Дипломная работа (ВКР) бакалавр, специалист - Иностранные языки Английский язык

Дипломная работа (ВКР) — бакалавр, специалист на тему Особенности перевода фразеологизмов с английского на русский язык, на основе сериала «Ведьмак».

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления





1.1 The Essence of Phraseological Units. 6

1.2 Classification of Phraseological Units. 11

1.3 Specificity of the Translation of Phraseological
Units from English into Russian  14

1.4 Summary of Results. 25


2.1 Characteristics of the Language Material.
Classification of Phraseological units Based on the Material of the Series
"The Witcher". 28

2.2 Analysis of Ways to Translate Phraseological Units
From English into Russian on the Material of the Series "The Witcher". 31

2.3 Results and Discussion. 46


3.1 Implementation of Research Results in the Field of
Translation Studies. 48

3.2 Implementation of Research Results in the Field of
Stylistics. 49

3.3. Results and Recommendation. 55






Language (speech) is a mirror that
stands between a person and the world. Language is the most important source of
the formation and manifestation of the mentality of the people. With its help,
the culture is preserved and passed on to other generations. And the
phraseological units of the language play an important role in this.

Phraseology of any language has, as
it were, a double personality. It is individual as a phenomenon of the modern
literary language, for each phraseological unit is an independent fragment of a
once active speech model, which has lost its relevance over time. It is
individual and as a reflection of any national realities that at one time
constitute the identity of the culture of a particular people – the linguistic
picture of the world. Thus, in English, phraseology is an ambiguous phenomenon,
characteristic only of this language, they are not subject to translation into
other languages; phraseological units are stable
inversions, the meaning of which is determined by the set of values of the
structural elements of the phraseological unit.

It is a well-known fact that in film
discourse, which is close to oral speech, phraseological units of various types
are implemented [35]. In
particular, such phraseological units as speech formulas and cliches are
actively used in film discourse, which currently remain insufficiently studied
[34]. However,
idiom phraseological units (phraseological units with a sentence structure)
also often appear in English-language films and television series. This aspect
of English phraseology has recently begun to attract the attention of
researchers, albeit mainly in terms of studying the possibilities of
translating such units into other languages. So, in the work of A.V. Yugai,
based on the texts of the American film discourse of the sitcom genre, analyzed
the features of the transmission of communicative-pragmatic functions of the
phraseological pun when translating the texts of the film discourse from
English into Russian [72].

Phraseologisms are called figurative
stable phrases, which include idioms, proverbs, sayings and other phrases that
have a figurative meaning. Phraseologisms carry communicative information
necessary for an adequate understanding of the communicative behavior of
characters. Therefore, it is so important to find an adequate way to translate
phraseological units [56].

Difficulties in translating
phraseological units were investigated by domestic and foreign scientists such
as V. V. Vinogradov, N. L. Shadrin, S. Florin, E. F. Arsentieva, A. V. Fedorov,
V. N. Komissarov, Yu. P. Solodub, N. F. Smirnov.
They argue that the polysemy and homonymy inherent in both words and phraseological
units, their contextual semantic transformations and author’s transformations,
ethnocultural differences of phraseological units close in meaning in different
languages, coinciding in meaning, but having different stylistic coloration,
create additional difficulties for the translator … Therefore, context plays
a huge role when choosing a translation option.

relevance of the research is determined by highlighting the best version of
the transfer of phraseological units, which would meet all the requirements of
an equivalent and adequate translation.

2The objective of the study is
to identify the features of the translation of phraseological units from
English into Russian based on the series "The Witcher".

3The achievement of this goal will be
facilitated by solving a number of research tasks:

1. To reveal the essence of the
concept of phraseological units.

2. To describe the classification of
phraseological units

3. To consider the specifics of
phraseological unit translation from English into Russian.

4. To analyze the features of the
translation of phraseological units from English into Russian on the material
of the series "The Witcher".

5. To determine the practical
significance of the research results.

4The object of the research was
the phraseological units of the English language.

5The subject of the research was
determined by the methods of translation of phraseological units from English
into Russian on the basis of the series "The Witcher".

The research is based on the
problem of phraseological units
from English to Russian.

Authors studied in
paper: S. I. Abakumov, O. S. Akhmanova, V. V. Vinogradov,
N. Sh. Isaeva, A. V. Kunin, A. I. Lyzlov, V. A. Maslova, N. G. Mingazova,
E. D. Polivanov, Ya. I. Retsker, G. G. Slyshkin, K. A. Sokolova,
O. A. Chepurnykh and others.

The material under research
includes 102 phraseological units selected using the method of
continuous sampling from 8 episodes of the "The Witcher" series.

The study consists of Introduction, three Chapters and Conclusion.

Chapter 1 deals with a number of
theoretical issues. The chapter contains 4 subsections.

Chapter 2 is devoted to the
peculiarities of the ways of translating phraseological units. The analysis
should be carried out using the material presented in the theoretical chapter
of this article. The analysis should be carried out using the material
presented in the theoretical chapter of this article. The chapter contains 3

Chapter 3 is called “The Practical
Significance of Research in Linguistics and Related Sciences.” It considers the
possibility of introducing the research results into scientific fields.

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The language is a complex object. It
is a means of communication, a sign system, the ability to communicate of a
special kind, a product and the main condition of human cognitive activity.

In the study we observe such branch
of linguistics as phraseology, within which stable combinations are studied
that function in a particular language. Phraseology is often understood as a
set of stable verbal combinations in the language as a whole, in the language
of one or another author, in the language of an individual work of art, etc.
But all the approaches to describe the phraseology agree that the main object
of the study is different aspects of phraseological units.

Phraseological units being a
component of a national culture, reflect folk psychology, folk culture and
philosophy, preserve information about mentality. We can conclude that
phraseological units characterize the representatives of ethnic groups, so these
language units are the key to understanding the ethnocultural mentality of the

The analyses of different scientific
sources performed withing the study allows us to conclude that there are
different classifications of phraseological units, which are based on certain

A lot of linguists dedicate their researches to
the translation of the phraseological units. The translation of phraseological
units from English into Russian is a great difficulty for the translator, since
they reflect the folk way of life, beliefs and observations, customs,
traditions. Consequently, phraseological units are a kind of microtexts, which
greatly complicates the translation process.

There are several methods of
translating phraseological units. There is no universal tool or a golden rule
for providing adequate translation of these lexical units. The choice of the
appropriate method is to be carefully done by the translator in every
particular situation. translation of phraseological units can be carried out by
using different kinds of equivalents, calquing, analogues, integral
transformation and descriptive (non-feature logical) translation, which in some
cases does not reduce their emotional and expressive coloring, although in most
cases it deprives the target language of the appropriate stylistic effect
inherent in the phraseological unit of the original language [29].

A high-quality translation of
phraseological units requires the translator to have a high level of linguistic
and cultural knowledge both about the language itself and about the country of
the language from which he is translating, as well as about the country of the
language into which the translation is carried out, in order to accurately
select the equivalent of phraseological units with national specifics.

Phraseologism is a stable phrase
reproduced in finished form, which performs a nominative or communicative
function and has a holistic constant meaning, a constant composition. These are
separately formed formations with fully or partially rethought components.

Taking into consideration the fact
that phraseological units of different types making a considerable part of
colloquial speech which is generally used in the scenery and movie production,
we find the study of translating phraseological units used in movies and series
to be of high interest.

Phraseological units used in the
series "The Witcher" are quite often such phraseological units that
correlate with the phraseological gaps of the language with which they are

A quantitative analysis of the
methods of translating phraseological units in the series "The
Witcher" showed that when translating phraseological units from English,
the lexical method was used to transfer 11 phraseological units, calquing — to
translate 9 phraseological units , descriptive translation – to transfer 8
phraseological units, combined — for the translation of 4 phraseological units . The results of the research, as well
as the collected theoretical material, can be further used in the field of
translation studies, in particular, in achieving equivalence in the translation
of films and serials, preserving the director’s intention.

Taking into consideration that the
detailed analyses of the examples provided in the research reveals the
incompetence of mere advanced language knowledge and the indispensability of a
deep socio-cultural, political, historical background of a translator, we consider
the material used in the research to be highly instrumental for further study
of translation of phraseological units from English into Russian, as well as
for a lecture material for students of the translation science.

Also, the conclusions made as a
result of the study can be used in the field of stylistics, since on their
basis it is possible to study the stylistic possibilities of phraseological
units not only in the series "The Witcher", but also in other films
and serials. The material we have collected allows us to further explore common
and occasional phraseological units.


Фрагмент текста работы:


UNITS FROM ENGLISH INTO RUSSIAN 1.1 The Essence of Phraseological Units

is a branch of linguistics that studies stable combinations. It is generally
accepted today to consider phraseology as a set of stable verbal combinations
functioning in the language (in the works of writers, publicistic articles,
various texts, both oral and written) [66, p. 68].

Figure 1 presents the most important
aspects of the scientific study of phraseology [17; 27]:

The object of phraseology is the categories
and groups of phrases, which are distinguished in speech by a special
originality. Phraseologisms can only be called these "special"
phrases, the composition of which is determined depending on the features taken
into account when identifying such phrases [15; 51].

In phraseology, several synonymous
terms are used to name the stable organization of words:

1) phraseologisms;

2) phraseological unit;

3) phraseological turnover;

4) a stable verbal complex;

5) phraseme.

In order to determine their stylistic
diversity, these terms are used as equal names for the analyzed language units.

According to the point of view of L. D.
Belousova and H. N. Galimova, phraseological unit is a relatively stable, reproducible,
expressive combination of lexemes, which is characterized by a holistic meaning
[8; 13]. V. A.
Maslova notes that in creating a linguistic picture of the world, phraseology
is given a significant role due to the nature of the semantics of these
language units, which, in turn, is determined by the life experience of native
speakers, their mentality and traditions of ethnic groups [70].

In the field of phraseology, the
first research began with the works of the Swiss linguist Charles Bally —
"French stylistics" and "Essay on stylistics", which
highlighted the main features by which a phrase can be considered
phraseological units:

– words in phraseological units have
a certain construction, which does not allow the introduction of other words
between them;

– the ability to replace
phraseological units with a certain word – an identifier;

– consists of several words that are
written separately [14].

The linguist interpreted
phraseological units as stable phrases with varying degrees of unity of their
components. He differentiated two types of features of phraseological turns:

– internal (semantic features of
phraseological units);

– external (structural features of
phraseological units).

To the essential, basic features of phraseological
units, the scientist classifies only semantic ones, which prove that only
internal features have real value, but external features are deceptive or
unreliable [7].

Questions about the study of stable
word combinations were raised in the works of S. I.
Abakumova [1], E. D.
Polivanova [42], A. A.
Potebnya [44], I. I. Sreznevsky
[55], F. F. Fortunatova
[64], A. A.
Shakhmatova [67] and others.
As a rule, scholars paid attention to the similarities and differences between
phraseological units and words.

In modern
linguistics, phraseological expressions are considered as separately formed
formations, consisting of fully or partially rethought components [25; 73]. These
components endow phraseological units with expressiveness and imagery.

Thus, the
above definitions show that among scientists there is no consensus regarding
the essence and nature of phraseological units.

In speech,
phraseological units are used to construct an utterance by designating
concepts, objects or phenomena [33]. Phraseologisms
and an ordinary phrase differ significantly from each other, since in an
ordinary phrase, each word has its own semantics. At the same time, the
semantics of the phraseological unit is characterized by inseparability,
cohesion, expressiveness [20; 24].

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