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Introduction 3
1. The description of a company 4
2. The overview of the CG in the company 10
Conclusion 17
Bibliography 19




CJSC «TD Tandem» was founded in 2003. CJSC TD TD Tandem is the exclusive distributor of the Japanese corporation Takara Belmont, which is engaged in the production of equipment for beauty salons and medical clinics, as well as the production of professional cosmetics for hair and scalp LebeL. Takara Belmont Corporation was founded more than 90 years ago in Japan and currently occupies a leading position in the markets of Asia, USA, Europe. The main motto of the company is the following statement: “Our innovations today are already becoming the world standard tomorrow.” In January 2012, TD Thandem CJSC becomes the exclusive representative of MT Metatron Japanese Neurocosmetics, TD Thandem CJSC has its own representative office in St. Petersburg, as well as a wide distribution network in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus.

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In our opinion, the choice of a marketing strategy should begin with the definition of what the company produces or will produce, that is, with the goods.
The use of appropriate tools at the stages of strategic analysis makes it possible to identify and respond flexibly in a timely manner to changes in environmental factors.
CJSC «TD Tandem» was founded in 2003. CJSC TD TD Tandem is the exclusive distributor of the Japanese corporation Takara Belmont, which is engaged in the production of equipment for beauty salons and medical clinics, as well as the production of professional cosmetics for hair and scalp LebeL. In January 2012, the company TD TD Tandem becomes the exclusive representative of the Japanese neurocosmetics MT Metatron, and in the summer of 2015 the company expanded the brand portfolio with the Italian phytocosmetics for hair and scalp NUBEA.
The study conducted in this chapter led to the following conclusions: when evaluating the activities of TD Tandem, CJSC, the following management problems are identified that need to be addressed at the strategic level:
1. Analysis shows that in 2015-2017 income structure has changed somewhat. The share of sales of Lebel products increased to 90%. Such a sales structure indicates a significant dependence of the company on the Lebel supplier.
2. The increase in the cost of transportation and adaptation of products. Financial expenses associated with the change in the national currency during import operations.
3. Ineffective advertising policy, affecting the additional costs of the company without their payback. It is required to organize an advertising promotion in order to achieve a synergy effect from the implementation of all the company’s TM.
4. The analysis of environmental factors showed that the most significant impact on the activities of TD TD Tandem has a tightening of state legislation in relation to imported products and fluctuations in the exchange rate of the national currency. Also, experience with suppliers leads to the conclusion that the company’s product policy is unpredictable, which complicates the work and achievement of the company’s goals.
5. Evaluation of the structure of the marketing department showed that it was created with defects in the enterprise. The biggest problem is the lack of a regional development marketer. This is not in line with the company’s objectives in terms of expansion to regional markets.
In general, it is possible to identify key tasks that need to be addressed:
— Improved advertising and sales management.
— Formation of the official marketing strategy of TD TD Tandem.
— Improving the management structure — the marketing department.
— Organization of the Academy of Beauty for staff training.
— Reduced dependence on the prevalence of Lebel brand products in the turnover.
— More active development of the company’s regional development direction.
The above tasks are proposed to be solved by implementing the following strategies:
— Strategy to strengthen the position of TM.


Фрагмент текста работы:


1. The description of a company

The key factor in the decline in household incomes in Q1 2017 was high consumer inflation. The aggregate increase in consumer prices in the first three months of the year was 7.4%, while for the same period in 2016, the same indicator was at the level of 2.3% (Figures 1 and 2 of Appendix 7).
The peak of inflation occurred in January 2017, and the highest increase in prices was manifested in food and non-food products. In the first quarter, inflation in food reached 11.8%, in non-food products — 6.8%, in alcoholic beverages — 5%, and in services — 3.3%.
In contrast to the situation in 2016, when the January price increase affected primarily alcoholic beverages, in the first quarter of 2017, the lion’s share of the aggregate consumer inflation was due to the increase in food prices. The monthly dynamics of indicators indicates a gradual slowdown in inflation by the end of the third quarter: in March 2017, consumer price growth was 1.2%, that is, it slightly exceeded last year’s figures, and even fell below 2016 inflation in April and May.
High inflation rates at the beginning of the year caused a significant increase in the subsistence minimum. If in the first quarter of 2016 the subsistence minimum on average for the entire population was 7,688 rubles, and in the fourth quarter of the same year, 8,234 rubles, then in the first quarter of 2017, its value increased to 9,662 rubles. Thus, over the past year, the cost of living wages increased by more than a quarter.
This, in turn, led to an increase in poverty: in the first quarter of 2017, the population with incomes below the subsistence minimum amounted to almost 23 million people, and the poverty rate jumped to 15.9%, which is 2.1 percentage points . more than the first quarter of last year.
The main results of the activity of TD TD Tandem in 2015-2017. presented in table 1.

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