Курсовая с практикой Иностранные языки Английский

Курсовая с практикой на тему Comparative analysis of the use of articles in the English and German languages.

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



1.1 The concept of the article 5
1.2 Types of articles in English and German 8
1.3 Basic functions of the articles in English and German 10
2.1 Use of the article in the English language system 12
2.2 Usage of articles in German 17
2.3 Comparative analysis of the means of expression for the certainty/unspecification category in English and German 26



 The essence of the article is an extremely complex and multifaceted problem of linguistics. Aristotle’s theory has received special attention since ancient times (Aristotle, Diogenes of Babylon, Dionysius of Thrace, Apollo of Disco). The theory of articles was developed in medieval grammar (Arabic language tradition) and in the era of Enlightenment (the grammar of por-royal). In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, various issues related to the general theory of Artik are considered in numerous linguistic and logical theories. All this, however, does not exhaust the complexity and multidimensionality of this phenomenon.
The problem is that the article covers a wide range of research problems. Some problems include such issues as functions of the article as a whole and certain usage patterns in certain cases, while others include classification and typology of articles.
The purpose of this coursework is to create a comparative study on the use of English and German articles.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set and carried out:
— to research the concept of «article» ;
— to classify the types of articles in English and German;
— Identification and characterization of the main grammatical functions of the article in English and German;
— to present theoretical material to use the English and German articles to identify the main similarities and differences.
The subject of the study is an article in English and German.
The object of study is to define the types and functions of articles in the English and German language system; to use articles in English and German for identification and comparison.
Relevance of the article is determined by the fact that the study of the article covers a wide range of research tasks, including such topics as the definition of the article; functions of the article in general and specific models of use; classification of the article, typology of the article. A special role at this stage is played by a comparative study of the use of English and German articles, which reveals their similarities and differences.This determines the relevance of the theme of the course work: «The article in the language system in (material of English and German).
Theoretical importance is to consider the concept of «article», describing the types of articles in the English and German language system. In addition, a comparative characteristic of the use of English and German articles is presented here.
Practical significance is that the author has tried to present theoretical material for comparative use of English and German articles, which may be of research interest for homework and diplomas.
In writing, theoretical methods related to partial historical analysis of the problem, a method of comparison based on comparing the types, functions and applications of the article in English and German were used.
The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a degree and a list of literature.

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  1. Having analyzed the theoretical basis of the topic «The article in the language system (on the material of English and German)» that has interested us, we were able to identify some conclusions that are important for us. One such conclusion is that the essence of the article is extremely complex and multifaceted problem. Questions of the theory of artikle have been given special attention since ancient times, then developed in medieval grammar and during the Enlightenment. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, various issues related to the general theory of article are covered in numerous linguistic and logical theories. However, such studies were carried out within the framework of one language.
    In the course of this work, a comparative study of the use of article in the English and German language system was carried out. In the course of the course work, the concept of article was studied and the types of article in English and German were classified.
    The main difference between the German article and the English article is the grammatical function of transmission of genus, number and declination of the word. In English, the article has no grammatical functions that express the genus, number and declension of a noun. Another main difference between the use of the German article and the English article is that a certain article in the German language, in contrast to English, is used both with the names of countries, date, month and time of year, and with abstract (abstract concepts). It should be noted that in English the uncertain article is used to indicate the social status (profession, position), which is not observed in German. The English article has morphological, syntactic and semantic (communicative) functions, the German article has grammatical functions (gender, case, in some cases, the only means of expressing a noun number).
    Thus, the article in English and German is not an independent, but a service word expressing the certainty-unspecified noun, indicating its uniqueness or prevalence. In English and German, the types of articles are identical (definite, indefinite and zero). However, unlike the English article, the German article is consistent with a noun in number, gender, and case (in some cases, the only way to distinguish between gender, number, or case of a word in German is an article). The English article does not carry such functions. These and other similarities and differences in the use of the article in the languages of interest will form the basis for our further research.

    Фрагмент текста работы:

    1.1 The concept of the article
    Article (from Latin articulus) — in a number of natural languages (so-called article languages) a grammatical element, acting in the language as a service word or affix and serving to express the certainty-unspecification of a category (name), i.e. a type of reference [9, p. 81].
    An article in most languages is a separate service word, a special determinant of a noun, which has no independent meaning, standing in the preposition to a name (or name group).
    The article is used primarily with nouns and may indicate uniqueness or, on the contrary, the prevalence of the subject in the communication medium in different types of reference to the denoted noun. In case of prevalence, frequent occurrence of a subject in each given environment, the subject is classified as a series (class) of homogeneous subjects (classifying the function of the article).
    The article is characteristic of typologically different languages — Germanic, Slavic (Bulgarian, Macedonian), Hungarian, Semitic, Polynesian and others. The number of articles varies depending on the language.
    In the opinion of contemporary scholars, reference values expressed in article languages by articles are expressed in other ways in non-article languages, e.g. in Russian, by other morphological and syntactic means (declination systems and case endings, word order, index and possessive pronouns).
    The article provides cohesion of the text (discourse) [10]. Thus, in the first sentence of a sequential narrative text, such as the texts of fairy tales (they begin with an exposition listing the protagonists), in article languages the descriptions of the characters will be provided with undefined articles or their analogues («An old man lived (one, one) … near the blue sea itself») [37], which will be an additional signal of the beginning for the reader, The initiator, and at subsequent references, the nountation symbols of heroes will be supplied with certain artifacts to indicate that we are talking about an acquaintance mentioned («(The same) old man caught (his) fish with a netting fish») and that the focus of attention together with the narrator is shifted from the face symbol to the symbol of his actions.
    A certain article indicating a known, distinguished from the class of similar subjects and thus performing a function of reference and reality outside the text and an anaphoristic function in the text, and an undefined article indicating an undefined subject as a representative of the class of similar subjects.

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