Политический дискурс в современном мире Эссе Иностранные языки

Эссе на тему Who is against global English and why?

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Who is against global English and why?
In different historical periods different languages became more important in the world due to objective reasons. In her lectures, S. G. Ter-Minasova notes that this was primarily due to political and economic reasons, not to the lexical, grammatical or semantic richness of a particular language, as well as not to the culture of the people, the native speaker of this language. For example, German has been the language of science for centuries; French, Spanish or Portuguese have been spread with their native speakers, conquering new territories. Russian became the language of interethnic communication not only in the USSR, but after the Second world war and throughout Eastern Europe. This topic is very interesting, allowing you to see a variety of aspects of life in their relationship. Recall the term lingua Franca (Italian. lingua franca — «Frankish language») — a language used as a means of interethnic communication in a particular field of activity.
However, in this paper I will look at the language that has now become global – English. According to the lecturer, it is the language of three «empires»: the British Empire, picked up in the middle of the 20th century, after its fall, the us world domination and the Internet revolution that happened later.
The advantages of a global language are obvious. First, it is a universal means of interethnic communication. If everyone uses the same tool, it seems that it is easier to reach an understanding on any issue. It is known that language and thinking are interrelated, which means that it will be easier to resolve any contradictions peacefully, through negotiations. Secondly, less human and material resources are required. Imagine that the entire staff of international organizations is shrinking: all documents are submitted in one language. Third, it is a sense of lost Paradise, one has only to remember the legend of the tower of Babel. As if people naturally returned to the once existing state of «monolingualism».
However, not everything is so good and, as often happens, shortcomings and even problems are a direct continuation of the advantages and benefits. First, language affects a person’s perception of the world. This means that people and entire Nations begin to see this world through the prism of one language, freely or unwittingly absorbing the culture of the speakers of the global language, adopting their values and norms and losing their own and losing their own identity. Secondly, it becomes more difficult for them to defend their interests. Moreover, native speakers can manipulate other peoples and use their position in their own interests, as noted in his works by David Crystal, a well-known authority in this area. Third, the very legend of the tower of Babel may have another hidden layer of meaning: maybe God, who destroyed it and mixed languages, did it for the benefit of mankind, thereby creating such a diversity of the world and cultures? There’s a lot to think about.

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