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essay. Conceptual analysis. Opportunities and limitations.; Componential analysis

concept of the method of scientific research and standard criteria for its

scientific method is a set of basic methods for obtaining new knowledge and
methods for solving problems in any science. The method includes methods for
studying phenomena, systematization, and correction of new and previously
obtained knowledge.

important aspect of the scientific method, its integral part for any science,
is the requirement of objectivity, which excludes subjective interpretation of
the results. Statements should not be taken for granted, even if they come from
reputable scientists. To ensure independent verification, observations are
documented, and all source data, methods, and research results are made
available to other scientists.

method structure contains three separate components (aspects):

component-representation of one of the possible forms of the object under

component-prescriptions, norms, rules, principles that regulate the cognitive
activity of the subject;

component-rules for fixing the results of interaction between the object and
the means of knowledge.

philosophy of science distinguishes methods of empirical and theoretical

empirical method of cognition is a specialized form of practice closely related
to experiment. Theoretical knowledge consists in reflecting the phenomena and
processes of internal connections and regularities that are achieved by
processing data obtained from empirical knowledge.

description of method 1. Conceptual analysis. Opportunities and limitations.

main method of research of concepts is considered to be conceptual analysis.
The purpose of conceptual analysis is to trace the path of cognition of the
concept’s meaning and record the result in a formalized semantic language.
Studying the works of various authors who have been engaged in conceptual
analysis shows that conceptual analysis is not a specific method of studying
concepts. It would be more appropriate to say that the relevant works are
united by a relatively common goal, and as for the ways to achieve it, they are
very diverse.

is no agreement among different authors on what set of procedures should be
considered a conceptual analysis, but there is also no agreement on what should
be considered a result.

is generally accepted that the study of a particular concept or conceptual area
occurs through the analysis of the identified results of cognitive activity.
The method of conceptual analysis depends on the understanding and possibility
of structuring the concept. There are opposing views among researchers on the
issue of structuring concepts.

description of method 2. Componential

analysis is a method of linguistic study of the meaning of words. The purpose
of component analysis is to divide the language value into minimal units. The
designation of these units is different: the figure of content, semantic
multiplier, differential feature, noeme, elementary meaning, seme, etc.

are three stages in component analysis:

out the meaning of the word;

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