Курсовая с практикой Иностранные языки Английский язык

Курсовая с практикой на тему Развитие и становление сказуемых разного типа в английском и испанском языках

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction 4
Substantive chapter 5
1. The theoretical aspects of studying the problem of the development and formation of the predicates of different types in English and Spanish 5
1.1. The predicate in the theory of sentence parts 5
1.2. Pedagogical comparison of the Spanish and English language systems when learning Spanish as the second language 9
2. The research of the development and formation peculiarities of predicates of different types in English and Spanish 14
2.1. The structure and semantics of the predicative syntax in English 14
2.2. The structure and semantics of the predicative syntax in Spanish 22
Conclusion 25
References 26
















The relevance of the work. The study of the second foreign languages is becoming increasingly popular in the higher educational institutions – not only in linguistic ones, where language study has always been mandatory, but also in nonlinguistic higher educational institutions, where the second foreign language is mostly studied optionally.
At the same time, the popularity of learning Spanish as the second foreign language is growing, most often after English as the first foreign language. The reason for the increased interest in Spanish is due to the fact that after English, which is a planetary or global language of international communication [16], Spanish is almost the second most common language in worldwide communication [9].
The problem of the sentence parts is the perpetual one, it is always relevant and never convincingly unsolved in linguistics, although no linguistic school or direction has passed it by.
The development of the new explanations of sentence structure has led to a revision of the traditional system of sentence parts. This revision has acquired a significant character in the concepts that assert the asemantic nature of sentence parts [7]; some grammarians suggest «freeing the concept of sentence parts from their characteristic semantic and morphological layers» [18]; the question of the relationship between the syntactic categories of sentence parts and actual segmentation remains debatable.
A significant correction in the traditional system of sentence parts is also made by the approach to a sentence structure from the standpoint of the valence features of a predicate, which is considered as the top of the sentence. The leveling of the «subject – objective complement (object)» opposition and a number of other changes that are natural from this point of view in the traditional system of parts of a sentence contain a perspective of the entire system revision, which determines the relevance of the present study.
Object of the work — the study of the second foreign languages.
Subject of the work — the development and formation of the predicates of different types in English and Spanish.
The aim of the work — to consider the problem issues of the development and formation of the predicates of different types in the English and Spanish languages.
The material of the work was literary texts reflecting the norm of the English and Spanish languages in which it was analyzed the development and formation of the predicates of different types.













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The comparative pedagogical analysis of two language systems allows us to draw some conclusions:
1. the systems of English and Spanish have a lot of similarities in their phonetic, grammatical and lexical subsystems, which can greatly facilitate and help the student who has a good level of English as his/her first foreign language in acquiring Spanish as the second foreign language;
2. such features can and should be used as widely as possible when teaching Spanish as the second foreign language on the basis of English as the first foreign language. This greatly optimizes and intensifies the process of acquiring the Spanish language;
3. there are many differences between these two language systems, which should also be taken into account in training students to prevent negative language transfer from the first foreign language, which can worsen the quality of learning and slow down the acquisition of the second foreign language.
The predicate in Spanish can be classified as verbal and nominal. Verbal predicates, in turn, are divided into simple and compound.
There are two formal types, two forms of the predicate is quite natural: it is due to the reality, our way of learning and highlighted the following key categories such as things, properties and relations. The nominal predicate has a complex form. In this regard, it can be considered as a marked part of the pair. The unmarked form of the verbal predicate turns out to be quite indistinct in its semantics – it can express as an action as a process or a state. The semantics of the nominal predicate is more specialized: it always expresses state.
Thus, the system of predicate types can be represented simply and uniformly. All the numerous varieties of the predicate can be considered as the forms formed from two basic predicates – the verbal and the nominal ones.














Фрагмент текста работы:


Substantive chapter

1. The theoretical aspects of studying the problem of the development and formation of the predicates of different types in English and Spanish

1.1. The predicate in the theory of sentence parts

The history of linguistics has proved the productivity of the «sentence part» category for syntactic analysis, but it is also indisputable that the sentence structure as a whole cannot be explained based on the classical understanding of sentence parts. This is what has led to the appearance of the new concepts justifying the legality of the multi-ordinal sentence division (segmentation) – the fundamental possibility of sentence division on non-syntactic basis (the syntactic sentence structure is contrasted with its logical-grammatical structure – the actual division as well as the syntax structure is contrasted with the semantic structure).
The structural organization of a sentence as a syntactic whole is subject to a single principle of the sentence division into the parts and uniting them into a whole. The parts sentence are the segments of the speech chain being the carriers of generalized structural and functional meanings on which the sentences are formed. The problem is what both the nature and the system of these generalized syntactic meanings is, and the traditional teaching does not give an answer how to solve this problem.
The traditional teaching regarding the sentence parts is based on the understanding of syntactic connection (relationship) as a certain semantic-relational category, which has a universal way of dividing all languages into the following types; the subjectival (a subject), objective (an object), attributive (a definitive), adverbal (an adverbial modifier) types of syntactic relation.
The modern understanding of the sentence structure destroys the foundations of the traditional theory of sentence parts; after L. Tesnière’s [33] work has been published, the correspondence between semantic-relational categories such as the subject (an agent), the object (a patient), the attribute, circumstance («semantic actants») and the categories of sentence parts («syntactic actants») disappeared.
The keystone of syntax is the category of syntactic relation – the nature of the content and the basic principles of its division into types. The sentence parts are derived from the paradigmatic structure of the syntactic relationship category.
The units or word forms that occupy certain positions in the sentence structure serve as parts of the sentence, so they are no longer just words, but parts of a single organic whole. «To become a unit of a sentence, a word shall acquire quality as a sentence part.













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