Дипломная работа (бакалавр/специалист) Иностранные языки Лингвистика

Дипломная работа (бакалавр/специалист) на тему Specifics of translating official documents (based on trade and diplomatic agreements)

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1.1 General Characteristics of the Official Style 6
1.2 Lexical and Grammar Peculiarities of the Style of Official Documents 14
1.3 Stylistic Peculiarities of Translating Official Texts from English into Russian 29
1.4 Summary of Results 36
2.1 Lexical Transformations in the Translation of Trade and Diplomatic Agreements 38
2.2 Grammar Transformations when Translating Trade and Diplomatic Agreements 49
2.3 Stylistic Translation of Trade and Diplomatic Agreements 55
2.4 Results and Discussion 58
3.1 Practical Recommendations for Translating Trade Agreements 60
3.2 Practical Recommendations for Translating Diplomatic Agreements 65
3.3 Results and Recommendation 70




At all times, business communication was one of the most important components of human life, the main mean of interaction and the lever of influence of some subjects of a communicative act on others.
The number of documents, as well as the need to study them from a linguistic point of view, is constantly increasing. There is a lot of research work on terminology, but the problem of translating specific terminology used in official texts is not sufficiently disclosed, there are no systems of rules that could help in translating various documentation, and there is a lack of consistency in the translation of normative text in translation.
A lot of translation works are devoted to the question of how to reduce the risks of losing information in translation. “invariance”, “equivalence” and “adequacy”, between which there are still disagreements in interpretation, appeared at the center of studies of general and linguistic translation theory. In the translation of business discourse texts, the concept of normative equivalence remains relevant, which, at first glance, should not create significant problems in achieving equivalence. However, the description and comparison of linguistic schemes between language pairs in certain types of text, which is complicated by the openness of the genre system of texts, remain insufficiently considered.
The interest of scientists in the detailed analysis of the features of the translation of official texts does not subside. Since the end of the twentieth century I.I. Borisenko, A.G. Zaruma-Barskikh, V.V. Kalyuzhnaya, A.N. Kovaleva, A.V. Konovchenko, V.N. Krupnova, S.E. Maximova, E.N. Muratova, J.S. Safarova, V.V. Chepelyuk engaged in research in this direction. Today, V.Yu. Kizim, I.A. Rud are studying the stylistic features of the translation of official documentation, N.E. Kashchishin use a terminological approach to the analysis of official documentation, L.А. Yarovaya explores the lexical and grammatical features of the translation of official documents.
So, the relevance of this work is due to the rapid pace of development of foreign economic relations, an integral part of which is the official business style of the English language; the need to study the specifics of using lexical and grammatical transformations when translating official texts from English into Russian.
The object of study is the texts of diplomatic and trade agreements in English and their translations into Russian.
The subject of study is the peculiarities of the translation of official business texts (namely, trade and diplomatic agreements).
The objective of this work is to study the specifics of translating English Trade and Diplomatic agreements from English into Russian.
The solution of a number of tasks contributes to the achievement of the objective:
1. To provide a general characteristic of official texts.
2. To describe the essence of the concepts of the term and cliché in the official business texts.
3. To describe the features of the translation of official texts from English into Russian.
4. To analyze lexical transformations when translating official texts from English into Russian.
5. To analyze grammatical transformations when translating official texts from English into Russian.
6. To develop practical recommendations for translating trade and diplomatic agreements.
The practical significance of the study is that the collected material can be used in the process of translating various official texts; in the process of training translators and students of foreign language faculties.
The structure of this work is determined by the purpose and objectives of the study and consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of references, and one appendix. The first Chapter is devoted to the concept of “discourse” and the distinction between types of official business style. The second Chapter deals with the peculiarity of translation of official documents. It examines the specifics of the translation of official documents, as well as lexical and grammatical transformations in trade and diplomatic agreements. The third Chapter provides practical recommendations for the translation of trade and diplomatic agreements. The Conclusion is devoted to the main conclusions and proposals for the translation of official business documents.

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When analyzing the official texts and lexemes and grammatical phenomena found in them, one can come to the conclusion that they are largely due to the specifics of the document genre.
As a result of the analysis, the following conclusions were made:
1. Equivalence remains in our time one of the key questions of the general and linguistic theory of translation. The degree of similarity between the source text and the translation text depends on many factors and is expressed by five types of equivalence, which are affected by the norms of the language system, the linguistic picture of the world and the uzus. In the translation of business discourse texts, the main attention is focused on conventional equivalence, which is complicated by the openness of the genre text system.
2. On the basis of the conducted research, it was established that the style of trade and diplomatic agreements cannot be attributed to any one of the types of business style. This documentation cannot be viewed as a whole, differentiating it by type, since the stylistic means of a particular document are not of the same type, which is what creates their specificity. The following features are paramount in international documents: consistency, formality, emotionlessness, accuracy and stereotype.
3. Depending on the tasks of a communicative nature, the textual material of the document acquires some form of organization. The language base of international documentation is commonly used and contains a neutral layer of vocabulary, which is combined with special and terminological (in particular, terms of various sublanguages), as well as abbreviations, abbreviations, assimilated by Latin and French inclusions.
4. When creating an international document template, such grammatical constructions as an obligatory inversion of the subject and the predicate, the interparticle turn, the passive form, as well as the corresponding tense forms and modal verbs play an important role. When translating official business texts, not only the content side should remain, but also the structure that is closest to or coincides with the structures in the original text, both in terms of large syntax and grammatical structures. Semantic content of international documents can be preserved through the use of various types of grammatical transformations.
5. Translation of the official text vocabulary is a translation problem that the translator has through various lexical transformations. Analysis of the lexical component on the example of the contract showed the presence of a significant number of military lexical elements (one- and multi-component terms). The main ways of reproducing military vocabulary of English-language military contracts in Russian are: translation by lexical equivalent, transformational translation, transcription / transliteration, descriptive translation, tracing, etc.
6. The grammatical transformations used in the translation of official business texts include grammatical transformations such as functional replacement, distribution, truncation, and rearrangement of the components of a sentence. According to the results of the research, it was established that the most used translation transformations are the distribution and rearrangement of the components of the sentence.

The prospect of the research is the further study of lexical and phraseological means of translating official texts.


Фрагмент текста работы:


1.1 General Characteristics of the Official Style
The interest of modern linguistic science in anthropocentric and communicative research has led to the isolation and active research of such a macro category of language as discourse. The term «discourse» was firstly introduced into scientific circulation in 1952 by Harrison in the context of the term discourse analysis to refer to the “method of the coherent speech (writing) analysing” [92, p. 39].
Gradually, the interpretation of discourse in the humanities acquired more delineated contours. Discourse has become defined as a kind of language abstract, which virtually exists in the depths of a living national language, or artificial language restrictions that perform a certain social function, “surrogate” sublanguages. As an illustration of such artificial «sublanguages», languages of science, art, languages of political communities can serve [53, p. 304]. Each such sublanguage creates its own picture of the world, a special “mental world”. In the space-time continuum of lively speech, different discourses coexist freely: mythological, religious, scientific, philosophical, ideological etc.
Thus, each discourse is a special sublanguage, a special speech practice, which is used in certain functional areas of linguistic community. The problem of defining business discourse consists, first of all, in determining its place in the continuum of a common national language (in our case, English). It should be noted that the scientific substantiation of the concept of business as a special form of economic activity occurred in the 2nd half of the 20th century, although the first attempts were made by Cantillon in the 17th and Jean-Baptist Say in the 18th century. From the distinction of economic theory to macro- and microeconomics (the first mention of this is dated 1933), business became the subject of microeconomic research, where it received its scientific justification. Thus, business discourse can be considered a kind of macroeconomic discourse, although it is believed that the separation of economic discourse, despite the rapid development of economic terminology, did not occur [7, p. 11-14].
Although the discourse, which is produced at the macroeconomic level or at the level of the whole society, also has its own speech practice, namely: parliamentary hearings on economic issues, discussion of economic bills and resolutions, economic election programs of deputies, economic studios and disputes, public speeches by economists, a survey public opinion and referendums etc.
Unlike economic discourse, business discourse is actualized in four main areas. This is commerce, manufacturing, finance and intermediation. Each of these areas has its own characteristics, caused by: thematic and intentional direction, terminology and features of its application, rules of professional behaviour of participants in communication, which gives reason to consider them as varieties of business discourse.
In modern discourse theory, it is customary to define its parameters such as style, genre, register. According to T. van Dyck, the style depends on the type of discourse (news, editorial, political propaganda) or on the point of view of the speaker or writer. Style analysis can also determine typical genres (history or report), social characteristics (formal — informal), belonging to a certain cultural community (English or Latin American) [83, p. 159-177].
The problem of styles has a deep history, originating from ancient Greece and Rome, which was developed in the «theories of three styles» in Europe in the era of literary classicism of the 17th and 18th centuries and M.V. Lomonosov in Russia. The basic principle of language differentiation, according to the stylistic characteristics, is the selection and combination of existing language means, which provides for the concept of a norm. In linguistics, style is defined as “a kind of language, fixed in a given society by the tradition of one of the most common spheres of social life, and as different from other varieties of the same language in all the main parameters — vocabulary, grammar, phonetics” [51, p. 494].
In the educational-methodical and reference literature, the official business style (from the Latin Officium — service) is defined as “one of the functional styles of the literary language that meets the needs of society in formalizing business relations between organizations and institutions, as well as between members of society in the official sphere of their communication» [44, p. 182]. The official style can be distinguished into two varieties, or substyle: discussion-business; administrative and clerical.
According to the classification of E.E. Rosenthal and MA Telenkova on: officially documentary; trade and business [66, p. 345].
Discussion and business style (substyle) are considered as “a kind of journalistic style of oral monologue, which is used in speeches when discussing various issues at meetings of labor collectives, business meetings, seminars, meetings, etc.” [44, p. 65]. Administrative and clerical sub-style is “the language of official papers related to the production activities of people” [62, p. 7]. The given stylistic characteristic is limited to the division into oral and written aspects of business discourse, ignoring the genre diversity of its oral and written manifestations.
The concept of the genre in the English-speaking discourse theory is given much more attention than the concept of style, which is explained by the interest of modern linguistics to the social aspects of speech and its distinction, according to the theory of Austin-Sjörl speech acts, such as: prayer, preaching, conversation, song, speech, poem, letter, novel. Sometimes the concept of a complex genre is replaced by the concept of «functional style», for example, a church service [89, p. 156].
In the domestic literature, the genre (French Genre, from the Latin Genus (generis) — gender, species) is defined as “a kind of functional style, a form of verbal communication, which is dictated by certain conditions for constructing a composition of a holistic utterance. In the official business style, it is a genre of order, protocol, statement, etc.” [22, p. 60]. If the definition refers to verbal communication (and it can be both oral and written), then in the above example there is no illustration of its oral part, and the listed business written communication genres are far from complete. Even when you first view possible forms of written communication in business discourse, you can continue to list them at the expense of such genres as a questionnaire, business letter, report, memorandum, agreement, instruction, specification, price list, business plan, financial documentation. The oral part of the business discourse includes the following main genres: interview; phone conversation; meeting; business negotiations; presentation; the conference; annual meeting of shareholders, etc.

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