Дипломная работа (ВКР) бакалавр, специалист - Иностранные языки Английский язык

Дипломная работа (ВКР) — бакалавр, специалист на тему The peculiarities of the usage of infinitive and infinitive constructions in English on the example of English-language media

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1.1 Role and Functions of Infinitive in
English. 6

1.2 English Infinitive Constructions: key
characteristics. 15

1.3 Categorial and Morphological
Peculiarities of English Infinitive Constructions  22

Summary. 30


2.1 Analysis of English Infinitive
and Infinitive Constructions in “The Economist”  31

2.2 Analysis of English Infinitive
and Infinitive Constructions in “The Vogue”. 55

Summary. 73






The infinitive forms of verb go beyond the usual verb
categories, possessing a number of functions: they express actions without the
indication of the person and, and in terms of the syntactic functions
performed, they describe actions. The use of the infinitive and infinitive
constructions is widespread in English, therefore, the study of their
functioning in the text allows drawing conclusions about the structure and
style of the English language.

Within the framework of media texts, various features
are also distinguished. These differences are most pronounced in various genres
of text having various target audience. Comparison of the features of the
functioning of the infinitive and infinitive constructions in such
publications, varying in their target audience, is an important research

The relevance of the research of the features of the use of infinitive
and infinitive constructions in the English language is determined by the
importance of studying the features of the syntax of the English language
through the prism of a media style. Revealing the characteristic features of
the use of the infinitive, its semantic role in various media texts allows to
get a holistic idea of its functioning in modern English.

The object of this research is the infinitive and infinitive constructions
in modern English.

The subject of this research is the structural, syntactic and semantic
features of the use of the infinitive and infinitive constructions in the
modern English-language media.

The purpose of this research is to identify the characteristic
syntactic, semantic and structural features of the English infinitive and
infinitive constructions based on the material of the English-language media.

The set purpose implies the solution of the following tasks:

1. Determine
the role and functions of infinitive in English;

2. Figure
out the key characteristics of English infinitive constructions;

3. Figure
out the categorial and morphological peculiarities of English infinitive

4. Analyze
the peculiarities of infinitive and infinitive constructions in the texts
published in “The Economist” and “The Vogue”;

5. Compare
the distinctive features of infinitive and infinitive constructions in the
texts published in “The Economist” and “The Vogue”.

The research source is publications in magazines “The Economist” and
“The Vogue”.

The research is based on the work of such scientists as I.V. Arnold, O.
N. Baklashkina, L.S. Barkhudarov, R.A. Budagov, V.P. Danilenko, O. N.
Zhuravleva, V.L. Kaushanskaya, V.Yu. Koprov, N.I. Korobkina, A.V. Kuklina,
Yu.A. Levitsky, I.N. Mikhailovskaya, S.E. Molchanova, S.S. Petina, A. Yu.
Sokolova, E.F. Yaroslavtseva, S. Greenbaum, L. Murray, G. Sweet and others.

The methodological base of the research includes the following methods:

1. Analysis
and synthesis when working with relevant scientific literature;

2. The
method of semantic and syntactic analysis, the method of sampling, the method
of structural and functional analysis when working with source texts.

3. Descriptive
and comparative method when working with the corpus of examples of infinitive
and infinitive constructions.

The theoretical significance of the research is based on the fact that
the study allows to deepen the understanding of the structure of the infinitive
and infinitive constructions, helps to determine the syntactic and semantic
functions of the infinitive and infinitive constructions.

The practical significance of the research is the fact that the results
obtained can be used in seminars on the Theoretical Grammar of the English
language, as well as in writing coursework and final qualification works, in
the preparation of educational materials by teachers of the English language as

The structure of the
research is determined by the set purpose and objectives. The work consists of
an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list

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Фрагмент текста работы:


and Functions of Infinitive in English The minimum communicative unit of
language is a sentence, which serves to convey information about reality,
expresses judgments, assessments, and serves the purpose of posing questions. A
sentence is built under certain grammatical laws, has its own characteristics,
categories, intonation and semantic completeness, as well as predicativity, are
characteristic of it. Expressing relevance to reality, predicativity
distinguishes a sentence from such units of language as a word or a phrase.
Currently, there are many different interpretations of the concept of
predicativity, since the views of scientists on this syntactic category vary. In V.V. Vinogradov’s interpretation,
predicativity is the relevance of the information contained in the statement to
reality [Vinogradov 2011], while Yu. A. Levitsky explains predicativity as the
presence of a predicate in a sentence or its grammatical analogue in the
sentence [Levitsky 2013]. V. Yu. Koprov gives the following
definition of the concept: “predicativity is a common global logical property
of any statement expressed by any sentence. Predictivity is not a grammatical
fact, it manifests itself in the meaning of truth or falsity" [Koprov
2016, p. 87]. Yu. A. Levitsky believes that
predicativity is inherent not only in a sentence, but also in a phrase:
“predictivity is a category that expresses an event or fact of objective
reality, and therefore is inherent not only in an utterance as an actualized
linguistic unit, but also in a phrase and a separate member of a sentence with
propositive content, that is denoting an event or fact” [Levitsky 2014]. A separate type of predicativity, which
is currently of particular interest to linguists in connection with the active
development of semantic syntax, is additional predicativity. This term
describes a range of phenomena that reflect the relationship between the
syntactic structure of a sentence and its semantic complexity. The presence of
implicit predicativity distinguishes a sentence from both semantically complex,
but syntactically simple structures, and from a complex sentence as a special
grammatical structure [Pribytok 2015]. At the syntagmatic level, a sentence
that contains a secondary predication is a simple sentence, since it contains
only one main predicate. However, the paradigmatic structure of such
constructions is more similar to the structure of a complex sentence, since in
addition to the explicitly expressed predicative connection, the units under
consideration are characterized by implicit predicative connections. Secondary
predicativity is not self-reliant, since it always assumes the presence of
basic predicativity in a sentence and only takes place against its background,
therefore this type of predicativity is also called, “additional” [Petina
2016]. A characteristic feature of the English
language is the presence in it of similar secondary-predicative structures, the
components of which are interconnected by a syntactic predicative relationship
[Levitsky 2013]. This connection between the components is usually called
secondary-predicative, since it is secondary in relation to the predicative
connection between the subject and the predicate, which forms the sentence.
Accordingly, the constituent elements of secondary predicative structures are
not subject and predicate. They can be defined as a subject member and a
predicative member of a syntactic structure. Secondary predicative structures
in the English language are diverse, from which one can judge the high
frequency of their use in speech, which contributes to the implementation of
the function of linguistic economy [Koprov 2016; Korobkina 2013]. In English, the following types of
secondary predicative constructions are distinguished: infinitive, participial
and gerundial. Such constructions consist of two components: a nominal, which
can be expressed by a noun or a pronoun, and a verb component, which is one of
the non-finite forms of the verb. Thus, secondary predicative constructions are
subdivided into Infinitive Constructions, Constructions with the gerund, and
Constructions with the participle [Barkhudarov 2012].

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