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1.1 Features of the morphological
level of the language. 5
1.2 Features of the syntactic level
of the language. 9
Results. 13
2.1 Analysis of morphological
features. 14
2.2 Analysis of syntactic features. 18
Results. 26
Grammar is a branch of linguistics that studies the grammatical
structure of a language, that is, the laws of the structure and functioning of
words and sentences. The same term denotes the grammatical structure of the
language, that is, the system of morphological and syntactic forms and
categories of the language.
Grammar as a science has long traditions, for a long time it has been
correlated with linguistics as a whole. The origins of grammar lie in the
writings of the ancient Indian linguists, and later were formed in the writings
of the ancient Greeks. In its essence, from the very beginning of its
inception, grammar studied the formal means of expressing one or another
linguistic content in coherent speech. It is no coincidence that phonetics and
writing have long been part of grammar, so sounds and letters serve as a form
of expression of linguistic content.
The two building blocks of grammar are morphology and syntax. Morphology
examines the forms of words and the meanings they express, syntax examines the
forms of words, phrases and sentences, as well as their meanings. The main unit
of the morphological structure of a language, like the lexical one, is a word
that carries both lexical and grammatical features, while at the syntactic one
there are a word, a phrase and a sentence.
The relevance of the study lies in the fact that understanding the
features of the functioning of the grammar of the English language allows to
fully master English as a foreign language, to understand the logic of
constructing words, phrases and sentences in English.
The object of the research is the morphology and syntax of the English
The subject of the research is the study of the implementation of
morphological and syntactic norms of the English language in journalistic texts.
The purpose of the study is to determine the features of the use of
morphology and syntax of the English language in journalistic texts.
The tasks of the study are as follows:
1. Analyze
the features of the morphological level of the English language;
2. Consider
the features of the syntactic level of the English language;
3. Identify
and describe the distinctive features of the morphology and syntax of the
English language in journalistic texts.
The source of the research is the collection of journalistic texts J.
Clarkson “If you just let me finish”.
The theoretical basis of the research includes the works of the
following scientists: P.M. Karashchuk, M. Ya. Blokh, A.I. Smirnitsky, L.M.
Kovaleva, A.N. Kudryashova, L.S. Barkhudarov and others.
The practical significance of the research lies in the fact that the
work provides a description of the morphological and syntactic features of the
English language, considers the implementation of existing in the grammar of
the English language in practice, using a modern journalistic text.
The structure of the study is determined by the set purpose and tasks.
The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a
The first part of the study examines the theoretical aspects of the
study of English grammar: the characteristic features of the morphology and
syntax of the English language are given, the principles of their structural
organization are considered.
The second part of this study analyzes the source text from the point of
view of English grammar, its morphological and syntactic level.
The grammatical system of the English language is divided into syntax
and morphology.
Morphology as a part of grammar considers the rules for the functioning
of a language at the level of words and word forms. In this context, in the
foreground there are derivational models characteristic of the language, since
morphemes have their own semantics, transmitted to the root morpheme.
Syntax as a section of grammar studies the features of the functioning
of such language components as a phrase and a sentence. They are characterized
by fundamental differences, since they implement different functions in the
The analysis showed the presence of productive word-formation models in
the English language, namely, the use of affixes and stem-combinations. There
were also identified examples of the formation of author’s neologisms using
grammatical morphemes with a certain semantics, which made it possible to form
new words with understandable meaning.
Moreover, the features of the morphological level are manifested in the
construction of word forms, in accordance with all the norms of the grammar of
the English language. In addition, the use of the morphology of the English
language allows the author to create author’s word forms using morphemes with
clearly defined semantics, which are fully clear to a person familiar with the
grammar and morphology of the English language. The most common uses of
morphemes in word formation are suffixes, which allow you to create words based
on words from other parts of speech, as well as add shades of meaning within
one part of speech.
Analysis of the syntactic level of the language made it possible to
single out phrases and sentences. Most of the phrases are adjective and
substantive. In general, a subordinate relationship prevails within the
components of phrases. The considered text is dominated by complex sentences,
which consist of several simple sentences. It was also found that most of them
are narrative, non-exclamatory and affirmative, and simple sentences that are
part of complex ones are characterized as widespread, complete and two-part.
Фрагмент текста работы:
LINGUISTICS 1.1 Features of the morphological
level of the language Morphology is essentially a grammar of a word, that is, a language
system that provides a standardized construction of word forms for the
language, thereby guaranteeing their perception [Bauer, 1989, p. 7].
The basis of morphology is the doctrine of the morpheme as the main unit
of the morphological level of the language [Smirnitsky, 1959]. Initially, this
term was formulated by the linguist I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay.
As M.Ya. Bloch determines, a morpheme is the minimum unit of language
that matters [Bloch, 1994, p. 79]. It should also be noted that the properties
of the morpheme include:
1. significance,
that is, it acts as a carrier of the grammatical and lexical meaning of the
2. repeatability
in different contexts with the same meaning;
3. indecomposability,
which means that it is not divided into parts that are characterized by the
presence of similar properties [Blokh, 1994].
In fact, a morpheme is a unit of language that correlates the plane of
expression and the plane of content, which makes it a two-sided significant
unit [Smirnitsky, 1959].
The task of morphology is to form a solution for the following problems:
1. study
of the meanings that are conveyed by non-root morphemes. At the same time,
morphological meanings are divided into semantic and syntactic, as well as
derivational and inflectional.;
2. the
study of morphological ways of transferring meaning through morphemes
(addition, affixation, modification, alternation, conversion);
3. examination
of the potential for the presence of formal semantic relations between word
forms or parts of word forms;
4. development
of the principles of the theory of morphological models and rules [Abrosimova,
2015, p. 14].
The key way to apply the principles of morphology to language is
morphological analysis. The essence of this analysis is that word forms are
divided into constituent parts — significant morphemes, which represent the
morphological structure of the word [Zhdanova, 2011].
As pointed out by O.G. Shevchenko, the word should be considered as the
minimal free form of the language, and the morpheme as the minimal connected
form [Shevchenko, 2009]. For this reason, the study of morphology is always
inextricably linked with analytical activity, since words are used in speech,
and not morphemes as smaller components.