator of the presence of synonymous connections. 
Characterized by a common meaning, synonyms have differences within this semantic community, which allows them to be interchanged in speech. The verb, like no other part of speech, has a wide range of differential characteristics that significantly complicate its semantics. 
It is proved in the work that the semantic heterogeneity of the verbal synonyms of English and French is determined by the difference in the degree of intensity of the action, in the nature of the action, in the motivation of the action, in the constancy or temporality of the expressed action. 
The mismatch of the semantic volume of the synonymous verbs of the languages being compared affects their compatibility: one synonym has a broader one, the other has a narrower circle of lexical compatibility. However, compatibility does not always turn out to be a means of distinguishing synonyms of the French language, since phrases in this language are relatively less rigid, and verbs more freely enter into syntactic relations with a noun that is not connected with their main meaning. 
As a result of the study, it was revealed that the difference between stylistically colored and neutral synonyms in English is more vivid, noticeable than in French. This is due, in particular, to the laws governing the formation of synonyms in English and French. In French, the most significant is the layer of borrowings from classical Latin. English is characterized by borrowings from the Old Slavonic language and from European languages. However, the Russian language with its developed word-formation system is less “permeable”, borrowings in it retain a more isolated position. Thus, Slavicism is often opposed to Russian words proper with similar meanings as elements of solemnly poetic speech, and words borrowed from European languages are used as a term, which makes it easy to determine their stylistic affiliation. The degree of proximity and the possibility of interchange in the same contexts of such synonyms is weaker than in French. 
In the French language, Latinisms are used as exact scientific terms, but as a result of the rapid inclusion of the language into the general lexical system, their stylistic coloring is neutralized. In addition, verbal synonyms, distinguished by a sublime, poetic connotation, are not as widespread as in English. 
To more clearly identify inconsistencies between the synonymous series of verbs in English and French, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics are proposed. It has been established that the total number of components in synonymic series when comparing, as a rule, does not coincide. Observations show that in most cases the French verb corresponds to the relative verb of the English language, which has a narrower meaning. French has a tendency to use words that are broad in meaning. The ideographic specialization of the meanings of synonyms in the English language is created due to the peculiarities of the word-formation system, which, according to many scientists, is poorly developed in the French language. To convey the nuances of the meaning reported in English by prefixes and suffixes of the verb, the French language uses external concretization. A feature of the verb synonymy of the French language, in comparison with Russian, is the distribution within the synonymous series of the French language of verbal-nominal combinations. Thus, synonymic relations in the verbal vocabulary of English and French are largely dependent on the basic laws that characterize the system of these languages. 


Фрагмент текста работы:


Chapter 1. Synonymy as an object of learning English and French

1.1. The problem of classification of synonyms

According to the degree of equivalence (synonymy), synonyms are divided into:
— complete (absolute);
— partial (relative). 
Absolute synonyms, completely identical in meaning, are extremely rare, mainly in the field of scientific terminology. Examples: la patrie– le pays natale, permettre–autoriser. 
Examples of relative synonyms: gros –grande, demander–interroger–solliciter, aimer – chérir, le don– le talent. 
A separate group of contextual (contextual) synonyms is also singled out for which the meaning coincides in a particular distribution. For example, the verbs acheter and prendre in the following sentences are synonyms: Je vais acheter un peu de pain; Je vais prendre un peu de pain. The verbs tenir, endurer have different semantics and cannot be used interchangeably, but in negative form they are synonymous: Je ne tiens pas la rutal t; Je n endure pas la rutal t. 
In accordance with the functions performed, synonyms are divided into:
— ideographic (semantic);
— stylistic;
— semantic-stylistic. 
Ideographic synonyms set off different sides of the designated object (la faute — l’erreur — le mécompte — la méprise), indicate a different degree of manifestation of the sign, action (la faute – la bévue). 
Stylistic synonyms, respectively, differ in their stylistic coloring, for example, select and d’élite, where select refers to the colloquial style, and d’elite to the neutral. 
Semantic-stylistic synonyms combine both of these functions. 
In terms of component analysis, synonyms are defined as words with the same denotative meaning, but with different connotative meanings. Although this definition can be criticized, this approach has its merits and makes it possible to analyze synonyms in a new way. 
A group of synonyms can be investigated using their vocabulary definitions (definitional analysis). The data of different explanatory monolingual dictionaries are subjected to comparative and transformational analysis, as a result of which the semantic components that make up the meaning of each analyzed word are revealed. Since words orient their meaning towards each other in the language system, one can distinguish numerous rows of words that have something in common in their semantics and something different, opposed to the semantics of other words of the same series. By the number of common and various elements in the definitions of words, one can judge the degree of their connection. 


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