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Курсовая с практикой на тему Comparative analysis of the functioning of personal and demonstrative pronouns in the journalistic style.

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Introduction. 3

I. Characteristics of personal and
demonstrative pronouns. 5

1.1. Defining personal and demonstrative pronouns. 5

1.2. Pronouns in terms of sentence structure. 8

1.3. The rules of using pronouns. 9

1.4. The functioning of pronouns in the media. 11

1.5. The significance of pronouns in the media. 15

II.  Analysis
of the functioning of personal and demonstrative pronouns in the journalistic
style. 17

2.1. Journalistic style and its key
features. 17

2.2. Analysis of the news media
content 19

2.2.1. Lexical and stylistic means of attracting the viewer’s attention. 19

2.2.2. Morphological means of attracting attention. 20

2.2.3. Syntactic means of attracting attention. 22

2.2.4. Comparative analysis of using personal and demonstrative pronouns
in the media. 23

Conclusion. 29

References. 30




Pronoun is a part of speech that denotes persons, objects, phenomena
that have already been previously mentioned in speech or text, without naming
them. Thus, pronouns allow to avoid repetition of the same nouns, adjectives,
and other parts of speech. There are several groups of pronouns in English. In
this paper, the following pronouns and its functions in various aspects will be
explored: personal and demonstrative pronouns and their use in a journalistic

Stylistic study of pronouns is insufficiently investigated in scientific
works of scholars. In this regard there is a need to study the stylistic
features of pronouns to catalyze the development of stylistic norms and solving
applied problems the media content in modern conditions of its functioning. Since
any journalistic text necessarily has an author and is addressed to a specific
reader, the task of the author is not only to convey certain information to the
reader, but also to convince the reader of the correctness/relevance of the
arguments presented. Researchers of the media discourse quite often turned to
the issues of linguistic expression of the author’s position in the text.
Authors of texts, in order to be heard and comprehended at their best, have to
clearly define their position, which is different from the position of
scientists in a particular field of research, that is, to show their own personality
using personal and demonstrative pronouns.

The relevance of the paper lies in the growing popularity of the media,
which in itself becomes a priority on the way to the effective and inclusive worldwide
information sharing. The international importance of the media is a major
catalyst for solving the problems faced by uneducated or ignorant to a certain extent
people. Thus, learning how to write effectively is the key ingredient of educating
people in the right way. Comprehending how to incorporate personal and
demonstrative pronouns in media resources can drastically improve journalism in
terms of public relations and public education.

The aim of the research is to describe the stylistic potential of personal
and demonstrative pronouns and identify their functioning

The goal of the paper determined the following research objectives:

1) explore personal and demonstrative pronouns and their peculiarities;

2) identify specific elements of using the above-mentioned pronouns in
the media and analyze theoretical and practical concepts;

3) compare the functioning of personal and demonstrative pronouns in the
journalistic style.

The object of the study of this paper is media resources. The subject of
the research is to study thoroughly the use of personal and demonstrative
pronouns in the media.

Research hypothesis: in the course of identifying various aspects that
influence the emergence of media challenges, certain optimal ways of solving
these issues can be identified. Scientific research methods used in the work:
analogy, classification, synthesis, generalization, deduction, comparative
analysis, study of relevant literature and documentation and empirical observation.

materials and results of research can be used in the development of lectures,
when writing articles, dissertations and coursework, in the preparation of textbooks
on stylistics of the journalistic style for higher and secondary special
educational institutions

The purpose, objectives, object and subject of
research determined the following structure of the course work: introduction,
two chapters, conclusion, and references.

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nowadays. A lot of media resources use the aforementioned pronouns to
attract attention and so on. As expected, the range of linguistic means and
methods of attracting the attention of the viewer in headlines and subheads
turned out to be wider than was known at the moment. The analysis of the research
results made it possible to identify specific lexical stylistic, morphological
and syntactic means. The main ones are “verbal sensations,” interrogative
sentences, evaluative adjectives, personal pronouns “we,” “you,” “your.” An
important indirect means of promoting the broadcast are verbs in the present
tense, which are used to describe events that have already happened, as taking
place in front of the audience.

Along with linguistic means, techniques for writing headlines and
subheads were also discovered that contribute to the promotion of television
content. These techniques include compositional and thematic features of headlines
and subheads. The dominant compositional technique is a concrete promise to the
viewer. The thematic analysis not only confirmed some of the ideas reflected in
Hamilton’s research (on consumption, entertainment, reporter personality and
channel branding), but also revealed a new dominant — crime and sensation. Note
that in the texts of these small genres, as a rule, a combination of several
means and techniques of attracting the viewer’s attention is used.

To sum up, we identified a number of specific methods of attracting and
retaining the audience’s attention by CNN journalists. They are implemented by
numerous lexical stylistic, morphological and syntactic means, which, in turn,
are supplemented by audio-visual means. We believe that the study of these
persuasive techniques and means can contribute to raising the professional
level of these small genres in domestic television journalism.


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I. Characteristics
of personal and demonstrative pronouns

1.1. Defining
personal and demonstrative pronouns

Before we start looking at the certain types of pronouns, the definition
of the word “pronoun” should be provided. Thus, pronoun is a part of speech
that is used instead of a noun, an adjective, rarely an adverb [3]. For
example: Jack likes dogs. He wants to buy a puppy. In the second
sentence, “he” is a pronoun, used instead of Jack to avoid repetition.

Therefore, personal pronouns can be described as short words used to
represent people or things. The personal pronouns are: I, you, he, she, it, we,
and they. They are primarily used to avoid repetition. Look at this example: Myra
(David’s kitten) looks cute, but he thinks she is evil. The personal
pronouns “he” and “she” avoid the need to repeat “David” and “kitten.” However,
the issue with personal pronouns is that they change depending on how they are
used. Let’s start by looking at all the forms.

of all, the personal pronouns are categorized by person. There are three person
categories: 1. First Person. The first-person personal pronouns (I and we)
represent those speaking; 2. Second Person. The second-person personal pronouns
(you (singular) and you (plural)) represent those being addressed; 3. Third
Person. The third-person personal pronouns (he/she/it and they) represent those
who are neither speaking nor being addressed (i.e., everybody else).

are also other categories of pronouns, such as [24]:

1. Subjective Personal Pronouns – I,
you, he, she, it, we, and they are the subjective personal pronouns.
These are the versions used for the subjects of verbs. For example: You are
happy. They won the league.

2. Objective Personal Pronouns – me,
you, him, her, it, us, and them. These are the versions used when the
personal pronouns are objects (i.e., direct objects, indirect objects, or
objects of prepositions). For example: Paul knows her (the personal
pronoun is a direct object). Paul gave them the letter (the personal
pronoun is an indirect object). Paul went with him (the personal pronoun
is an object of a preposition).

3. Possessive Personal Pronouns – mine,
yours, his, hers, its, ours, and theirs. They represent something that
is owned and tell us who the owner is. For example: Myra protected the
pantry, believing all the food was hers. (Here, hers represents all the
food and tells us the owner is Myra. A possessive pronoun replaces a possessive
determiner and a noun, e.g., her food becomes hers, my story becomes mine, and
their jellybean becomes theirs. Note that possessive determiners are classified
as pronouns too).

4. Reflexive Personal Pronouns – are myself,
yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves.
A reflexive pronoun refers back to the subject. David did not blame himself for
Myra’s aggression. (The subject is David. The reflexive pronoun himself refers
back to David.)

Examples of Personal Pronouns are:

– Subjective Personal Pronouns (i.e.,
ones in the subjective case). Give a girl the right shoes, and she
can conquer the world. (Actress Marilyn Monroe). We
are what we believe we are. (Author CS Lewis).

personal pronouns in English take the form of cases: the nominative case and the
objective case. Consider the following table below.

Table 1.

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