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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction. 3

Сorporate social responsibility in business 4

Conclusion. 9




The topic
of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of the most discussed in the
business world today. This is due to the fact that the role of business in the
development of society has significantly increased, and the requirements for
openness in the business sphere have increased. Many companies have clearly
realized that it is impossible to successfully conduct business in an isolated
space. Therefore, the integration of the principle of corporate social
responsibility into the business development strategy is becoming a
characteristic feature of leading companies.

The relevance of the work is connected with
the interest of modern science in the issue that modern world lives in
conditions of acute social problems. In this regard, the social responsibility
of business is especially significant, as enterprises and organizations are associated
with the development, manufacture and supply of products and services, trade,
finance. Corporations have the main financial and material resources that allow
them to find out solutions to the social problems. Business leaders understand their
key importance and leading role in such work. This has led to the emergence of
the term “corporate social responsibility”, which has become an essential part
of the concept of sustainable development not only of business, but of humanity
as a whole.

Social Responsibility is a concept where organizations take into account the
interests of the community, responsibility for the impact of their activities
on firms and other public stakeholders. This obligation goes beyond the legal
obligation to comply with the law and implies that organizations voluntarily
take additional measures to improve the quality of life of workers and their
families, as well as the local community and society.

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CSR is a
means of private regulation of non-market relations between companies and
stakeholders. They are individuals and institutions existing inside or outside
the company and influencing the way the company operates, they are influenced
by the company’s activities.

model is based on the fact that rational economic interests orient business not
only to maximize profits, but also to improve their own “environment” — social,
environmental, political — by voluntarily investing the profits received in the
appropriate institutions.

All over
the world corporate social responsibility is one of the most important tools
for increasing the capitalization of a company, a tool for preventing
non-commercial risks, it opens access to a wide range of investment resources
and helps to achieve sustainable development in three main areas —
environmental, economic and social.

social responsibility is a system of voluntary relationships between the
employee, employer and society, aimed at improving social and labor relations,
maintaining social stability in the workforce and the surrounding community,
developing social and environmental activities at the national and
international levels.

only large, national companies, as well as branches and subsidiaries of
international companies, implement a social responsibility policy and have the
material opportunity to do this. Medium and small businesses, due to obligatory
payments of different levels, have the opportunity to organize only one-time
charity events.

To make a
conclusion, it should be pointed that the allocation of the institution of
corporate social responsibility in the management system of the organization,
the analysis of the participants in the process and their roles, the
determination of the patterns of development of this complex system are
necessary in order to increase the efficiency of management of the organization
and facilitate the adoption of management decisions.


Фрагмент текста работы:


social responsibility in business

social responsibility (CSR) practice is the subject of much debate and
criticism. Advocates argue that there is a strong business case for CSR, and
corporations reap numerous benefits from operating for a broader,
longer-lasting perspective than their own short-term profit margins. Critics
argue that CSR distracts from the fundamental economic role of business; some
argue that this is nothing but an embellishment of reality; others say this is
an attempt to replace the government’s role as controller of powerful
multinational corporations.

Most companies have clear, coherent policies on
social, environmental and ethical issues. Leading companies have come to the need to
combine the disparate elements of corporate policy related to the company’s
relationship with the external environment and develop holistic approaches to
interaction with society. On the one hand, such a policy is associated with the
philosophy of the company, its marketing strategy, on the other hand, it meets
the expectations of society.

One reason,
that has prompted large companies to pay more attention to public relations
policy, is the relationship between public opinion and sales. The attitude to a
particular product or brand is now determined not only by the quality of the
product itself and the effectiveness of advertising, but by the overall image
of the company, including the responsibility of its behavior towards partners,
employees, the environment, and society as a whole, all these affect consumer

today most large companies in the USA and Western Europe have formed their own
corporate social responsibility policies. They have created unions of companies,
their goal is to develop and promote the concept of corporate social
responsibility, this topic is being developed by researchers and experts
working in the field of corporate governance. The study of the concept of
corporate social responsibility is included in all training courses on
corporate management of leading economic universities.

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