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• In conditions
of irrigation on chernozems of the South of Russia, in Dagestan, in particular,
the application of fertilizers ensures the yield of Torch tomatoes at the level
of 480-500 centner/ha (control group — 271 centner/ha).

• Plants of
Torch tomatoes formed the maximum assimilative surface in the period of mass

• The linear
height of tomato plants increased in direct proportion to the dose and timing
of application of mineral fertilizers.

For example, in
the period of mass maturation the height of plants grown without fertilizers
was 53.7 cm, then against the background of N120P60K60 – 57.2 cm, and N90P60K60
+ N30 – 62 cm. The number of fruits per plant was 13.7; 18.3 and 20.2 tomatoes,
respectively, and the average fruit weight was 63.4; 76.7 and 80.7 g.

• The use of
mineral fertilizers on the background of organic ones for sown tomatoes
resulted in a decrease of the content of dry matter in the fruit from 6.96 to
6.44-6.83% when applied, and the content of total sugars from 4.90% to
3.86-3.57%, respectively, compared with the control group. The amount of
nitrates in the fruit, regardless of the background of cultivation, did not
exceed the maximum allowable concentration.

• The obtained
results indicate a high yield of Torch tomatoes in the climatic conditions of
Dagestan, given the rational selection of mineral and organic fertilizers, as
well as modes of their application, which also proves the high biotechnological
potential of the studied hybrid variety of tomato for industrial cultivation in
the South of the Russian Federation.


Фрагмент текста работы:


Biotechnological potential of Torch
tomatoes growing in Dagestan

© Saida S. Saidova

Dagestan State Technical University.
Imam Shamil Ave., 70A.

Makhachkala, 367026. Republic of
Dagestan. Russia.

Key words:
biotechnology, potential, tomato Torch, hybrid, fertilizers, productivity,
fruit quality.


The article
explores the biotechnological potential of growing Torch tomatoes in the
territory of Dagestan; The characteristics of the hybrid varieties of Torch
tomatoes are given; the comparative characteristic of yield indicators of Torch
tomatoes with other varieties cultivated in the southern part of Russia is
presented; as part of the field experiment, five universal soil fertilizer
schemes and their application regimes for growing tomatoes were tested; the
most optimal ratios of the application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
for fertilizing soils and fertilizing plants as an alternative to natural
organic nitrogen fertilizers were selected; it is proved that with the
introduction of mineral fertilizers against the background of the aftereffect
of manure in the soil the content of nitrates, mobile phosphorus and exchange
potassium increases; the influence of the timing of the use of fertilizers on
the accumulation of dry matter and the area of the assimilation surface of
tomatoes of the Torch variety during the growing season was studied; the
dependence of the yield of commodity fruits of the Torch tomato on the doses
and timing of the use of fertilizers was established; the effect of fertilizers
on individual biometric indicators of Torch tomato plants on the period of mass
ripening of fruits is shown; individual indicators of the quality of the Torch
tomato fruit in full ripeness are determined depending on fertilizers; it has
been shown that the application of fertilizers ensures the yield of fruits of
sown tomatoes of the Torch cultivar at the level of 480-500 centner, and also
that the tomato plants of the Torch cultivar form the maximum assimilation
surface during the period of mass fruit formation; It is shown that the amount
of nitrates in the fruits, regardless of the background of cultivation, does
not exceed their maximum permissible concentration; in practice, the high yield
of Torch tomatoes in the climatic conditions of Dagestan has been proved.


Among vegetable crops, a significant place belongs to
tomatoes (tomatoes), which occupy an area of about 85 thousand hectares in
Russia [5]. Their production is concentrated in the southern regions of the
Russian Federation, as well as in regions with a hot, moderately humid climate.
Tomatoes should be grown using intensive technology. High and stable yields in
the farms of the southern region of the Russian Federation are obtained due to
the correct selection of varieties and hybrids and the use of a scientifically
based farming system [20].

In this regard,
one of the main tasks of the production of high-quality tomato products is to
develop a system of fertilization in the conditions of irrigation in the South
of the Russian Federation, Dagestan, in particular, which, given the high cost
of mineral fertilizers, should be environmentally sound and aimed at preserving
and reproducing soil fertility.

Currently, when
growing vegetable crops, heterosis hybrids are becoming more common, since
they, in comparison with varieties, have many economically useful
characteristics, especially such as yield, precocity, resistance to diseases,
equalization, fruit quality, and others [2].




. The current state of the environment and the increased
level of stress situations require special attention to the nutrition of the
country’s population.

The concepts of
healthy nutrition in different countries around the world are based on the use
of natural organic products and the production of food products of increased
biological value. In particular, a model of rational nutrition proposed in the
UK includ
es fruits and
vegetables (33%); bread, cereals and potatoes (33%); meat, fish and alternative
products such as legumes (12%); milk and dairy products (15%); fats and sugar

In this
direction, carotenoids obtained from vegetables or fruits are of particular
importance. It is known that the presence of carotenoids in vegetables
(tomatoes and peppers, red carrots and so on) and fruits (pink grapefruits,
apricots and so on) gives them a red or bright yellow colo
ur [2].

(β-carotene) are necessary for the normal functioning of the visual organs,
cell growth, skin, hair, teeth and mucous membranes of respiratory tract.

Vitamin A and
its derivatives can prevent epithelial tissue carcinogenesis, and β-carotene
can prevent skin cancer caused by carcinogens or ultraviolet radiation (290-320
nm). It is determined that vitamin A has a protective effect in malignant
processes [3]. The anticancer effect of vitamin A and certain carotenoids
(quercetin and lycopene) is discussed in the research papers of such authors as
E. Giovannucci, E. B. Rimm, Y. Liu, M. J. Stampfer [3]; D. Heber, Lu Qing-Yi
[4, 5]; J. K. Campbell, K. Canene-Adams, B. L. Lindshield [6]; N. F. Gloria, N.
Soares, C. Brand, F. O. Leite, R. Borojevic, A. J. Teodoro [7] and so on.

In modern
conditions, the production and creation of new types of carotene-containing
products is relevant and necessary to ensure the health of the nation. In this
direction, the synthesis of lycopene-containing products becomes of great

Lycopene is a
pigment carotenoid that is necessary for the human body to provide antioxidant
reactions, and it is cannot be synthesized in the organism. Structurally,
lycopene is a tetraterpene assembled from eight isoprene units. The system of
11 conjugated double bonds determines the light-absorbing property of lycopene
and its ability to easily oxidize. When oxidized, lycopene gives epoxides of
various compositions. Lycopene absorbs all but the longest wavelengths of
visible light, so it has a red colour. In tomatoes lycopene is synthesized
completely as a trans-isomer (this is
correct!). In light or when heated, lycopene can undergo isomerization to form
CIS-isomers. In the human bloodstream different CIS-isomers account for more
than 60% of the total concentration of lycopene, but the biological effects of
individual isomers have not been studied yet. Lycopene is not soluble in water,
it is soluble only in organic solvents and oils [2].

(C40H56) is a substance of the carotenoid group that determines the dietary
value and the degree of fruit maturity, but is not synthesized in the human
body – but if you eat fresh tomatoes or tomato products, it provides 50-80% of the
body’s need for this substance in total food consumption [8].

Once in a human
body, lycopene can enhance its protective functions, inhibit degenerative
processes in tissues, reduce the risk of initiation and development of cancer,
cardiovascular and other pathologies. Therefore, it is important to develop or
improve technologies of lycopene-containing products with their subsequent
application in the production of functional food.

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The analytical review showed that the highest concentrations of
lycopene, which takes one of the key places in the human diet, are found in
tomato products and canned foods, such as sauces and ketchup. In view of this,
these two varieties of tomato canning are the most rational option to use in
the food industry of Dagestan, in order to provide the population with
physiological and natural food products containing the irreplaceable carotenoid
– lycopene.


Analysis of the chemical composition of tomato fruits and current
requirements for fruits that are accepted by processing enterprises showed that
the legislation of the Russian Federation does not regulate the requirement for
the concentration of lycopene in tomatoes entering production, which negatively
affects the quality of canned products in the future.


It is noted that in the Russian Federation the direction of production
of carotene-containing products, in particular lycopene-containing products,
for the production of functional products is developing and promising. It is
established that a promising direction for processing tomato fruits is to
obtain dried products of relative and maximum moisture content with their
subsequent use in food production.


Фрагмент текста работы:


The main block
of the research

The total area
under tomatoes in Dagestan was 74.3 thousand hectares in 2019 in all categories
of farms. On average, the share of tomato consumption in the vegetable crops
segment is 15-25%. More than 65% of the sown areas are occupied by varieties
and hybrids of domestic selection.

On the Russian market,
there are mostly large-fruited forms of tomatoes with weight more than 250 g. of
pink, red and pink-red colours, having different fruit shapes (round,
flat-rounded, heart-shaped, pepper-shaped and plum-shaped). Thus, the soil and
climate conditions of Dagestan are favourable for the tomato production in the
necessary quantities for consumption and processing.

Fresh tomato
fruits are valuable vegetable products containing ascorbic acid, carotene,
lycopene, mineral salts and organic acids.

Medvedev K. S.
and Andrushchenko A. I. [17] investigated the influence of the degree of
maturity on the duration of storage, transportation and ability to industrial
processing of tomato fruits. An important indicator for their processing is the
content of the mass fraction of moisture, which determines the possibility of
drying of fruits with a certain moisture percentage and further use in food

The scientific
researches [10-13] show that the dry matter content depends on the biological
characteristics of tomato fruits and growing conditions. In particular, the
plum-shaped variety has 5.5-7.4% of dry matter, the cherry-shaped variety – 6.7-9.3%
of dry matter.

The quality of
tomato fruits used for processing is also determined by the content of free
organic acids, active acidity and sugar-acid index. Undamaged mature tomatoes
contain from 0.3 to 0.5% of malic and citric acids, as well as tartaric,
succinic and oxalic acids [10, 11].

According to the
production data, tomatoes with an active acidity of 3.8 are delivered to
canneries [14]. Carbohydrates in the tomatoes used in the canning industry are
represented mostly by sugars (glucose and fructose) in an amount of up to 4%
[2, 10].

It is known
that tomato fruits contain polyphenols and glycosides. Most of these compounds
have a bitter taste due to the content of naringin flavonol and tomato glycoalkaloids
or their derivatives, as well as oxycoric acids (coffee, ferulic and cinnamon).

It is important
to study the features of the content of functional compounds depending on the
degree of maturity of tomato fruits. In particular, the authors [11, 12]
established such a relationship for coffee acid: green tomato fruits contain 4.3·10-3%
of total amount of acids in terms of dry weight, mature tomato fruits – 4.9·10-3%,
fruits skin — 9.7·10-3%, seeds — 11.9·10-3%.

Besides that, we
studied the influence of fruit maturity on the content of free and bound
oxycoric acids, the amount of which varies from 12·10-3% to 40·10-3%
in terms of dry weight [12], and found their traces in green fruits.

Many scientists
are interested in the content (concentration) of substances in the chemical
composition of tomatoes, which determine the functional ability of this
product. The results show the prospects of their consumption (the higher the
concentration, the more pronounced the effect of the substance on the
functionality of various organ systems and cells in the body will be) in fresh
or processed form (table).

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