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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления



Chapter 1 Theoretical Aspects of the Development of Trade
and Economic Relations  6
1.1. The concept and essence of foreign economic
relations. 6
1.2. The type and form of international economic
relations. 11
1.3 Norms of international law and international
institutions of regulation of foreign economic relations. 15
Conclusions for the first chapter 25
Chapter 2 Analysis of the development of trade relations
between the USA and the EU.. 27
2.1. Dynamics and structure of foreign trade. 27
2.2. Trade imbalance problem.. 35
2.3. Formation of integration ties between the US and the
EU.. 45
Conclusions for the second chapter 50
3.1. Direct American investments in the economies of the
EU countries: dynamics and sectoral structure. 52
3.2. European investment in the US economy. 55
3.3. Prospects for the development of economic relations
between the US and the EU, their impact on Russian interests. 60
Conclusions for the third chapter 67





Relevance of the topic. The
beginning of the 21st century was marked by the intensification of the
processes of globalization and integration, both for the world community, which
contributed to the expansion of the boundaries of the world market of goods and
services for the active movement of factors of production, primarily capital,
technology and labor resources. The globalization of world economic relations
poses new challenges to the world community, the solution of which may be
possible with a significant change, improvement and activation of the state
foreign trade policy.

In the context of globalization
of socio-economic processes, an effective foreign economic policy, which
involves the intensification of foreign trade, is the most important direction
for the successful development of any national economy.

The efficiency of foreign trade
policy is influenced by economic processes in the world economic system and
within the national economy, among which it should be noted: the degree of openness
of the economy; economic interdependence of states (integration);
competitiveness of goods and services; internationalization of production (MNC,
TNK); socio-economic and military-political processes taking place in the world
economic system, etc. Foreign trade policy is aimed at the comprehensive
economic development of the country and active interaction with foreign
countries in the field of foreign economic activity — the implementation of
foreign trade operations, international exchange of various types of goods and
services, technologies, information, etc. In accordance with international
practice, their conclusion is accompanied by the signing of contracts, which
provides for mutual benefit for all participants: terms of delivery of goods
and services, transportation and insurance, loading and unloading, etc. One of
the most global types of such relationships is the external economic relations
of the USA and the EU.

The allied relationship between
the United States and Great Britain, which emerged during the Second World War,
has been going on for over 70 years. Their longevity was fueled by both the
desire of the British elite to retain their country’s influence on the
international arena after the loss of the empire, and the US interest in a
strong military ally that owns territories in different parts of the world,
which in many ways shares the same values ​​with the United States. Having
passed a number of tests, the special Anglo-American relationship continues to
have a significant impact on the interaction between Washington and London in
the military-political sphere, both bilaterally and at the regional and global
levels. Outlined in the 2000s, the turn of the United States to Asia, the rise
of new centers of power, the consequences of the 2007-2008 financial crisis and
the prospect of cuts in military spending in Europe forced politicians and
experts from both countries, especially in Great Britain, to raise the issue of
reassessing the importance of US-British relations. In addition, 2016 was
marked by two important events that affected bilateral relations and influenced
the policies of countries in the international arena.

As a result, the old
contradictions of both countries with the EU have intensified; Great Britain
was forced to rely on the support of its partner to an even greater extent.
Given the impact of globalization on the economies of developed and developing
countries and the uncertain prospects of international organizations, many of
which were created back in the bipolar period (primarily the UN and NATO), it
seems relevant to analyze Anglo-American relations in 2001-2017, the changes
that took place in them, and to find out how they influenced the joint actions
of London and Washington in the international arena. The United States and
Great Britain are given an important place in Russian foreign policy; relations
with these countries are currently in crisis. Taking into account the economic
and military potential of both countries, their influence in international
organizations and their role in regional conflicts, as well as the fact that
their alliance is one of the most stable over the past seventy years, an
analysis of US-UK cooperation in the international arena is necessary and

The degree of elaboration of the
problem. The problems of external economic cooperation between the EU and the
United States are studied in the works of such scientists as E.L. Andreeva,
G.Ya.Belyakova, L.R. Batukova, N. Van, N. Volgina, I. S. Gladkov, A. Davydov.
Yu., Dubovik M.V., Zimenkov R.I., Istomin I.A., Komkova E.G., Kochetkov G.B.,
Kuznetsov D.A., Lebedeva L.F., Fedorovich V.A. , Sudakova N.A., Porokhovsky
A.A., Portnoy M.A., Rey A.I., Rybakovsky O.L., Supyan V.B. and etc.

The work presents the research of
such foreign scientists as Reinhart R. J., Krige J., Haas E. B., Hunter R. E.,
Beck U. and others.

The aim of this work is to study
the foreign economic relations between the USA and the EU.

To achieve this goal, the following
tasks were formulated:

· consider the evolution of the
US foreign economic strategy

· to determine the most important
directions of the modern foreign economic policy of the European Union

· analyze the dynamics and
structure of foreign trade

· identify trade imbalance

· explore the features of the
formation of integration ties between the US and the EU

· to analyze the dynamics and
sectoral structure of direct American investments in the economies of the EU
countries and the United States; to analyze European investments in the US

· determine the prospects for the
development of economic relations between the US and the EU, their impact on
Russian interests

The object of the research is the
external economic cooperation between the EU and the USA.

The subject of this research is
the patterns and tendencies of foreign economic relations between the United
States and the EU.

Scientific novelty of the final
qualification work:

— a comprehensive study of the
categorical apparatus of foreign economic relations was conducted;

— current trends and factors of
foreign economic relations between the EU and the United States are identified;

— a comparative analysis of
expert opinions in the development of foreign economic relations between the EU
and the United States was carried out.

The information and empirical
base was made up of statistical, information and analytical data of the
statistical services of the EU and the USA, reference information and
documents, monographs, articles, scientific reports posted on the Web pages of
leading research centers, universities and publishing houses of Russia,
materials of scientific seminars and conferences.

Research methods: when writing
the work, general scientific research methods were used — analysis and
synthesis, logical and historical, statistical and graphic.

The theoretical and practical
significance of the study lies in the analysis of trade and investment
relations between the EU and the USA, identifying problems and outlining the
prospects for their development.

The structure of the work is
determined by the goals and objectives of the research. The work consists of an
introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography of used

The introduction substantiates
the relevance of the topic, the purpose and object of the study, the practical
significance of the work, and forms a range of issues under consideration.

The first chapter examines the
approaches of American and European scientists to the development of economic
cooperation, examines the evolution of the US foreign economic strategy, and
also identifies the most important directions of the modern foreign economic
policy of the European Union.

In the second chapter, the
dynamics and structure of foreign trade are analyzed, the problems of imbalance
in trade are identified, and the features of the formation of integration
relations between the United States and the EU are analyzed.

The third chapter analyzes the
dynamics and sectoral structure of direct American investments in the economies
of the EU countries, analyzes European investments in the US economy, and also
identifies the prospects for the development of economic relations between the
US and the EU, and their impact on Russian interests.

In the conclusion,
the conclusions and proposals are presented as a result of the study of this
final qualifying work.

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Фрагмент текста работы:


Chapter 1 Theoretical Aspects of
the Development of Trade and Economic Relations

1.1. The concept and essence of
foreign economic relations

Objectively developing world and
internal processes: globalization, integration, the formation of a single
economic space, internationalization, regionalization, the rapid development of
cross-border cooperation — lead to a rethinking and evolution of the entire system
of international relations. In fact, the impetus for such a rethinking was the
proclamation of an absolutely legitimate thesis that international relations
are not exclusively intergovernmental. In the science of international law, the
understanding of international relations as intergovernmental,
intergovernmental relations that go beyond the territory and competence of one
state has long been established. Obviously, such an interpretation narrows the
philological content of the term “international”, which outside the framework
of the science of international law is interpreted as “existing between
nations, international”[1].
Therefore, today a number of scholars argue that international relations have
acquired a truly international character in the exact meaning of this term[2].

Attempts to develop a holistic
economic concept explaining the reasons and its position in the economic life
of the country began to be made even after the ancient dissolution of European
countries. Among the numerous studies that have been devoted to the practical
confirmation of the provisions and conclusions of the concept of the theory of
the trade division, one can distinguish such as the theory of absolute
advantages by A. Smith, the theory of comparative advantages by D. Ricardo and
the theory of Heckscher Ohlin, the theory of the ratio of factors of

From the point of
view of A. Smith, each country has an absolute advantage in one of the
production sectors, which means that if a country has an absolute [1] Мировая экономика и международные экономические
отношения: учебн. для бакалавров/Пономарева Чеботарёв Н.Ф.-М.: Дашков и К,
2013. — 350 с. [2] Цветков В. А., Байдурин М. С. К вопросу
осмысления новых теоретических подходов к системе управления экономическими
интеграционными процессами на макроуровне // Журнал экономической теории. 2014.
— № 4. – С.11

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