Physiology of the Nervous system Эссе Иностранные языки

Эссе на тему Discuss, citing experimental evidence, the extent to which the properties and responses of individual receptors account for our sensations of stimuli that contact the skin.

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Properties and responses of individual receptors to irritants in contact with the skin

1. General information about cutaneous receptors

Skin receptors are exteroreceptors. Considering skin receptors in this work, we single out monomodal receptors, that are respond to only one type of stimuli.

Cutaneous receptors are located at the distal ends of the primary sensory axon. They look like dendrites in which threshold stimuli elicit arousal due to impact on the primary sensory axon.

Fig. 1 Types of cutaneous receptors

Although sensory receptor types are thought to encode consciously perceived modalities, there is no exact correlation. The skin contains many sensory receptors for detecting mechanical, thermal, nociceptive (consciously perceived painful) stimuli acting on the surface of the body.

Mechanoreceptors detect stimuli such as touch, pressure, vibration, and sound from the external and internal environments (French, 2009). These

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