Психология Эссе Педагогика/Психология

Эссе на тему To what extent would legalising cannabis for medicinal uses be an evidence-based action?

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To what extent would legalising cannabis for medicinal uses be an evidence-based action?
A number of governments have passed laws allowing patients with certain diseases (such as end-stage cancer, epilepsy and neurological disorders) to use cannabinoids and cannabis to treat the symptoms of their diseases .
Some medical cannabis programmes have had a negative impact on public health, as they have not been properly regulated in accordance with the provisions of international drug control treaties and have led to the diversion of cannabis and its use for non-medical purposes.
In a number of countries, poor regulation of medical cannabis programmes and the consequent weakening of risk perception may have contributed to the legalisation of non-medical cannabis use, contrary to international drug control treaties.
International treaties establish requirements under which States parties may authorise the use of cannabis and its derivatives for medical purposes .
Thus, the provisions of articles 23 and 28 of the 1961 Convention, as amended, require governments to establish a national cannabis Agency to control the production and supply of cannabinoids for medical purposes.
The duties of the national institution include the issuance of licenses to manufacturers, the purchase of manufactured products and taking possession of them, as well as the exercise of a monopoly on wholesale trade and the maintenance of stocks.
The institution is obliged to provide annually estimated data on the amount of drug that will be used for medical purposes, and the number of people for whose treatment it will go.
Cannabinoids that meet the quality criteria of pharmaceutical products should be allowed to be used in medicine only for clearly defined purposes in accordance with the country’s pharmaceutical regulatory system.
The presence of cannabinoids pharmacological properties that allow their use for the treatment of certain disorders, it is necessary to demonstrate to prevent their use for the treatment of conditions in which the benefits of their use is not sufficiently confirmed.
Cannabinoids authorised for use in this order best ensure the quality and standard dosage of known substances for medical use .
Many national pharmaceutical regulatory systems have special access schemes to ensure that patients with serious diseases (such as cancer) have access to unapproved medicines.
This requires evidence that the patient has not responded to the usual treatment, and he must give informed consent to the use of an unauthorised drug.
Drugs obtained under such schemes may be approved for medical use in other countries, but not in the country of residence of the patient, or still be at the stage of clinical trials.

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