Курсовая с практикой Иностранные языки Английский язык

Курсовая с практикой на тему Особенности перевода стилизованных письменных текстов с английского на русский язык». (записки, дневники)

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Stylization in literature. Main Features 5
1.1. The concept of stylization in literature and its main types 5
1.2. Ways of depicting rendering stylized written texts in modern English literature 8
1.3. Conclusions 11
Chapter 2. The main methods of translating rendering stylized written texts 12
2.1. Features of literature translations and its main problems 12
2.2. Analysis of the transferring means of rendering stylized written texts within translation from English into Russian 20
2.3. Conclusions 34
Conclusion 35
Bibliography 36





The processes of globalization have created a need for many people to master the means of communication with representatives of other nations. Hence, there is a huge demand for specialists who speak foreign languages, knowledge of which becomes not just an advantage, but a necessary condition for successful activity in many areas. Nowadays, when applying for work both in private companies and state institutions, knowledge of at least English is taken as a matter of course, and candidates are often required to speak two and sometimes three languages.
Within studying the translation of texts from English into Russian, the main attention is paid to grammatical categories. The interest to the problem of transformation and their comprehensive study does not weaken and does not stop from the part of the supporters of globalization, economic and ethno cultural exchange.
It should be noted that for successful translation from English to Russian, there is always a change in word order or grammatical transformation. Grammatical transformation is a change in the structure of a sentence within translation from the original language in order to transfer its meaning to the language of translation. It should be noted that the achievement of equivalence in the translation occurs through transformation. Translation transformations in the process of modeling translation are complex, including transformations of lexical, grammatical and stylistic nature.
It has been established that in translation process of even common sentences in fiction, journalistic and other texts, the word order and their number, as well as their grammatical categories, are extremely rare. All textual material of the translated language has its specific features that are mandatory to take into account within translation. Cases of change of grammatical categories of words, small rearrangements or additions within phrases are constantly used when translating from English into Russian; they are applicable to literary translation. As bibliography for the article serve studies of some linguists. Such linguists as L. S. Barkhudarov, E. V. Breus, A. Ya. I. Retzker, V. N. Komissarov, A. V. Fedorov, D. Schweitzer, and many others devoted their works to the study of translational transformations.
The relevance of this study is that the results obtained in it contribute to obtaining a more holistic view of translation peculiarities of stylized written texts and can be used in further mastering the grammatical structure of the English language. Practical value is that practical materials of research can be used in forming of methods and schemes within translation process of some literature, including the choice of the best translation strategy.
The subject of the study is rendering stylized written texts. The object is translation process from English into Russian. The aim of the study is to consider translation peculiarities of rendering stylized written texts from English into Russian. In accordance with this aim the following tasks are set in the study:
− to consider the concept of stylization in literature and its main types;
− to consider ways of depicting stylized written texts in modern English literature;
− to investigate features of literature translations and its main problems;
− to investigate analysis of the transferring means of rendering stylized written texts within translation from English into Russian.
Within writing the study there will be used such theoretical methods as analogy, classification, analysis and generalization. The study consists from introduction, two chapters, conclusion and references.
The study consists from introduction, two chapters, conclusion and list of references.

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Thus, transformation in translation process consists in transforming of the internal form of a word or phrase, including its full replacement for the most complete and correct transfer of the original content. Functional transformations of grammatical forms can be caused not only by purely grammatical differences, but also by the lexical-semantic features of the source and translating languages, as well as differences in speech traditions. Very often, the initial context is decisive in the matter of translation, but sometimes it is necessary to take into account such factors as traditions in the grammatical design of a particular type of text, stylistic fixation of certain grammatical forms, the traditional ratio of explication / implication in the text and much more. The task of translation in order to achieve accuracy is to perform correctly various translation transformations so that all the information contained in the original text is most accurately conveyed while observing the relevant standards of the language translated. Notwithstanding, a variety of translation transformations in general and transformations in particular are required to achieve semantic equivalence.
During examining examples from rendering stylized written texts, it was found that, in general there is still quite considerable accuracy in the formal grammatical terms within translation from English into Russian. However, there are a number of inevitable discrepancies in the examples. Thus, the sentences in English are in some cases more voluminous, because for the translation of many combinations it is necessary two to three times more Russian words, since a literal translation contradicts the grammar of the English language. This also determines the translational transformation in the form of breaking one English sentence into a number of smaller ones.
In some cases there was a discrepancy between the verb tenses in translation process due to the fact that the norms of the English language require the use of the present tense form in subordinate sentences of the time or condition, that is – in cases when the Russian equivalent verb will have the shape of a future tense. In some cases, the search for the most appropriate equivalent in the Russian language was required due to the lack of direct analogues. Notwithstanding, in most cases, the translation uses the transposition techniques, the transition from the reverse order of the words to the direct one, and the replacement of parts of speech, which entail a structural reorganization of the sentence while preserving the meaning.
Thus, the aim set in the work is achieved and the tasks are fulfilled. Were considered concept of stylization in literature and its main types and ways of depicting stylized written texts in modern English literature. Were investigated features of literature translations and its main problems and transferring means of rendering stylized written texts within translation from English into Russian.



Фрагмент текста работы:


Chapter 1. Stylization in literature. Main Features

1.1. The concept of stylization in literature and its main types
Stylization is a literary stylistic device for intentional imitation of the characteristic features of someone else’s speech manner to achieve a certain artistic goal; Stylization is also a generic community of “two-sided” works of art in which, with complete independence and self-worth of the “content plan”, the “expression plan” is a system of consistent allusions to the style of someone else’s text or group of texts; Stylization is also a literary genre of non-comic “two-sided” works, which use linguistic signs that characterize the speech style of a number of stylistically homogeneous works (belonging to a particular genre, to the work of one author or representatives of a certain literary movement, to a certain historical and literary era).
Stylization as a technique reproduces the main features of a literary style or allows a writer to reflect the speech characteristics of a particular social group or nationality in order to create a character’s speech portrait. Its essence is in copying such syntactic structures, in borrowing such grammatical forms and selecting such lexical elements that, within the style taken as an example, look like its neutral elements, but when reproduced in a new text, lose their stylistic neutrality and stand out from the background. The style is either the stylist’s individual speech style or the general style of contemporary literature for him). By stylistic coloring, stylizations are divided into comic and non-comic. In the “two-sided” comic composition, the plans contrast with each other (this most often creates a comic effect, and in other cases strengthens it), they are as far removed from one another, and in the “two-sided” non-comic — harmonize and therefore almost coincide. The group of comic stylizations consists of parodies and various parody works. Those and others suggest the use of someone else’s style for comic purposes, but only in parodies is the motif of the literary source ridiculed and disputed. The group of “two-sided” non-comic-type works consists of two genres: stylization (in the narrow sense) and variation. In variation, as in parody, the author, using someone else’s material, intentionally appeals to the content, to the ideological and thematic sphere of the source.
The author of the variation either expands the content of his own work with allusions, forcing the reader to add the meaning of the new text to the meaning of the source text, as if “clarifying” the thoughts of the predecessor writer, or seeks to deliberately sense the opposition of his work to someone else. , express a different view on the problem posed by the predecessor. Both parody and variation always correlate with a single source. And parodic and non-parodic Stylization can relate to one or several works. A group of parody stylizations are rehash and burlesque. Along with variations rethinking the content of the imitated texts, the group of non-comic stylizations consists of “imitations” and samples of stylization as a separate genre. Stylizations (in the narrow sense) include works whose creators imitate a style that goes beyond a separate work (individual author’s style as a whole, the style of a literary school or an artistic era, and finally, the style of all samples of a single genre form). Sometimes allusions to another word are used only as decoration, in which case they note the “ornamental” function of stylization.

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