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This thesis deals with English neologisms in structural and semantic view. Neologization is a major area of interest within the field of modern linguistic, that analyses trends in language development. This study provides new insights into neologisms within mass-media communication, that obtains a wide circulation in the 21st century.
The central thesis of this paper is that specific of mass-media texts influences the structural and semantic peculiarities of neologisms used in media world. This study provides an exciting opportunity to advance our knowledge in the field of studying English neologism and points out the main specific of modern media-neologism. Within this study we analyze neologisms, which appeared in the 21st century, because since 2000 appeared a significant number of new phenomena in USA, UK and in the whole world, e.g. global events of a political, economic and social nature, which caused a rapid growth neologisms.
The appeal to the study of neologism in the media world is not accidental: the cyberspace of the Internet is a socially used sphere (public sphere) that most quickly reacts to the emergence of new phenomena of the surrounding reality (Gerhards, Schäfer, 2009), and consequently creates favourable conditions for the creation not only neologism, but also whole lexical sets.
An objective of this study was to investigate the structural and semantic nature of neologisms used in media world.
My thesis is composed of two chapters. The first one consists the narrative and opinions to the definition of neologism and media-neologism in particular. Moreover, we describe the peculiarities of media sphere in terms of its influence on neologism creation. The second chapter presents the analysis of structural and semantic peculiarities of neologisms used in media world.

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The replenishment of the lexicon with neologisms is one of the main and driving factors for the development of a language. Everything that happens in society has its reflection in the language. Because of active spread of neologisms in mass media communication, where they acquire specific features and perform unique functions, so we have enough grounds to speak about media-neologism, which is understood as a linguistic neoplasm which is characterized by absolute novelty for most native speakers, which has arisen and functions within the media world and is characterized by specific features that are actualized at the graphic, stylistic, semantic levels that are associated with a marketing and linguistic specificity of the media discourse. The most popular structural model of modern English neologisms is affix world building. Moreover, such models as transmutation and metaphoric transfer are also popular. The semantic analyses provides an opportunity to state semantic groups of English neologism


Фрагмент текста работы:


The material used in data collection is English newspaper, such as USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Daily News, New York Post, Newsday, ABC News, Bloomberg, Boston Globe, CBS News, CNN, FOX News, Huffington Post, NBC News, Washington Times. The date of occurrence in media world within the established synchrony period (for example: braniac — “by Obloid July 01, 2014”) was determined using the following lexicographical online publications with a regularly updated lemmatic corpus: Cambridge Dictionaries Online Blog, Wordspy, Macmillan Buzzword Dictionary , Urban Dictionary, Oxford Living Dictionaries, Merriam-Webster, Collins English Dictionary, American Heritage Dictionary.

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