Курсовая с практикой на тему Этимология идиом и фразеологических оборотов
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Введение. 3
Глава 1. Актуальные вопросы изучения
фразеологии. 5
1.1 Фразеологизм
как объект лингвистического изучения. 5
1.2 Классификация
фразеологизмов. 14
Глава II. Этимологические основы
английских фразеологизмов. 20
Источники фразеологических единиц. 20
Диахронический анализ идиом и
фразеологических оборотов. 27
Заключение. 33
Список использованных источников. 34
Приложение. 37
Введение. 3
Глава 1. Актуальные вопросы изучения
фразеологии. 5
1.1 Фразеологизм
как объект лингвистического изучения. 5
1.2 Классификация
фразеологизмов. 14
Глава II. Этимологические основы
английских фразеологизмов. 20
Источники фразеологических единиц. 20
Диахронический анализ идиом и
фразеологических оборотов. 27
Заключение. 33
Список использованных источников. 34
Приложение. 37
Подводя итог вышесказанного, следует
отметить, что в языкознании есть особый раздел — фразеология, которая исследует
устойчивые сочетания, так называемые фразеологические единицы, их
классификацию, этимологию и функции в языке.
Основоположником фразеологии как
самостоятельной лингвистической дисциплины был Шарль Балли, швейцарский
лингвист. Есть множество различных мнений о том, что такое фразеологическая
единица. А. В. Кунин например, считает, что это устойчивое сочетание с переосмысленным
значением. В. М. Мокиенко определяет фразеологизм как «относительно устойчивое,
воспроизводимое, экспрессивное сочетание лексем, обладающее целостным
Перечни фразеологизмов английского языка,
предлагаемые разными учеными, настолько отличаются друг от друга, что с полным
основанием можно говорить о различных, часто прямо противоположных взглядах на
предмет исследований и о разнобое и путанице в научной терминологии,
употребляемой для обозначения соответствующих понятий.
Фразеологический оборот имеет следующие
признаки: устойчивость, семантическая целостность компонентного состава,
воспроизводимость, грамматическая соотнесенность, неодноударность,
метафоричность и экспрессивность. На наш взгляд, именно благодаря метафоричности
и экспрессивности фразеологический оборот так активно используется в
художественной литературе, создавая особую выразительность, меткость,
образность текста.
фразелогизмов являются Библия, античная мифология, греческая история, тексты
литературных и философских произведений. Они также заимствованы из других
языков и создаются на основе пословиц и поговорок.
По происхождению фразеологизмы
делятся на собственно английские, заимствованные
Фрагмент текста работы:
Глава 1. Актуальные
вопросы изучения фразеологии 1.1 Фразеологизм как
объект лингвистического изучения Современные
лингвистические исследования направлены на всестороннее изучение языковых
ресурсов, которые не только фиксируют знания и представления людей об
окружающей действительности, но и сохраняют национальную специфику языка. Одной
из особенностей лексического состава английского языка считается широкое
употребление фразеологических единиц (далее – ФЕ).
свидетельствует о том, насколько ярким, красочным может быть язык. Благодаря
фразеологизмам можно познать исторические моменты народного бытия, понять,
насколько своеобразными являются его культурные и бытовые характеристики. Для
тех образов, которые содержат ФЕ, присуща связь с национальной народной
самобытностью, именно поэтому зачастую фразеологические единицы наделены ярким
национальным характером. Наряду с выделением полностью национальных
фразеологизмов, можно отметить, что различные фразеологические системы
характеризуются наличием большого количества фразеологизмов, являющихся
интернациональными по своему происхождению. Некоторые из фразеологизмов
характеризуются сохранностью архаических элементов, представляющих совокупность
ушедших периодов развития истории.
фразеологическим единицам происходит заполнение лакун в языковой системе
лексики, поскольку она не способна к полноценному обеспечению называния тех
аспектов бытия, которые были познаны человеком и являются для него новыми.
Необходимо подчеркнуть, что преимущественно предметам, свойствам, процессам,
ситуациям и состояниям присуще наличие единственного наименования.
Несмотря на то, что область фразеологии демонстрирует
существенную динамику развития исследовательской деятельности, фразеологические
единицы не могут отличиться тем, что они полноценно
Introduction. 3
Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of the study of English idioms. 5
1.1 The definition of an
idiom.. 5
1.2 Classification of idioms. 11
to the first chapter 18
II. Etymological basics of English phraseological units. 19
The etymology of the English idioms. 19
English idioms in use. 28
to the second chapter 34
Conclusion. 35
Bibliography. 37
The richness of a language also becomes palpable when we take a close look
at the idioms and idiomatic phrases used there in since idioms are first and
foremost associated with cultural mind-set.
Idioms derive from the culture of a nation and from daily life. They are
special language forms that convey cascades of culture- specific information
such as religion, history, customs, national identity, speaking manners,
national behavior etc. We can get a better understanding of a certain culture
by investigating the idioms as they hold a cultural background behind
They help language learners better understand the culture, penetrate into
the customs and lifestyle of a particular people, and gain a deeper insight
into their history.
An idiom is a figurative
expression which meaning is different from, or more than the sum of, the
meanings of its elements (e.g. kick the bucket).
Idioms were long seen as
dead, frozen metaphors, a view that has been reexamined and challenged during
the past years (Lakoff 1987, Gibbs 1990, 1992: 485, 1993: 57-61, Kövecses and
Szabó 1996). “Dead” refers to the origins of an idiom; idioms are often thought
to carry arbitrary meanings of which metaphorical nature has been forgotten.
This characteristic is also connected to the dispute about how idioms are
accessed and understood.
The basic
principles of phraseology as a linguistic discipline were developed by V. V.
Vinogradov, N. N. Amosova, A. V. Kunin, V. N. Telia, Logan Smith, J. Seidl, W. McMordie
and other scientists. Many
scientists such as A. V. Kunin,
Y. A. Safrin, L. P. Smith, U. Weinreich, J. Strassler, A. Makkai and others paid attention to origin, meaning and use of idioms in English.
In modern information society, people need
well-developed communication competence in all spheres of society. Any aspect
of human activities has a set of special idioms, be it politics, Economics,
law, etc. One of the most important aspects in studying of English idioms is
the etymology of idioms, as it is easier to learn and understand an idiom when
its origin is known. This study is undoubtedly relevant, as it contains idioms
of modern English that reveal the beauty of the language. The relevance of this
topic is determined by the need for more in-depth coverage of the origin of
English idioms in phraseology.
This research aims to investigate the meaning of some
English idioms, their etymology and analysis, in order to classify the origin
of idioms into groups that reflect different topics. This goal involves solving
the following tasks:
to explain the
concept of “idioms”;
1. to consider sources of idioms;
2. to
understand the aim of the modern usage of idioms;
3. to
distinguish different kinds of idioms;
4. to
identify the etymology of English idioms.
The Object of the study is the etymology of idioms in English.
The subject of the research is the peculiarities of
the use of English idioms.
The methods of investigation included contrastive, distributive,
componential analyses.
The work consists of
introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and the reference list of the works
The first chapter of
the work, the theoretical part is devoted to the definition of idioms, its classification
in English.
The second part includes questions on etymology and functional
features of idioms.
the conclusion of my paper I tried to draw some results from the investigations
made within the main part of my work.
The theoretical value of the research is in elaboration of certain aspects
of English phraseology.
The practical value is in the possibility to apply its results in special
courses of the English language lexicology.
Idioms and
fixed expressions are an inalienable part of each language found in large
numbers in most of the languages. English cultures as most of the western cultures
have their origins in the Geek and Latin heritage; and Christianity as their
cultural background. English language is full of idiomatic expressions because
they are originated from literary masterpieces, the Bible, Greek and Roman
mythologies, historic events, customs, daily life …etc. Speaking about idioms
is just like speaking about culture that is why idioms are particular to a
language, group of peoples, area or region.
The idioms
reflect the customs, prejudices, historical facts, everyday realities and
everyday experience of people. According to the expert of English phraseology
Logan P. Smith, idioms "reflect people’s life in all its manifestations:
relations between people, life impressions and feelings of people… etc. [8,
p. 110-111]
there are several main sources of Idioms. Some idioms of the "worldwide
English" have first been seen in the works of writers like Shakespeare,
Sir Walter Scott, Lewis Carroll or even in the paperbacks of contemporary
novelists. An example of Shakespearian quotation can be found in the following
sentence:"As a social worker, you certainly see the seamy side of
life." Biblical references are also the source of many idioms. Sports
terms, technical terms, legal terms, military slang and even nautical
expressions have found their way to the everyday use of English language.
include all areas of life. Idioms include medical areas, there are color
idioms, such as ‘a black look’ or ‘be in the black’, food idioms ‘piece of
cake’, business idioms, money idioms, animal idioms and body idioms, such as
‘armed to teeth’ meaning ‘heavily armed with deadly weapons’.
The current
study has generally reached the following conclusions:
1. Idiomatic
expressions are culturally-bound and are related to historical backgrounds.
2. Idiomatic
expression have certain features. Their meaning cannot be retrieved from the
meanings of the sum of words that compose them, and so on.
3. There are
many types to idiomatic expression, some are pure idioms, some may be phrasal
verbs and so on.
4. Idiomatic
expression have a figurative meaning that is different from the literal
meanings of its composing words within the expression.
5. Idiomatic
expressions have a relation with context and their meanings are found to be
easier to figure out when used in context.
6. Some
non-native speakers may imprecisely guess a different meaning to idiomatic
expressions effected by their own cultural background. Idiomatic expressions are used on a daily
basis by native English speakers and that is why idiomatic expressions ought to
be included in EFL teaching materials and should not be neglected.
Фрагмент текста работы:
Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of the study of English
1.1 The definition of an
idiom Idioms are the feature of each language; they are a
very interesting category of stable verbal combinations that often have
semantic meanings, completely different from the meanings of the words from
which they are composed.
One and the same thought in different languages is
expressed through the verbal formulation chosen according to those
"representations" which have developed in the people speaking this
language. And although each nation has its own approach to understanding the
life situations encountered by any person, regardless of his place of
residence; yet some semantic commonality of reasoning is found in all Nations.
The concept of "idioms" is not yet precisely
defined by linguists. There are different opinions about idiomatic expressions
and phraseological units. Are there any differences between them or are these
concepts complete synonyms.
The science dealing with the study of idioms is called
phraseology. In the Russian linguistic tradition idioms are usually called
phraseological units. In the last 10-15 years, the term "idiom" has
become widespread, "the Greek prototype of which (idioma) gave the name to
phraseological units in the English language (idiom).
The meanings of words and the compositional meanings
of phrases and sentences are routinely generated and used to infer what a
speaker intends to convey. Idiom use and comprehension is an integral part of
everyday conversation, and it is also an integral part of discourse processing.
An idiom is a widely used phrase that, when taken as a whole, has a particular
meaning that you would not be able to deduce from the meanings of the
individual words. The ubiquitous greeting “How are you doing today?” is an example
of an idiom. Normally, how means “in what manner” or “to what degree.” Taken
literally, the question doesn’t make a lot of sense. But fluent English
speakers understand the idiomatic meaning; “How are you doing today?” usually
just means “hello.”
Phraseology consists of three sections: idioms,
idiopathetic (semi-idioms) and Phraseomatica. This division is based on
different types of phraseological units meaning: from more complicated to less
Phraseological seam, or idioms — unmotivated units,
acting as the equivalent of words, for example, As easy as pie (легче легкого), The
acid test (серьёзное испытание), Another
cup of tea (совсем другое дело), Behind
closed doors (за закрытыми дверями, тайно).
terms of Phraseology. 3
research on English Idioms in Contemporary Science. 10
of idioms and phraseological expressions. 18
Conclusion. 23
of references. 24
The article discusses the etymology
of English idioms. This reveals the concept of this phenomenon and its
reflection in the English language. He explores the area of this concept
defines the meaning of the idiom and the meaning of the term
"Etymology" and the origin of English idioms.
Idioms social and cultural
phenomena, reflecting the socio-psychological characteristics of behavior,
refer to communicative human behavior, implying the norms, rules and traditions
of communication of a particular linguocultural community. One of the most
important aspect in learning English is learning English idioms. In any
language there are expressions in which the individual words that make up this
expression lose their original meaning. Everyone strives to express ideas and
thoughts expressively, and this is impossible without the idioms that are
present in every language of the world. They strengthen speech and improve
understanding of the cultural norms of the community.
This article is undoubtedly
relevant, as it contains idioms of modern English that reveal the beauty of the
language. And great importance is attached to the etymology of the origin of
idioms, since it is easier to learn and understand the idiom if you know its
The purpose of this work is
to study the etymology of idioms and phraseological turns.
connection with the goal, the following tasks were derived:
1. Consider the phenomenon of phraseology in
modern linguistics.
2. To study the etymology of
idioms and phraseological turns in modern English.
3. Review research on English
idioms in modern science
The object of this study is
the idioms of the English language, and the subject is their etymology.
The English language has a
long history. Over the centuries, he accumulated a large number of idiomatic
expressions that were once uttered by someone, and people liked them and were
fixed in the language, were successful, well-aimed and beautiful. And later a
special layer of language appeared — phraseology, a set of fixed expressions
with their special meaning. The range of areas of all idioms are varied and
wide. Frequently used idioms, whether they consist of historical fact or they
are built on natural themes, in any case, all idioms are in the perspective of
research in fiction.
Undoubtedly, knowing the
origins of idioms can greatly help in learning idioms faster. Thus, the
prospect of our further research is the analysis of previously identified groups
of idioms in British and American fiction.
Researchers have noted a
significant number of idioms with dark histories. There are many such idioms
among common religious phraseology.
Color metaphors are very
common in English phraseology, and color associations can be combined with
other themes.
The examples considered show
how closely the origin of the idiom and its meaning are connected. It is the
etymology that can fully reveal the essence of the idiom.
Фрагмент текста работы:
Basic terms of Phraseology
Let’s consider several of
the most important grammatical and lexical aspects of phraseology that are
necessary for its study.
The main characteristics of
word groups are lexical valence and grammatical valence. Words are used in a
specific lexical context, that is, in combination with other words. For
example, the noun "question" is often combined with such adjectives
as vital, persistent, urgent, etc., this noun is part of other word groups. For
example, raise a question (do not raise the question of the hour) The ability
(readiness) of a word to appear in various combinations is described as its
lexical valence. The range of lexical valency of words is limited by the
internal structure of English words. Thus, "lift" and
"lift" are synonymous, but only the first is combined with a noun.
Words that are usually collocative in speech tend to form clichés. Lexical
valence in different languages is not identical, because it depends on the
internal structure of the vocabulary. For example, both E. "flower"
and R. "flower" can be combined with a number of similar words
(garden flowers / hot house flowers — garden flowers / greenhouse flowers). But
"pot flowers" — "indoor flowers".
The lexical meaning of a
vocabulary group can be defined as the combined lexical meaning of its
constituent members. But the term combined lexical meaning does not mean that
the meaning of a group of words is always a simple additive result of all the
lexical meanings of the constituent words. As a rule, the meanings of the
constituent words are interdependent, and the meaning of the phrase naturally
prevails over the lexical meaning of the constituents. Interdependence is
clearly visible in word groups consisting of polysemantic words. In the phrases
"blind" and "blind type" the words "blind" have
different meanings.
Groups of words can be called lexically
motivated if the combined lexical meaning of the group is derived from the
meaning of the components. All types of phrases are fully motivated.
Unmotivated groups of words are called phraseological units or idioms.
The criteria of stability and lack of motivation
are denoted in the linguistic literature by the word idiomatic. Phraseological
units are defined as unmotivated groups of words that cannot be freely composed
in speech, but are reproduced as ready-made units. Another essential feature of
phraseological units is the stability of lexical components and grammatical
Despite the interest shown in
linguoculturological research, many questions still remain debatable: the lack
of unambiguous definitions, the weakness of the methodological base, the need
to describe the phenomena of culture reflected in language and speech, which
are unique and universal for representatives of the peoples of the world. The
study of the synergy of language and culture, the linguistic categorization of
objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, which reveals connotations and
associations that are relevant for native speakers, remains a topical area of
research. In the context of a "global village" and, as a consequence,
the need for an adequate understanding of the mentality of the peoples of the
Earth, much attention is paid to the contrastive analysis of different
languages using the possibility of the reflection function Professional
realities and universal opportunities in the languages of various ethnic
It is important to distinguish idioms among
other figurative units.
An idiom is an expression that conveys something
other than its literal meaning, and which cannot be guessed from the meanings
of individual words. "Between a rock and a hard place" is an idiom
meaning "in a difficult or bad situation and there is no good way to get
out of it." Idiom differs from speech in that its non-letter meaning is
already familiar to native speakers.
A figure of speech is a phrase or expression
that expresses an idea using words in a non-literal and figurative way. Unlike
an idiom, you can understand a figure of speech even if you’ve never heard it
before. Metaphors and comparisons are figures of speech.