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Курсовая с практикой на тему Особенности употребления инфинитивных конструкций в испанских и британских газетахFeatures of the use of infinitive constructions in Spanish and British newspapers

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Introduction. 4

I. General provisions of the study of the infinitive in the Spanish and
English-language media  7

1.1. The Infinitive in English. 7

1.1.1.  The infinitive constructions in English. 8

1.2. The Infinitive in Spanish. 12

1.2.1. Infinitive construction in Spanish. 13

II. Comparative analysis of the use of infinitive constructions in Spanish and
English articles  17

Functions of the infinitive in English publicistic text 17

The specifics of the implementation of the infinitive in the journalism of the
Spanish language. 22

Conclusion. 26

Bibliography. 30




At present,
it is difficult to imagine life without the media, with the help of which we
learn important information, the latest news and events, both around the world
and in a single country. The media helps a person to navigate in the world
around him.

It is known
that it is impossible to imagine the political, cultural, sports and many other
spheres of life without the press.

However, an
important part of any article is not only its content, but also the title. The
heading "sets" the character of the article, displaying the essence
of the text in one or two sentences. The headline attracts the reader’s
attention, on which a lot depends: the reader’s choice of the newspaper, its
popularity, competitiveness.

When choosing
language means, attention should be paid not only to the lexical set, but also
to the grammatical one. Various grammatical, syntactic, lexical constructions
can correctly form, set the tone, and even decorate the article. A good example
of linguistic influence is the use of infinitive constructions. They are common
for both Spanish and English.

In modern
linguistics, there are contradictory, sometimes mutually exclusive,
interpretations of such a linguistic phenomenon as secondary predication. There
are a huge number of points of view on this issue, so the study of the
phenomenon of secondary predication is still relevant.

From a formal
point of view, a sentence containing a secondary predication is simple, since
it includes one main predicate, but this simple sentence with a secondary
predicate is at an intermediate stage between a simple and a complex sentence,
at the sublevel of a complicated sentence. The peculiarity of such structures
lies in the fact that they are similar in their semantic content to a sentence,
they function as a sentence, but they are not, since they differ from
subordinate clauses in structural insufficiency and a stronger dependence on
the main sentences.

The relevance
of this course work is determined by the nature of the formulation of the
problem of the functional potential of the studied grammatical models and is
due to the fact that it is carried out in line with the pragmatic and
communicative-cognitive approaches to the processes of implementation and
functioning of syntactic units in newspaper speech, actively developed in
modern linguistics.

The relevance
is due to the fact that, on the one hand, periodicals are among the first to
react to dynamic processes occurring in the language, and reflect the
innovations taking place in the language, thereby providing material for a
detailed study of the features of the use of infinitive structures; on the
other hand, despite the large number of scientific works devoted to
constructions with infinitives in newspaper headlines, this topic has not yet
been fully studied and requires more detailed consideration by linguists.

The aim of
the study is to identify the features of the use of structures that include an
infinitive, using the example of English and Spanish newspapers.

objectives of this work are:

1. study
newspaper style, headlines and their features;

2. to
consider the content of the concepts of infinitive and infinitive
constructions, cases of their use and features;

3. to analyze
the cases of the use of constructions with infinitives in the titles of British

4. to
identify and describe the features of the use of constructions with an
infinitive in the headings of British periodicals.

The object of
the research is the headlines of British and Spanish newspapers containing
infinitive constructions.

The subject
of the research is the peculiarities of the functioning of structures with an
infinitive in the headlines of British newspapers.

In this
paper, examples of constructions with infinitives in the headlines of articles
of such publications as The Times, Daily Express, Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, The
Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Independent, The London Weekly, THE TIMES
were considered. A total of 225 titles were examined for the work.

In the study,
we relied on the scientific works of such scientists and linguists as I.R.
Galperin, I.V. Arnold, S.M. Gurevich, I.M. Berman, V.L. Kaushanskaya, N.A.
Kobrin, M. Hewings, I.P. Krylov, as well as publications in the field of
linguistics and linguistics.

To solve the
set tasks, the following research methods were used in this work:

1. Study and
analysis of linguistic literature, scientific publications, dissertation
research, teaching aids.

2. Analysis
of the selected group of newspaper headlines, search for cases of using the
infinitive in headlines.

3. Comparison
and description of specific examples of using the infinitive.

4. Analysis
of the peculiarities of using the infinitive in Spanish and British newspapers.

Systematization of the data obtained during the analysis.

theoretical significance of the work lies to generalize the positions of
researchers regarding the types of English and Spanish constructions containing
the infinitive, and their features. The practical significance of the work is
that it can serve as a source of ordered information and statistical data on
the use of infinitive in newspaper headlines; The author of the study, based on
the analysis of cases of using the infinitive in newspaper headlines,
highlighted their main meanings, features, which can be considered in
theoretical and practical courses on grammar of English and Spanish and in
translation courses devoted to the section "Infinitive".

The novelty
of the research lies in the identification and detailed description of the
specifics of the use of English constructions with an infinitive in the titles
of English-language articles.

The work
includes an introduction, two chapters, divided into paragraphs, a conclusion,
a list of references.

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Space constraints on a newspaper page led to the
inevitable shrinking of language elements. In the field of grammar, the
tendency towards compression is expressed in the omission of official words,
the verb "tobe" in headings, in the simplification of the use of
temporary forms, in the preference for laconic, concise constructions.

In the field of vocabulary, the language of the media
also has its own characteristics. For example, it is characterized by a huge
number of colloquial expressions, buzzwords, neologisms and jargon that make
reading more interesting.

The mass media occupy an ambiguous position in modern
society. On the one hand, they are designed to inform and educate the audience.
Taking a somewhat subjective position, the media perform the function of
persuasion, exerting a direct influence on the formation of value orientations
of their viewers, listeners, and readers, create and reproduce cultural myths
characteristic of a given society.

For example, frequent topics discussed by German
journalists in articles about Russia are corruption in all spheres of public
life of Russian society, especially in the highest echelons of power,
cooperation of law enforcement agencies with radical groups, domestic and
social policy of Russia, “war within the country” is also exposed criticized by
German journalists. Naturally, such a characteristic is perceived negatively by
the German addressee because order and respect for legality in German culture
are one of the dominant values.

To create images in the minds of the addressee, German
journalists also use the “contradictory” technique, implicitly referring to the
cultural values of German society when talking about another country, thereby
setting one or another frame for the perception of information. The appeal is
carried out, first, to such elements of the value system as concern for the
welfare of citizens, honesty, frankness, order, respect for legality, thrift
and a rational approach to money.

The media are by far the most powerful channel of
political communication, as well as the most important factor affecting public
consciousness. At the same time, using a whole arsenal of means of influence,
the media influence the result of conceptualizing information about the
surrounding reality, thereby predetermining the addressee’s worldview, as well
as the evolution of value orientations in the corresponding society.

The purpose of our work was to identify the main
features of the use of infinitives in structures using the example of British
and Spanish editions. Within the framework of the work carried out to achieve
the set goal, we considered constructions with infinitives in newspapers.

First, we gave the definition of the infinitive, we
also considered the newspaper style, headlines. Then, for a complete
understanding of the English newspaper, Having studied the classification of
the use of the infinitive, compiled by authors such as I.M. Berman, V.L.
Kaushanskaya, Kobrina N.A., Krylova I.P., E.M. Gordon, M. Hewins, I.P. Ivanova,
V.S. Denisov, we identified several classifications, based on the literature
and when searching for headings: to express the future tense, with question
words (How / What / Why), as a simple addition, the circumstance of the goal,
the construction Subjective-with-the-Infinitive, Subjective-with
-the-Infinitive, For-to- Infinitive, as part of a compound modal predicate and
as a definition.

The second chapter is devoted to research, in the
process of which we reviewed 225 headlines from electronic versions of British
newspapers published between January and May 2019-2020.

Based on these results, we concluded that authors of
newspaper articles most often use the infinitive as the circumstance of the
goal (50 headings). The rest of the use cases are somewhat less common: 44
headings with a simple addition, 29 headings with infinitive constructions.




30 headings with modal verbs,

29 headings with interrogative in other words,

27 headings with the be + to-infinitive construction
to express the future tense,

16 as a definition.

Note that in
both modal and specific periphrases, verbs were most often encountered in the
present tense and in the indicative imperfect, as well as in a simple
conditional. The subjunctive mood was used less often (in the forms of the
present and the imperfect).

As a result
of the conducted practical analysis, we concluded that the newspaper El País is
distinguished by the greatest variety of peripheral constructions with
infinitives. The frequency of use of periphrases is not the same, and a number
of them prevail in both the national and regional press. In general, the topic
of the peculiarities of the use of the infinitive in the language of the press
is extensive and requires further study on the material of articles of various

Due to the
infinitive’s ability not to express the category of person, time and modality,
constructions with the infinitive in the titles of British periodicals are
highly effective methods of realizing the various intentions and goals of the
authors of the texts of articles.

The use of the infinitive in the headlines of British
newspapers has the following percentage: Subjective-with-the-Infinitive
Construction, Objective-with-the-infinitive Construction and For-to-infinitive
construction constructions — 12%, goal circumstance — 22%, simple addition —
20%, with modal verbs — 13%, expression of the future (be + to-infinitive) —
12%, interrogative words — 13%, definition — 7%.

It should be noted that the vast majority of headings
contained a simple Active Indefinite Infinitive. The passive form was much less
common, and more complex temporal forms such as Perfect Continuous were never
used in any heading. This indicates a tendency towards simplification of both
the language in general and in terms of the brevity of the newspaper style.

This work has practical and theoretical significance
and can be used as a source of information on constructions with infinitives in
the headlines of British newspapers, as well as be used in textbooks on
theoretical and practical grammar of the English language.

Thus, all the tasks set by us in the course of the
work have been completed, and the research goal has been achieved.

Thus, the
analysis of the heading corpus of modern British texts shows that semantically
impersonal constructions with the initial it is characterized by a pronounced
expressive and subjective-evaluative modal and at the same time intriguing
character. Based on this, it can be argued that infinitive constructions in the
function of headings of modern British newspaper texts are an effective means
of realizing various communicative intentions of the authors of publications
due to the potential capabilities of the infinitive (the formal lack of
expression in it of the categories of face, time, and modality, overcome
syntactically, due to the context) … Figure
1. Specificity of infinitive constructions in the English media

Among the
species periphrases, we note the following: “volver a + infinitivo” (16),
“comenzar a + infinitivo” (9), “soler + infinitivo” (9), “empezar a +
infinitivo” (6), “llegar a + infinitivo "(5)," venir a + infinitivo
"(2)," dejar de + infinitivo "(2)," terminar de +
infinitivo "(1). Figure
2. Specificity of infinitive constructions in the Spanish media

It should be
noted that the construction "ponerse a + infinitivo", typical for the
spoken language and the youth press, we have never met, since in our case we
considered the main national newspapers and one of the main regional (articles
on political, cultural and, less often, sports topics).


Фрагмент текста работы:


Chapter I. General provisions of the study of the infinitive in the
Spanish and English-language media 1.1.The Infinitive in English The
infinitive in English is an impersonal form of the verb, which denotes an
action — it is an indefinite form of the verb (in Russian, the infinitive is
most often called that). This form expresses action, but without specifying a
person or number. The infinitive answers the questions "what to do?",
"What to do?" — in the dictionary, words are presented just in this

to run

to cook

The formal
sign of the infinitive in English is the particle to, which in some cases is
omitted I was glad to see the gasoline.

Не can play chess.

He must leave
before 11 a.m.

The negative
form in the classic way is formed using the particle not — just put it in front
of the infinitive. If the infinitive with the particle to — the negation not
appears in front of it.

I decided not
to buy ticket.

They asked
him not to be late.

I might not come.

infinitive can be used with or without the to particle:

I want to
help you.

should help you.

Most often,
the infinitive is used with to, but there are a number of cases where the to
particle is omitted — let’s look at them.

When used
with the to particle

1. Usually
the infinitive is used with the particle "to": "to
write", "to cook", "to go".

But if there
are two infinitives in a sentence, they stand side by side and are connected by
the union "and" or "or", then the particle "to"
is usually omitted before the second infinitive.

She decided
to go and buy something for supper.

I intend to
call on him and discuss this question.

2. At the end
of a sentence without a verb.

This is done
to avoid repeating the same verb in a sentence. This use of the particle
"to" usually occurs after the verbs "to wish", "to
want", "to try", "to allow", "to have to",

I didn’t want
to stay there, but I had to.

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