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Курсовая с практикой на тему Предпереводческий анализ текста как фактор повышения качества письменных переводов с английского языка на русский.

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



1.1 Translation quality assessment 5
1.1.1 Genre and stylistic norm of translation 8
1.1.2  Pragmatic norm of translation 10
1.1.3 Conventional translation rate 11
1.2 The relevance of the translation 13
2.1 Modeling the translation process 16
2.2 Practical basis of translation 18
2.3 Methods of pre-translation analysis 21
2.4 Pre-Translation analysis of the text of Barbara Erskine’s novel » Daughters of Fire» 23
2.4.1 Transcription 24
2.4.2 Transliteration 25
2.4.3 Calques 25
2.4.4 Lexical and semantic transformations in translation 26




Translation is a complex intellectual activity that provides the necessary opportunities for communication between people who speak different languages. The essence of translation is to express by means of another language everything that has already been transmitted or is being transmitted by means of the original language. In other words, using the system of signs, symbols, vocabulary, and grammar of the translation language, you need to convey all the thoughts, feelings, and desires that have already been expressed using the system of sound signs, vocabulary, and grammar of the original language.
The main requirement for translation is accuracy and completeness. Therefore, the translator must have sufficient language competence in the field of two languages. It requires knowledge of two languages in the relationship; as V. N. Komissarov notes, the translator must have «ordered bilingualism» [7]. Any thought of the author should be omitted or distorted. The consequences of changing the meaning of the original source can be various, up to causing harm to human life, especially if it is a question of the cognitive basis of translation.
This work is devoted to pre-translation analysis of the text as a means of improving the quality of translation. Being the object of this research, the quality of translation has recently attracted the attention of many linguists and practitioners. Many works of Russian scholars Alexeeva I.S. (2004), Brandes M.P., Provotorov V.I. (2001), Minyar- Beloruchev R.K. (1996) and western scholars C. Nord, P. Sparrow (1991)  are devoted to this important  problem.
Qualitative aspects of translation are one of the most difficult topics. The main difficulty of translation is to determine the general scientific regularities according to which the translation process develops. The relevance of this topic is due to the need to highlight the criteria and normative aspects of translation.
The purpose of the research is to identify the quality criteria and normative aspects of translation. The goal of this study was achieved by setting and solving the following tasks:
-to study and analyze the special literature on the topic of normative aspects of translation;
— to reveal the content of the concept of «adequacy» and «equivalence» of translation;
— to determine the relevance and variability of the translation;
— to identify the features of pre-translation analysis of translated text.
The object of research is the normative aspects of translation quality.
The subject of this research is the criteria of pre-translation analysis of written translation.
In the course of solving task of the work were such methods of linguistic research as contextual analysis, comparative and descriptive methods used.
The methodological and theoretical basis of this work are works of Russian and foreign researchers, such as N.K. Garbovsky, I.V. Arnold, L. S. Barkhudarov, R. K. Minyar-Beloruchev, L. K. Latyshev, Y..I. Retsker and others.
For the practical part of the course work was the original text of «Daughters of Fire» by Barbara Erskine taken. This material was selected from a huge number of works, as it fully meets the research goals of this work.
The scientific novelty of the work consists in a comprehensive study of the criteria of normative aspects of the quality of translation of fiction.
The practical significance of this work lies in the fact that it can help a novice translator of literary texts to navigate the translation process. In addition, this work can be useful for translators when working with artistic and scientific articles.
The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion and bibliography.
The introduction reveals the relevance of the research of the chosen topic, defines the purpose and objectives, the subject and object of the topic being studied.
The first chapter is devoted to theoretical issues: analysis of special literature on translation quality criteria.
The second chapter examines the adequacy and equivalence of translation, and provides a practical analysis of the translation of the novel «Daughters of Fire» by Barbara Erskine.
In conclusion are the results of the work summarized.

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The translation process is considered by many scientists as a discursive process that is included in a certain socio-cultural, communicative and speech situation. And is defined by many researchers as one of the types of human cognitive activity, as the act of speech birth with characteristic features.
Discourse as a linguo-cultural education is a specific environment where the cognitive spaces of communication participants interact and various cultural and linguistic features of communicants require understanding and transformation in the translation process.
The language norm is a factor that affects the translation process of a text. The normative factors include stylistic features, because the differences in the styles of the two languages are due to the generally accepted norms of the language. These rules will apply not only in all types of translation, but also at every stage of the translating event, and therefore they will be reflected at every level of their product.
Equivalence reveals the most important feature of translation and is one of the Central concepts of modern translation studies.
As for the translation analysis of the text of B. Erskine’s novel «Daughters of fire», it should be noted that B. Erskine is prone to unexpected changes in speech behavior, but her manner of speech is authoritative and self-confident, although it should be noted that it is at the same time figurative, metaphorical, ironic and idiomatic. Especially it should be emphasized its tendency to use monosyllabic constructions, to use sentences consisting of one clear statement.
The novel contains many comparative constructions, epithets, metaphors, and other stylistic tropes.
No one will argue about the importance of comparisons, especially in literary texts. Although comparisons seem easily recognizable, translating them can sometimes be a real problem and therefore requires close attention.
The use of analogs in translation is typical for such comparisons, the figurative basis of which differs in English and Russian. This method of translation is productive in cases where the original image is not able to cause the reader to have the same associations as the English-speaking reader, and requires replacement for objective reasons. Therefore, the effectiveness of transmitting a comparison as an information-rich unit depends on the extent to which the translation preserves the information embedded in the source text:
1) objective or visual-logical, such that it reflects a certain fragment of real reality;
2) expressive, emotional and aesthetic (the ability to evoke certain feelings and emotions in the reader through vivid imagery, which is the basis of comparison),
3) stylistic (correlation of comparison to a particular functional style or litter).
The translator should remember that English comparative structures generally do not need semantic and structural adjustment when translating into Russian. However, you should always take into account the fact that comparisons in English and Russian may differ, so you need to use equivalents, analogs, descriptive translation or introduction of the basis of comparison in order to preserve the imagery that the author of the original text used.
Another significant lexical group of this work is proper names (onyms), which can receive a secondary conceptual meaning, passing from one language to another and serve as evaluative lexical units.
Depending on the advantage of the nominative or communicative functions of the name, it is passed by means of transcription, transliteration, or equivalent substitution of the onym in the translation language. Among the onomastics in the work of B. Erskine, a small number of onyms belong to anthroponomy. Many of the names in the novel carry an additional value. An example of this is the name of Medb, a negative character (militant) has various translations, for example, from the Celtic «poison».
Each language has its own structure: when comparing two languages: the source language of the original and the translation language, we find a lot of mismatch and this presents a lot of difficulties for the translator. It is often necessary to use lexical and grammatical transformations when translating a literary text. This is due to the difference in the structure of the two languages: the original language and the translation language. The translator uses transformations to achieve equivalence, for maximum convergence with the original text. As can be seen from the examples given in this thesis, translation transformations are rare in practice in a «pure» form, they are usually combined with each other, taking a complex, complex character. In order to properly apply the translation transformation, the translator must be proficient in both the source and transforming the culture equally. How well and skillfully the translator uses translation transformations will depend on our understanding of the accuracy of the translated text.
Summing up the above, it should be noted that the main techniques used in the translation of the novel «Daughters of fire» are used:
a) modulation (semantic development),
b) various lexical substitutions,
C) specification,
d) generalization.
D) the omission of.
Depending on the nature of the original units that are translated using translation transformations in the translation process, lexical, grammatical, and complex lexical-grammatical transformations were identified.
This paper has been thoroughly reviewed lexical transformations that are most often used in translation from English to Russian, namely: literal translation, permutations, generalization, concretization, modulation, and lexical substitutions.


Фрагмент текста работы:


1.1 Translation quality assessment 

Literary translation includes a wide range of activities that deal not only with fiction or poetry but also with popular science essays, newspaper articles, diaries, memoirs, etc. These different kinds of texts presuppose different strategies and criteria of translation processing.  Literary translation is a covertly regulated process, which is connected with a number of complications, i.e. personal nature of texts under translation (authorship); unspecified audience; interlingua and intercultural inequality and some others.
Translation regulations are generally accepted rules and principles of evaluating  quality of  translation text. The concept of translation provides the compliance of the rules  and normative use of the translation language by the translator, as well as compliance of the final text of the translation with the established principles and tasks of translation activity.
Accordingly, it is generally accepted among researchers that the normative aspect of translation is characterized by the interaction of five different types of regulatory requirements:
1) the translation equivalence rules;
2) the genre and stylistic norms of translation;
3) the pragmatic norms of translation;
4) the speech norms of translation;
5) the conversion rates of translation.
Let’s take a closer look at each regulatory requirement and explore their usage parameters of perfection and quality evaluating of the translation text. An invariable parameter of translation is equivalence, which assumes the unity of the original content and the translation text is associated with normative criteria that ensure the adequacy of the translation.
In case of adequate or equivalent translation, the corresponding norms of the translating language are observed of transmitting the text of the translation without changing the content.
According to A.V. Fedorov, adequacy is «an exhaustive transfer of the semantic content of the original and full functional and stylistic correspondence to it» [23]. The translator must perform variety cross-language transformations in order to achieve an adequate translation, ignoring formal differences in semantic systems of the original and translated languages.
The norm of equivalence between the content of the original and the translation is characterized by the ratio of the original language and the translation language under the influence of pragmatic factors on the translation process of the text.
The translation text usually corresponds to the equivalence norm in whole or in part. Non-compliance with the equivalence standards can be absolute (the translation does not convey the content of the original even at the lowest level) or relative (when other normative requirements of the translation are met at a sufficiently high level).
The standards used to regulate translation quality, as perceived by Newmark (1987: 192), “are relative, however much one tries to base them on criteria rather than norms.” Thus he proposed a two-way assessment approach: functional and analytical. A functional approach is a general approach that evaluates the completeness of ideas in the translations, and could thus be subjective and unreliable. The analytical approach is a detailed approach that evaluates the translation by sections for easier identification of translation mistakes (1987: 189).
According to Newmark, both the source text and the target text are equally important, yet one should take into account the function and the purpose of both source and target texts, provide a relevant cultural context, and include the perception of the translator in the evaluating process. By considering the function and the purpose of the text, Newmark echoes the principles of functionalist approach to translation assessment, where the purpose is the decisive criterion for the quality of a translation.
Schäffner (1998:1) indicates that the assessment criteria for translation quality depend on the purpose of the assessment and on the theoretical framework the evaluator applies to assess translation quality. Reiss (2000:101-102) also views the functional category as a choice for the evaluator in … the client specifies a more restricted group of readers for the target language version, in which different criteria should be considered for translation.
The notion of the purpose of TQA (Translation quality assessment approaches) is thus linked to linguistic correctness, text-typology, and communicative rules and conventions of the target language and culture (Schäffner 1998:3).
Despite the fact that linguistic correctness is stressed more as a typical TQA criterion in terms of the target language system, Reiss (2000:66) subdivided this broad criterion into semantic equivalence, lexical adequacy, grammatical correctness, and stylistic correspondence. The weighting of subdivided criterion in a given text depends on the type of the text, because “the kind of text generally determines the order in which the linguistic elements should be considered” (ibid.).
An adequate translation is one that reproduces the pragmatic objectives of the translation act as far as possible to achieve the goal of equivalence. At the same time, the translator adheres to genre-stylistic requirements for texts of the corresponding genre.
The content of the original assumes all the information that is in the text, taking into account both the subject-logical (denotative) and connotative meaning of speech units and the pragmatic potential of the translated text. By definition, any adequate translation can be called equivalent, but not every equivalent translation is shown to be adequate.


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