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Курсовая с практикой на тему Артикли в английских и французских газетах

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  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction 3
Chapter 1. The General Concept of the Article 4
1.1 The article as part of speech 4
1.1.1 Article types 4
1.1.2 The grammatical functions of the articles 5
1.1.3. Article location 6
1.2. The specifics of the English article 6
1.3 General theoretical problems of the article in French 14
Chapter 2. Realization of articles in journalism 21
2.1. Analysis of articles in the English media 21
2.2. Contextually situational manifestation of the meanings of the articles in French 24
Conclusion 31
Bibliography 32




The article system has been the subject of close attention of researchers for a long time. There are several dozen variants of the classification of article functions and values proposed by various authors. Moreover, there is no consensus even regarding the repertoire of article forms. Such a variety of points of view is determined, on the one hand, by the multidimensionality and polyfunctionality of the subject of study, and on the other, by the existence of different approaches to its study.
The meaning of the article is interconnected with the meaning of the noun. In their primary meanings, certain types of articles are combined only with certain semantic groups of the noun.
The purpose of the study is the study of journalistic texts and the identification of patterns of use of a particular article in various situations and contexts.
Research Objectives:
1] to study the theoretical problems associated with the emergence and use of the article in French and English;
2] determine the contextual-situational dependence of the use of articles;
3] to collect and analyze language material based on the analysis of journalistic texts.
The object of study is the articles of French and English.
The subject of the study is the implementation of the articles of English and French in journalism.
The research method is descriptive, comparative, analytical.
The actual material of the study — the actual material of the study was the grammar structures created by the author.
The structure and scope of the study: course work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion, list of sources used.
The first chapter, “General concept of the article” discusses the types of articles, their grammatical functions, differences in the use of articles in different languages, the location of the articles. The second chapter, “Articles in English and French,” describes special cases of the use of articles; the new meaning acquired by nouns depending on which article accompanies them. In conclusion the results of the study are summarized.
The theoretical [practical] significance of the study is that the research results can be used as a scientific source for working at seminars, for reports, essays, oral presentations, and scientific works on the grammar of French and English.

Chapter 1. The General Concept of the Article

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  1. As it turned out during the work, the article is inherent in many languages, it has been studied for more than a century. But there is still much debate about the number of articles in the English language.
    All linguists recognize the presence of a definite and indefinite article, as an indicator of certainty / uncertainty. However, the question of the existence of a zero article or its so-called significant absence is not clear. But one thing is clear that the zero article has been used more and more often. In order to determine its status, we will describe several points of view of linguists regarding this article.
    In the course of the study, it was found that the article is interpreted as a service part of speech, including two independent words: a specific article and an indefinite article. Some authors emphasize the zero article; the absence of the article is also considered significant.
    Depending on the purpose of the utterance in a speech, it is often necessary to establish semantic connections between the objects in question, the context, refer to what is already known [indicate the identity of objects, distinguish an object from a number of similar ones, contrast objects of various kinds, characterize a particular through a general, give subject of one or another qualification, highlight its sign].
    Articles are not formal elements of grammatical structures. The predominant occurrence of this or that article as a part of any structures is explained by their substantial correspondence.
    In relation to a noun, the article is an indicator of the degree of uncertainty of a concept denoted by a noun, and an indicator of the ability of this concept to be divided into units of unsaturated division. The article reveals the degree of abstraction of the meaning of the noun. It is also an indicator of the degree of limitation of a concept called a noun. In addition, the article indicates the type of reference of the noun: generalized reference, concrete and singular.
    The article, as a service part of speech, distinguish the following functions:
    — morphological
    — syntactic
    — semantic
    — communicative.
    It is worth saying that it is difficult to formulate clear rules for the use of certain and indefinite articles. Rules can only be general and approximate. The number of options is unlimited, so you should remember the basic meanings of words and forms, according to which they participate in various combinations of contexts, and accumulate these contexts in memory along with the accumulation of meaningful information.  

    Фрагмент текста работы:


    1.1 The article as part of speech

    Articles are not characteristic of all languages. They are needed in Arabic, Romance and Germanic languages. For the theory of service words, articles are very significant. They do not express the relations between the sentence members, do not form the syntactic forms of the language, but they are the most typical «grammatical accompaniment» of significant words.
    The article is characteristic of typologically different languages — Germanic, Slavic [Bulgarian, Macedonian], Hungarian, Semitic, Polynesian, etc. The number of articles varies across languages; the most common is a system of two articles, but languages with one morphologically expressed article are found, e.g. Turkish, where the indefinite article bir is presented, and its absence is equivalent to a certain article and can formally be treated as the zero article, as well as polyarticle languages with three or more articles, for example. in the Romanian language, in addition to the indefinite and definite article, there are so-called. the adjective article cel [elevul cel vrednic ‘zealous student’, a construction with the postposition of the adjective] and the possessive article al [fin al omului ‘the son of a man’], and in the Samoan language the articles are defined, indefinite, emotional [each has different forms for units. and plural] and the article of proper names [whereas, for example, in Germanic, Romance, Slavic languages, proper names are usually used without the article, except for a number of special cases, e.g. in Bulgarian nicknames].


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