Курсовая с практикой Иностранные языки Лингвистика

Курсовая с практикой на тему Дискурс ненависти в английском языке

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  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления




Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Theoretical Research 5
Chapter overview 5
1.1 Discourse as an object of linguistic research 5
1.2 Functioning of the concept in discourse 24
Chapter findings 33
Chapter 2. Empirical Research 34
Chapter overview 34
2.1 Hatred in the English language consciousness 34
2.2. Linguistic features of the discourse of hate in the English language 40
Chapter findings 45
Conclusion 46
References 48





The relevance of the chosen topic is due to:
1) the importance of addressing the problem of spreading hatred and discord in modern society;
2) the need to identify the role of language in the formation of social relations;
3) the need to study socially significant emotions in terms of their implementation and construction in language communication;
4) the integrative nature of the approach used.
The object of research is the discourse of hatred.
The subject of the research is the discourse of hatred in English.
The aim of the research is to study the discourse of hatred in English.
Research problem:
1. To study the concept of discourse as an object of linguistic research;
2. Consider the functioning of the concept in discourse;
3. To consider the linguistic characteristics of the discourse of hate in the English language.
Research methods: analysis of the literature on the research topic, generalization.
The scientific novelty of the work is:
a) in the development of the linguistic aspect of problems that are the object of attention of such scientific areas as psychology, sociology, philosophy;
b) in describing the structure and linguistically relevant characteristics of the emotional concept » hate»;
C) in the study of emotions as social phenomena and the application of the principles of social constructionism to their research;
d) in defining the discourse of hatred, as well as a comprehensive description of its features and properties;
e) in identifying socially significant meanings programmed in the discourse of hatred.
The research hypothesis is based on the assumption that the concept of «hatred» is characterized by a set of features that are implemented both at the linguistic and discursive levels.
The theoretical significance of the work consists in developing the theory of critical discourse analysis, describing the cognitive and speech mechanisms of inciting social hatred and constructing social reality, describing strategies for manipulating public consciousness. The results obtained contribute to a better understanding of the language mechanisms of media influence on society.
The practical value of the work is determined by the possibility of applying its results in the development of General and special courses on semantics and pragmatics of speech communication, linguistic emotiology, theory of speech influence, sociolinguistics, for conducting linguistic expertise of media texts and other types of texts of institutional discourse in order to establish the facts of incitement to hatred and hate propaganda.
The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references.

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We can distinguish such cognitive features of the concept of hate as:
1) hatred has a high emotional intensity: strong, pungent, crazy, scary, wild, fierce, deadly, power of hatred, hatred is growing more than any of the hate for anything, hate bubbling more than any;
2) hatred can be expressed openly: expression of hatred, look with hatred, look with hatred, say with hatred, Express hatred;
3) hatred can be hidden: hide, hide hatred, nourish hatred for someone or something;
4) the feeling of hatred can completely capture a person: hatred has seized someone or something, has taken possession of someone or something, is burning with hatred;
5) hatred can be caused by: arouse hatred in someone-something or in someone-something, cause hatred in someone-something or in someone-something;
6) hatred deprives a person of the ability to look at the world rationally: hatred has blinded someone;
7) hatred implies no compromise: irreconcilable hatred;
8) the feeling of hatred may be right: sacred hatred, hatred of the enemy, of war, of invaders, of occupiers, of cowardice, of meanness.
Thus, we distinguish the following cognitive features of the concept of hate in the English language consciousness:
1) the intensity of the feeling of hatred in emotional terms: violent, intense, deep-rooted, venomous hatred;
2) hatred can be caused by any qualities or actions of the object: to excite, excite, inspire, attract, turn(to);
3) hatred can be open: Express, show hatred, be distorted by hatred (about the face);
4) the feeling of hatred can completely capture a person: to be consumed by hatred, deep hatred, to be filled with hatred;
5) hatred is usually irrational: blind hatred;
6) hatred implies uncompromising attitude towards the object: irreconcilable hatred;
7) the feeling of hatred can be maintained: develop hatred.
All cognitive features, except for the last one, were identified when analyzing the compatibility of the Russian lexeme hate, while combinations similar to the English «develop hatred» were not found when analyzing its combinatorics.



Фрагмент текста работы:


Chapter 1. Theoretical Research

Chapter overview

Данная глава посвящена изучению различных подходов к понятию дискурса в лингвистике, рассмотрению существующих классификаций дискурса.

1.1 Discourse as an object of linguistic research

Дискурс является центральной концепцией базовой теории языкознания. Этот термин также используется во многих областях, а не только в гуманитарной сфере, поскольку он имеет все признаки многозначной концепции.
Позднее латинское слово «дискурс» имеет довольно древнюю историю, которая укоренилась около пятого века до нашей эры. Затем, в начале формирования основных философских движений, значение этого термина было ограничено довольно простыми значениями — «тщеславие, мерцание, водоворот, маневрирование, хождение вокруг».
Однако со временем, в ходе развития философской мысли и лингвистической деятельности, концепция дискурса пополнилась новыми смысловыми нюансами.
Так, во времена древнегреческих мыслителей — особенно Платона и Аристотеля, слово «дискурс» использовалось для обозначения таких понятий, как «рассуждение, мышление» и «аргумент, аргумент».
И только после практики аллегорического употребления в смысле «разговор, слово, разговор, использование языка» это определение приобрело свое непосредственное значение, которое в настоящее время используется в большинстве современных языков.

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