Английский язык Другое Иностранные языки

Другое на тему Сделать книгу

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
Нажимая на кнопку, я даю согласие
на обработку персональных данных
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Text 1. Ebb and flow. 3

Text 2. Aurora Borealis. 5

Text 3. Sound
Analysis. 9

Text 4. Halos
and crowns. 12

Text 5.
Sound. 15

Text 6. Color
saturation. 18

Text 7.
Cooling the mixture. 22

Text 8.
Impact of heat engines on the environment 25

Text 9.
Ultrasonic washing devices (USU) 28

Text 10. The
principle of operation of the bubble chamber. 32

Text 11.
Amazing sand. 35

Text 12. The
use of solar energy on Earth. 38

Text 13.  Devices History of the invention of steam
engines. 42

Text 14. The
history of the invention of turbines. 45

Text 15.
Electricity as a new method of extinguishing fire. 49

Text 16.
Physical experiment as a means of forming cognitive interest in schoolchildren. 54

Text 17.
History of formation and development of methods of teaching physics. 58

Text 18.
Organization of independent work of students in physics lessons. 64

Text 19.
Network of the wind farm. 69

Text 20. Is
the glass liquid?. 73

Text 21. How
to see the back of your head with a black hole?. 77

Text 22. What
do we see if we look at a molecule or atom in an optical microscope?  80

Text 23. Why
don’t birds die when they sit on power lines?. 84

Text 24.
Bubbles. 87

Text 25.
About the nature of heat. 90

Text 26.
Types of heat transfer in everyday life. 93

Text 27.
Humidity of the air. 97

Text 28. The
law of universal gravitation. 100

Text 29.
Artificial satellites of the Earth. 103

Text 30. The
use of electricity. 106




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Фрагмент текста работы:


The sun acts in almost the same way on everything on
and inside the Earth. The force with which the Sun attracts, for example, a
Muscovite at noon, when he is closest to the Sun, hardly differs from the force
acting on him at midnight! After all, the distance from the Earth to the Sun is
ten thousand times greater than the Earth’s diameter, and an increase in the
distance by one ten-thousandth when the Earth rotates around its axis by half a
turn practically does not change the force of gravity. Therefore, the Sun
imparts almost the same acceleration to all parts of the globe and to all
bodies on its surface.

Almost, but still not quite the same. This small
difference causes the ebb and flow of the ocean. On the part of the earth’s
surface facing the sun, the force of attraction is slightly greater than is
necessary for the movement of this part in an elliptical orbit, and on the
opposite side of the earth it is slightly less. As a result, according to
Newton’s laws of mechanics, the water in the ocean bulges slightly in the
direction facing the Sun, and on the opposite side recedes from the Earth’s
surface. There are, as they say, tidal forces that stretch the globe and give,
roughly speaking, the surface of the oceans the shape of an ellipsoid.

The smaller the distance between the interacting
bodies, the greater the tidal forces. That is why the Moon has a greater
influence on the shape of the World Ocean than the Sun. We talked about the Sun
simply because the Earth revolves around it, and here it is easier to
understand the reason for the deformation of the surface of the oceans. If
there was no cohesion between parts of the globe, the tidal forces would tear
it apart.

 The tidal wave
slows down the Earth’s rotation. True, this effect is small, for 100 years the
day increases by a thousandth of a second. But, acting for billions of years,
the braking forces will lead to the fact that the Earth will be turned to the
Moon by one side and the daytime will become equal to the lunar month. This has
already happened to the Moon. The moon is inhibited so much that it is turned
to the Earth all the time with one side.

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