Курсовая с практикой Иностранные языки Английский язык

Курсовая с практикой на тему Сопоставительный семантический анализ имени существительного в современном английском, итальянском и русском языках на основе лингвистических корпусов.(Comparative semantic study of Noun in modern English, Italian and Russian based on Linguistic Corpora)

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Introduction. 4

Chapter I. Theoretical part 6

1.1 Definitions of the concept and
classification of the noun in the English language  6

1.2 Definition of the term noun
semantics in English. 8

1.3 Features of semantics in Russian
and Italian languages. 12

Conclusions on the first chapter 18

Chapter II. Practice. 20

2.1 Sources. 20

2.2 Brief description of the housing
«Ngram». 22

2.3 Analysis of nouns in the corpus
«Ngram». 28

Conclusions on the second chapter 30

Conclusion. 32

References. 34




relevance of the study is due to the great interest of people in learning
foreign languages. In this study, we would like to show that these languages
have similarities, as well as differences. From a linguistic point of view,
this topic remains relevant, since semantics is the main part of the language
structure, which is very important for understanding translation.

linguistics is a branch of computational linguistics that deals with the
development of general principles for the construction and use of linguistic
corpora (text corpora) using computer technologies. The term linguistic, or
linguistic, corpus of texts refers to a large, electronically presented,
unified, structured, marked-up, philologically competent array of language data
designed to solve specific linguistic problems. The concept of "corpus of
texts" also includes a system for managing text and linguistic data, which
has recently been most often called a corpus manager (or corpus manager). This
is a specialized search engine that includes software tools for searching data
in the corpus, obtaining statistical information and providing results to the
user in a convenient form.

The subject
of the study is the noun as a part of speech (the main classes of nouns) +
semantics (nominative vocabulary as the main denotation) classification and
characterization of nouns as the main denotation in the speech of objects of

Object-as a
noun functions in the text and is a function of semantics.

The aim of
the study is to compare the semantic features of English, Russian and Italian
languages on the basis of linguistic corpora.


Definitions of the concept and its classification of the noun in English.

Definition of the term noun semantics in English.

— Features
of semantics in Russian and Italian.

— Analysis
of analysis sources.

— Brief
description of the case.

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The speech
act of request, advice, and suggestion in the world of speech act theory is
studied. Speech acts of requests belong to the level of speech directives, the
task of which is to encourage the addressee to carry out the process or change
the situation. In the languages considered, the request can be expressed in
multiple language forms that differ structurally, semantically, and

The methods
of formulating the speech act of a request, advice, and suggestion in English,
Italian, and Russian, which have both certain similarities and certain
pragmatic differences, are described. The role of the speech act of the
request, both in English and in Russian, is heterogeneous, since the saturation
of the speech act of the request is almost constantly dependent on the context.

In the speech
act of the council, the effect of the principle of politeness is determined by
the factor of propositional content, socio-psychological distance and age of
the addressee. The degree of tact in the expression of advice is determined by
the measure of intervention in the sphere of the addressee’s living space and
the nature of interpersonal relations. The Council leaves the addressee free to
decide on the execution of the causative action. The presupposition of
non-alligatoriness of an action presupposes the manifestation of a respectful
attitude towards the addressee. Otherwise, the fact of an unrealized advice
will not acquire the illocutionary force sufficient to convince the addressee
of the expediency, benefactivity, and necessity of the causative action for
him. In addition, invading the sphere of existence of the addressee, the
speaker risks losing face due to the fact that his priority and competence are
not always obvious.

characteristics of the communicants have a considerable influence on the way
the speech act of the council is designed. The speaker, having decided on the
content of the message and its illocutionary power, addresses it to the
interlocutor. A well-chosen tactic when implementing the advice will cause a
positive reaction from the addressee. It should also be taken into account that
the speech act of the council in the English language culture is a key factor
in understanding the peculiarities of the communicative behavior of native
English speakers and is an integral component of intercultural communicative

The direct
and indirect methods of the formulation of the speech act of the request in
English, Italian and Russian, affecting the semantic field of the utterance,
are highlighted. The main and significant difference in the wording of the
speech act of a request, advice, and suggestion in the studied languages is
considered to be respectful treatment, which prevails in English. The
presentation of the request, advice, and suggestion depends on the number of
modifiers, which, in turn, depend on the communication condition, distance,
level, and problem of fulfilling the request.

In Italian,
English, and Russian, narrative prescriptions with modal predicates have a
wider range: tu devrais, il faut / faudrait. The performative déconseiller and
imperious phraseological units of the attention type have a limited pragmatic
spectrum. The scale of the pragmatic range of the modal form is determined by
its semantics, and its communicative status in this or another pragmatic variant
in terms of normativity / non-normativity is determined by the parameters of
the condition and a certain communicative context. Thus, the suggestive
content, in particular, the verbal act of the council, acts more as information
about what is considered best and necessary for the addressee. Similarly, the
benefactivity, the rationality of the predicted impact for the addressee is at
the heart of the pragmatic consideration. The position "above" /
"below" in the concept of the mutual position of communicants
establishes pragmatic options for both correct and intermediate forms of
council formulation.

communicative-intentional content of the advice, request and offer acts as a
dialectical unity of the one and the individual: any specific speech actualization
of the suggestive intention acts as a group of individual formation.


Фрагмент текста работы:


I. Theoretical
study of the semantic analysis of the noun 1.1
Definitions of the concept and classification of the noun in the English
language The noun
(Noun or Substantial) plays a very important role in English, as it occurs in
almost every sentence. This is a significant part of speech that has a semantic
meaning of objectivity, is characterized by the presence of certain grammatical
categories and dependent grammatical meanings, and also answers the questions
What is? And Who is?

The word
‘Noun’ comes from the Latin word ‘nomen’ meaning ‘name’, and therefore the
traditional definition applies to those expressions that refer to a person,
place, thing, event, substance, quality or idea [6].

Over the
centuries-long history of the development of the English language, the noun
part of speech has undergone many changes, as it has been subjected to all
sorts of abbreviations and simplifications. Previously, the noun was divided
into many categories, which were changed by case using various rules.

In English,
all words can be divided into eight main groups or classes. These classes are
called Parts of Speech.

In some
grammatical reference books on the English language, we can find a
classification with nine parts of speech, and in some even with ten parts of
speech. But still, the traditional division into eight groups is considered.

A noun is a
part of speech that denotes an object and answers questions.: who is it? (Who
is this?) or what is it? (What is this?). Nouns can denote objects and
substances (a pen, water), living beings (a boy, a dog), phenomena and abstract
concepts (snow, beauty, work, darkness), geographical objects (London), etc.

Also, nouns
can be simple, derived, and complex in their composition. Simple nouns (Simple
Nouns) do not have a suffix or prefix in their composition, derivative Nouns
(Derivative Nouns), on the contrary, have a suffix or prefix or both at the
same time, complex nouns (Compound Nouns) are composite, i.e. consisting of two
or more bases. These groups of nouns indicate the main ways of forming this
part of speech in English. These include prefixing, suffixing, and word
composition. Also, nouns can appear as a result of conversion, i.e. the
transition of a word from one part of speech to another (for example, from a
verb or adjective to a noun: to love-to love and love-love;
underground-underground and the underground-subway).

to their lexical meaning, nouns are divided into [12]:

— Proper
names, which are individual names of individuals, objects, or phenomena. Proper
nouns include first names, surnames, geographical names, names of books,
newspapers, historical events, as well as days of the week, months, holidays,
etc.Proper names are written with a capital letter: John, Charles Dickens,
Trafalgar Square, Moscow, the United Kingdom, Victory Day, Tuesday, March.

— Common
names that represent common names for all homogeneous objects. They denote
individual objects, various substances, signs, actions, states, feelings, etc.
(room, mission, lesson).

about the grammatical categories of the noun in English, it should be noted
that English nouns are divided into calculable and uncountable. Calculables are
those nouns that can be counted, and they can form both singular and plural
forms. Uncountable nouns reflect those objects or phenomena of reality that are
not subject to counting, and therefore nouns have the form of only the singular
or only the plural.

English nouns vary by case and have two cases – common and possessive. This
applies to those nouns that denote living beings, as well as some objects.
Despite the fact that the case is necessary to reflect the relationship between
words in a sentence, this category is expressed by the forms of the word

the categories of the number and case of the noun in English, which have
obvious features in the form of the word itself and which we discussed

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