Курсовая с практикой Иностранные языки Теоретическая грамматика английского языка

Курсовая с практикой на тему Composite sentence in the English language

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Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Semantic and syntactic features of English sentences 4
1.1 Structure and types of English sentence 4
1.2 Structure of a complex-compound sentence in English 10
1.3 Theoretical essence of the concepts of «syntactic relations» and «nominal syntactic relations» 15
Chapter 2. Semantic-grammatical essence of syntactic relations types in composite sentence 19
2.1 Syntactic essence of coordinate connection in compound sentence 19
2.2 Syntactic essence of subordinate connection 21
2.3 Types of subordinate communication in complex sentences 25
Conclusion 30
Literature 31




In the history of typological studies, the typology of sentence occupies perhaps the most important place. At the end of the sixties interest in typological research in the field of syntax was enormous; by the beginning of the eighties, interest in studying the syntax of a sentence as the basic unit of a language had noticeably decreased. The focus of research has shifted from the structure of the sentence to its function in speech. At the same time, the study of the literature about a composite sentence shows that in virtually every scientific work or textbook on the syntax not only English, but also the Russian language, the lists of types of simple sentences and their interpretation are significantly different from each other. [10, p. 28] Such diversity in approaches greatly complicates the study of the language and creates certain problems within translating texts. Among these issues that still require further scientific development, an important place is occupied by the question of the existing relationship between the components of word combinations, as a special unit of syntax. In this regard knowledge about the syntactic structure of phrases in various languages leads to the conclusion that the nominal syntactic links in the structure of phrases are not of the same type. 
The relevance of this study is that the results obtained in it contribute to obtaining a more holistic view of composite sentence and can be used in further mastering the grammatical structure of the English language. Composite sentence as a grammar class considered in their works such linguists as M.Y. Bloch, I.P. Ivanova, V.V. Burlakova, G.G. Pocheptsov, V.V. Vinogradov, C. David, R. Huddleston, K. Kesey, G.K. Pullum, B.E. Zernov, B.A. Ilish, T.M. Nikolaeva and others.
The subject of the study is a composite sentence as a syntactic category. The object is a syntax connection in English sentence. The aim of the study is to consider the composite sentence in Modern English. In accordance with this aim the following tasks are set in the study:
− to consider the structure and types of English sentence;
− to investigate the structure of a complex-compound sentence in English;
− to consider theoretical essence of the concepts of «syntactic relations» and «nominal syntactic relations» between sentences;
− to analyze syntactic essence of coordinate connection in compound sentence;
− to analyze syntactic essence of subordinate connection in compound sentence;
− to investigate types of subordinate communication in complex sentences.
Within writing the study there will be used such theoretical methods as analogy, classification, analysis and generalization. The study consists from introduction, two chapters, conclusion and references. 
The study consists from introduction, two chapters, conclusion and list of references 

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Sentence is a language unit that has a structure that gives this unit the possibility of using it as a subject-predicate structure. A sentence is characterized by a structure that gives this language unit the opportunity to be used as the smallest independent segment of speech. Simple sentence gives the language unit the possibility of independent use in speech, gives the sentence a relative independence.
The main types of sentences are divided into four types: declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, imperative sentences and exclamatory sentences. As any other meaningful unit of a language, a simple sentence has a form. Within its using in a language, simple sentences are often linked together in complex ones. In order to give meaning to the newly created syntactic structures, there used a coordinate connection between simple sentences as parts of a complex one, as well as between the structures of the simplest sentence.
A compound sentence may consist of two or more simple sentences that can be connected or not connected by conjunctions. Thus, there are two main types of syntactic connection: coordinative connection, or coordination and subordination connection. In the case of a coordination connection the sentences are separated from each other by a semicolon or comma, and during reading — by lowering the voice at the end of each sentence. Both within coordination and subordination the words are dependent, but in some cases the dependence is equal, and in others — unequal: one word “dominates” grammatically over another. 
Syntactic links get their «material» expression in the form of various techniques by which syntactic links are transmitted. These are: coordination, junction and control. The junction is the main type of grammatical subordination in the English language. Control in it is limited to constructions with prepositions, and coordination is generally absent. The criterion for distinguishing these two types of syntactic connection should be the concept of syntactic function. One or another group of syntactically related words should be referred to one of the above types — composing or subordinate — based on the sameness or dissimilarity of the syntactic function of the group as a whole and its immediate components. This sameness or dissimilarity of the syntactic function is established by the method of substitution, that is, by substituting one or several items instead of the entire group.
Thus, the aim set in the work is achieved and the tasks are fulfilled. Were considered the structure and types of English sentence; the structure of a complex-compound sentence in English and theoretical essence of the concepts of «syntactic relations» and «nominal syntactic relations» between sentences. Were investigated syntactic essence of coordinate and subordinate connections in compound sentence and types of subordinate communication in complex sentences.


Фрагмент текста работы:

Chapter 1. Semantic and syntactic features of English sentences

1.1 Structure and types of English sentence
Sentence is a language unit that has a structure that gives this unit the possibility of using it as a minimal utterance (speech part), namely, subject-predicate structure. 
From this definition it follows that: [13, p. 206]
▪ a sentence is a language unit, but such a unit, which is characterized by a structure that gives this language unit the opportunity to be used as minimal, i.e. the smallest independent segment of speech, as the minimum speech part;
▪ structure, which gives the language unit the possibility of independent use in speech, is the subject-predicate structure (subject-predicate structure). It is this structure that gives the sentence a relative independence, expressed in the ability of independent use as the minimum of a speech part;
▪ subject-predicative structure only allows the independent use of the sentence in speech. But this possibility is not always realized: the proposal may be included in the larger formations («complex sentences») and thereby its independence loses and becomes no longer a minimum of verbal communication, but a part of a larger statement. From this, however, due to its subject-predicative structure is preserved, the sentence does not cease to be a sentence.  
The sentence is used in speech as the minimum unit of communication, the unit of communication. Every sentence says something: either approves or denies something, or asks about something or prompts the listener (reader) to perform one or another action — that is, includes some information. Therefore, it is not necessary to attribute to the number of sentences those speech statements that do not contain any message, i.e. not intended to convey information. To these types of statements refers the following non-sentences structures:
1. Interjections, for example: Ah! Oh! Hullo! Bang! Alas! Cock-a-doodle-doo! etc.
2. Formulas of politeness, for example: greetings — Good morning; How do you do; etc .; goodbyes — Good-bye; So long; congratulations — A merry Christmas; A happy New Year; Many happy returns; etc .; thanks — Thank you; and some others.
3. Calls, for example: John! Waiter! and etc.
It is important to notice that a sentence, like any other meaningful unit of a language, has a form. Again, as in the case of other significant units of the language, the attention of native speakers is usually not fixed on the form of the sentence, and therefore its existence does not seem as obvious as the content. The existence of the form of a sentence becomes obvious if one turn to artificial constructions.

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