Английский язык Контрольная работа Иностранные языки

Контрольная работа на тему Практикум по иностранному языку

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
Нажимая на кнопку, я даю согласие
на обработку персональных данных
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Раздел 1 (Unit 1) 2
Раздел 2 (Unit 2) 2
Раздел 3 (Unit 3) 2

Не хочешь рисковать и сдавать то, что уже сдавалось?!
Закажи оригинальную работу - это недорого!

Фрагмент текста работы:


Раздел 1 (Unit 1)
Exercise 1, p. 7
1. This is more like a word for word translation than a literary one. 2. It is more like a fable than a fairy tale. 3. The fabric looks more like cotton than viscose. 4. Ann looks more like a schoolgirl than a college student. 5. With this hairdo she looks more like a boy than a girl. 6. We walked round the village for an hour or so. 7.1 stayed with my friends for a fortnight or so. 8.1 lived in the town for three years or so. 9. I am not through with the book yet. I’ve read only 50 pages or so. 10. Since everyone is present, I think it is a splendid opportunity to announce that Jane and I have just got engaged. 11. We are through with our work. Isn’t it a wonderful opportunity to go to some nice bar and cut loose? (оторваться по полной). 12. We’ve been looking for her house for more than an hour. I should/would never have thought that her place would be so difficult to find. 13. There seems to be no end to dirty clothes. I should never have thought that one man could soil so many shirts, vests and underpants in so short a time. 14. The more we listened to him, the more he convinced us that his course of action was just the ticket. 15. The more John looked at her, the less he liked what he saw. 16. The more I think about her decision, the less I agree with it. 17. The more indignant Andrew became, the more he stuttered. 18. The longer we waited, the more impatient we felt. 19. Who’ll go to the baker’s? There is no bread left. 20. I’m going to the stationer’s. There is no paper left. 21. Why go shopping? We have no food left. 22. We needn’t hurry. There is plenty of time left. 23. Hurry up. We have no time left. 24. Why not put the table near the window? — There seems to be no room left. 25. Where will you put the bookcase? There seems to be no very little space left in room.
Exercise 2, p. 8
1. I would never have thought that looking after a child was so tiresome. 2. I should/would never have thought that writing a summary of this article might cost so much effort. 3. I should/would never have thought that scrubbing a sooty saucepan clean might turn out to be such a trying job. 4. The harder he worked\ the bigger wages he earned. 5. The more he thought over the problem, the less he knew what to do. 6. The more we stayed at the “Holiday Inn”, the more we liked the place. 7. That won’t do. You shouldn’t be so careless. 8. That won’t do. You’ll have to do everything all over again. 9. That won’t do. You treat the matter too lightly. 10. That won’t do. Your answer is wrong.

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