Эссе на тему Some information about the similarity and difference of Russian and foreign organizations
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Introduction. 3
Similarity and
difference of Russian and foreign organizations 4
Conclusion. 8
the history of management, many foreign countries have accumulated significant
experience in the field of management theory and practice; created their own
management models, taking into account their specific features.
relevance of the issue lies in an attempt to analyze one of the important
problems facing the Russian economy. The problem is the insufficient level of
training of management personnel. One of the ways to solve this problem can be
a reasonable use of foreign management experience.
recently, the Western model of personnel management was a priority in choosing
the path of economic development. It turned out to be effective for post-war
Germany and Japan, but in Russia such a system did not give the desired
results. Moreover, the system has caused a number of negative consequences and
crisis phenomena. Many Russian specialists came to the conclusion that the best
solution for our country would be a synthesis of foreign approaches.
of contacts with foreign firms, a noticeable increase in the number of
translated publications in the field of management of foreign countries make it
possible to represent the constructive elements of their management practice more
specifically. These elements provide higher production efficiency. At the same
time, the practice of leading Russian companies has shown that someone else’s
experience cannot be copied mechanically. The organization should feel the need
for changes, the need to form its own management system.
The human
resource management system is constantly evolving and improving. At each stage
of the development of society, it must be brought in accordance with the
requirements of the development of productive forces, correcting its individual
elements. Personnel management is provided by the interaction of the control
and the controlled system.
conclusion, I would like to summarize the analysis. We have reviewed systems of
management in Russia, the USA and Japan. It cannot be said that personnel
management in Russia is much inferior to the experience of Japan and the United
States. Russia is a developing country, and in some time we would achieve the
same results in personnel management as abroad. Many of the highlighted
problems are associated with human factors. The state and public organizations
should take an active position in management.
The use of
a stimulating and educational approach to the management system should
accelerate the formation of a new social position among members of society,
based on an understanding of the role of each subject of market relations,
which appeared relatively recently in our country.
Based on
the analysis of the management system in Russia and abroad, we can conclude
that the main mistake of Russian managers is that we cannot move away from the
administrative-command style of management, which in turn prevents us from
moving to a new level of development in personnel management. Today, attempts
are being made to develop and implement a modern wage system in Russia, but,
unfortunately, only in individual companies.
Surely, the
personnel management system in Russia requires many years of work, but it
should be taken into account such aspects as: a short period of the existence
of market relations in the country; the lack of knowledge that meets
international requirements and market conditions among the majority of Russian
For the
effective operation of the organization it is impossible to ensure useful
qualities of an employee with the help of traditional forms of material
incentives, strict external control and punishments. Only those people who are
aware of the meaning of their activities and strive to achieve the goals of the
organization can expect to receive high results. The formation of such workers
is the task of the management system.
Фрагмент текста работы:
and difference of Russian and foreign organizations
management structure of a corporation in a particular country is determined by
several factors: legislation and various regulations governing the rights and
obligations of all parts involved; the established governance structure in a
given country; the articles of association of each joint stock company.
There is no
general management theory suitable for all times and peoples — there are only
general management principles that develop the Japanese, American, or others
management systems with their unique characteristics, since they take into
account certain national values, peculiarities of national psychology,
mentality, etc. The process of forming a specific management model is dynamic:
the corporate governance structure always meets the conditions and characteristics
of a particular country.
American management model is used in corporations in the UK, USA, Australia,
New Zealand, Canada and some other countries. It is characterized by the
presence of individual shareholders and an ever-growing number of independent,
i.e., non-corporate shareholders. The American system is distinguished by a
well-developed legislative framework that defines the rights and obligations of
three key players: managers, directors and shareholders.
American management is based on three historical premises: the presence of a
market; industrial way of organizing production; corporation as the main form
of entrepreneurship. Corporations replaced small businesses in which all
property belonged to the owners of capital and they controlled completely the
activities of the workers.