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Фрагмент текста работы:
Region and the Public Administration in Romania
The challenge supposed
by globalization over the last decades have highlighted the multiple valences
of progress and economic growth and in this context the” region” can be seen as
a foundation of economic and social life, a basic scale of economic development.
Given that most countries in the world have not experienced, from a territorial
point of view, a uni-form economic development, they face either an over
development or an under development, being aware of the complexity of this
issue, through this paper I proposed to identify the main funding mech-anisms
that can lead to the reduction of discrepancies between regions, respectively
to a balanced and harmonious development. Globalization has had the effect of
reducing the control of national economies and increasing competition in the
regions, the region being able to organize its own development trajectory.
These trends as well as the launch of decentralization processes have led to an
increase in the importance of regions, at least in some modern states. However,
local and regional development remains strongly correlated with international
and national events even if the regions have registered favorable individual
developments. Romania was given the opportunity to join the European Union, to
be part of a united community in which the solidarity of its members is
strongly felt, and mutual support between states has a true history behind it, each
stage being based on specific pillars. Eliminating and reducing differences in
the level of development, productivity and employment between Member States but
also between regions of the same state can be done primarily by accessing
structural and cohesion funds but also by policies. specific development. First
of all, competitiveness at European level cannot be achieved only through
European policies at the level of each Member State or at regional level,
economic success is a process that requires close cooperation, European
regional policy having the potential to turn common challenges into opportunities.
the benefit of the whole of Europe. Romania is still far behind most European
countries in terms of economic development. In order to achieve the economic
growth aspirations reflected in the global objective mentioned in the 2014-2020
Partnership Agreement, namely to reduce disparities in economic and social
development between Romania and the Member States of the European Union,
Romania could have a competitive and modern economy by addressing the following
areas also in the Europe2020 Strategy: Competitiveness; People and Society;
Infrastructure; Resources; Administration and governance. Secondly, better
public finance plays a key role in long-term economic growth. The com-position
of public spending, with an emphasis on education and infrastructure spending,
is paramount. At the same time, the structure of the tax system impacts the
growth prospects. While taxes can be classified according to the least negative
impact on growth (i.e., property taxes, consumption taxes, personal income
taxes and profit taxes), the design of tax systems clearly raises trade-offs
other than the targets. economic growth. Thirdly, how efficient the public
spending system is and what quality of public services is required by citizens
is mainly influenced by cultural factors. This implies that quality changes can
only be implemented slowly. Fourth, the role that counter cyclical fiscal