Стилистика Другое Иностранные языки

Другое на тему Лингвистические средства реализации категории каузации в официально-деловом дискурсе

  • Оформление работы
  • Список литературы по ГОСТу
  • Соответствие методическим рекомендациям
  • И еще 16 требований ГОСТа,
    которые мы проверили
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Introduction. 2

Part I. Theoretical section. General understanding of
causation. 3

1.1.   Causality and the theory of field
structuring. 4

1.2.   Linguistic means of expressing the
category of causation. 10

1.3.   The official style. 16

Part II. Practical section. Search and analysis of
linguistic means of expression the category of causation. 23

Conclusion  25  



This term paper is devoted to the study of one of the
important components of the modern English language — the category of causation
and the linguistic means of its expression in the official style.

The development of cognitive research that directs
linguistics towards psychology, makes scientists think what language studies
give to the cognitive sciences, and what cognitive concepts of language add to
the linguist’s knowledge of the language. It is obvious that the study of human
consciousness helps linguists to acquire new knowledge about the language. From
this point of view, we will try to approach the analysis of the category of
causation, where, in general terms, the object is cause-effect relations.

The choice of the topic of the term paper and its
relevance are related to the need for further analysis of the typology of
causal constructions and their means of expression in the modern official
English text.

This term paper is aimed at studying the typology of
causative constructions in the modern official English text.

The subject of the study is the species and types of
causative constructions in the modern official English text.



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The interest of scientists from various fields of knowledge
(philosophers, physicists, linguists) to the problem of cause-and-effect
relations is due to the specificity of this category, which reflects the
primary importance of causal relations in human life. Causal relations are
universal relations, since there are no phenomena that would not have their
causes, and there are no phenomena that would not give rise to certain

These relations fix the consolidation in the language
of the most important stage of human thinking — logical inference, the
transition from statement to logical thinking, inference. That is why the study
of the problematic of expressing cause-and-effect relations by linguistic means
does not lose its relevance.

In the linguistic literature, you can find two terms
that correlate with the category of cause and effect — causality and causation.
Both terms go back to the Latin causa "reason, foundation",
"motive beginning". However, there is no clear definition of the
categorical essence of causation and causation.

This situation, of course, creates additional
difficulties in the work of linguists, whose works are aimed at establishing
adequate means of expressing cause-and-effect relationships in a variety of
languages. The following question requires clarification: the definition of the
status of the categories of causality and causation.

Both concepts are inevitably associated with the
philosophical concepts of causality and cause-and-effect relationships. The
cause-and-effect relationship is one of the leading forms of interconnection
and conditionality of the processes of objective reality. The categories of
cause and effect reflect the objective relationships that exist in nature and




Фрагмент текста работы:


Part I. Theoretical section. General understanding of


All phenomena, events, processes in nature and society
are caused by other phenomena, events, processes. Modern understanding of cause
is related to the activity beginning of the causing event. Any consequence is
explained by human activity and the realization of logical causation.

The basic term "causation" refers to the
causal relationship between two situations, where one situation generates another.
Causation is one of the leading forms of interconnection and objective reality
processes. The categories of cause and consequence reflect the objective
connections that exist in nature and society.

Causal inference is a crucial way that humans comprehend
the world, and it has been a major focus of philosophy, statistics,
mathematics, psychology, and the cognitive sciences. Philosophers such as Hume
and Kant had long argued whether causality is a human-centric illusion or the
discovery of a priori truth. According to David Hume causation is the
relation that holds between two temporally simultaneous or successive
events when the first event (the cause) brings about the other (the effect).

Unlike the ideas of contiguity and succession,
however, the idea of
necessary connection is subjective, in the sense that it derives from the act
of contemplating objects or events that we have experienced as being constantly
conjoined and succeeding one another in a certain order, rather than from any
observable properties in the objects or events themselves.[1]


[1] David Hume [Electronic
resource]. – URL: https://www.britannica.com/topic/causation

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