Эссе на тему Сравнительный анализ архитектурных объектов Ренессанса и Барокко
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Фрагмент текста работы:
Introduction The Renaissance and Baroque were the cultural heyday
of the countries of Western Europe. They arose against the background of
dramatic changes in social relations. Despite the fact that both epochs
glorified the beautiful and brought many new things into the development of
culture, this was done in different ways and ways. Therefore, the question of
how the Baroque style differs from the Renaissance style has always worried a
person. It is still in demand now.
The Renaissance (from Italian "revival") as
a style arose in Italy at the beginning of the 14th century. And existed until
the end of the 16th century. It replaced the culture of the middle Ages and
preceded the Enlightenment and the New Age.
There is a great interest in ancient architecture,
which leads to its reconstruction. The culture during the Renaissance was of a
secular nature, vividly showed interest in man. During the Renaissance, the
foundations of a humanistic worldview were laid — respect and freedom of the
individual. This was reflected in science, literature, painting.
The Baroque style emerged as an alternative to the
classicism and rationalism inherent in the Renaissance. Despite the fact that
Italy was plundered by foreigners and exhausted by internal strife, it remained
the center of European culture. The new style was intended to show the wealth
and luxury of the nobility through painting techniques, thereby creating the
illusion of power.
The purpose of this work is to consider the
implementation of these styles of architecture. In accordance with the set
goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
1. Consider the nature of the change in style from
Renaissance to Baroque
2. Analyze the buildings of the Renaissance and
Baroque based on the theory outlined in the book.
3. Analyze the Moscow Baroque building